What is bronchitis? Many adults face this issue. Sometimes they consider the presence of a cough a symptom of the development of this disease. But it is not so. Bronchitis has clear symptoms and treatment methods. We will talk about this in the article.
What is bronchitis?
This disease can occur on its own or occur as a complication of SARS and other infections. Often transferred "on the legs" cold causes the development of bronchitis. And also some viral infections can initially affect the respiratory system in a short time. For example, banal chicken pox often gives complications in the form of bronchitis or pneumonia.

Inflammation of the bronchi and the accumulation of sputum in them leads to the development of the disease. Sometimes this condition is caused by viruses. This situation occurs in 80% of cases. But bacteria also become the culprits in the development of the inflammatory process in the bronchi. The course of the disease in this case will be complicated and the treatment will be longer.
Bronchitis can take several forms. Depending on the symptoms, they are distinguished:
- Acute - occurs against the background of SARS. Inflammation in the respiratory system is accompanied by active sputum production and a strong cough, with proper treatment it disappears within 10-14 days and leaves no consequences.
- Chronic - develops as a result of several inflammatory processes in the bronchi during the year, leads to complications and requires long-term treatment.
- "Cardiac" - not associated with infectious agents. Requires hospital treatment to prevent heart attack or stroke.
- Professional - observed in people whose working conditions are associated with harmful substances (miners, metallurgists, chemists in production).
Only a doctor, having established an accurate diagnosis, will be able to prescribe an adequate treatment for a particular type of disease.
Depending on the type of bronchitis according to ICD-10, it has its own international classification, which is often used in extracts and sick leave. These designations help to recognize the diagnosis only by code in different countries.
For example, acute bronchitis is coded J20, and chronic bronchitis is coded J41. Obstructive form - J44. Allergic cough caused by any irritants refers to the J45 code. The same encryption has bronchial asthma.
How does acute bronchitis manifest?
People often believe that the appearance of a cough already indicates the development of this disease. This is not entirely true. Cough occurs as a result of irritation of one or another organ of the respiratory system due to the penetration of viruses.
In this case, with proper treatment, the walls of the bronchi do not become inflamed. The patient's cough isfor 5-7 days and is considered a symptom of a cold. In the case when the doctor listens to moist rales and the airways are filled with sputum that is difficult to pass, one can speak of the development of acute bronchitis.
The patient may complain of a persistent cough and chest pain. They may be permanent or occur during deep inspiration. Especially often, such a symptom occurs a few days after the onset of acute bronchitis.
Sometimes there is a feeling during illness, when everything is squeezed in the chest and it is difficult to breathe. Whistling rales are heard on exhalation even at a distance from the patient. In this case, we can safely talk about swelling of the bronchi. Against its background, obstructive bronchitis occurs.
In this case, the air permeability in the respiratory organ is not completed in full and the viscous secret stagnates there. A dry obsessive cough begins, and even an asthma attack. Such a dangerous condition requires the immediate call of an ambulance.
Chronic disease
Any disease is easier to treat in the initial stage. If the patient delayed the visit to the doctor and the cough lasts more than one month, then we can talk about the development of chronic bronchitis.
It occurs against the background of frequent inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. Smokers and people living near hazardous industries also suffer from this form of the disease.
Chronic bronchitis causes serious complications if you do not take appropriate measures to treat it. For example, asthma will sooner or later become a lifelong comorbidity in these patients.
Bronchitis in adults can be accompanied by a rise in body temperature up to 38-39 °C. Dry cough begins with difficult sputum discharge. The patient feels general weakness and excessive fatigue.

After a few days, a wet cough appears, which gradually turns into a productive one. Abundant separation of mucus from the bronchi begins. This is a good sign, it means that the patient is on a straight path to recovery.
Very often, the temperature in bronchitis does not rise above subfebrile figures or is kept at a normal level. This does not mean that the disease does not require treatment. On the contrary, patients suffer such bronchitis "on their feet" and get a complication in the form of pneumonia. This diagnosis will lead the patient to the hospital.
Chronic bronchitis has somewhat blurred symptoms. In general, patients do not complain of an increase in body temperature. If she crawls up, it is insignificant, which means that the patient may not notice it.
The main symptom is a persistent cough. It responds poorly to expectorant drugs and may stop for a short time.

Already after 2-4 weeks, this symptom appears again. The patient begins to fight it again on his own, and this can last for more than one year, until the first suffocation occurs. And in this case, we can already talk about asthma.
What is bronchitis? Many people think that this is not a serious disease, especially if itpasses without raising the temperature. A very wrong opinion. This disease simply needs to be treated on time to avoid complications.
Usually, to make a correct diagnosis, it is enough for a doctor to listen to the patient's complaints and listen to his chest. Sometimes x-rays are required.
In chronic bronchitis, additional diagnostics are necessary. Here you can not do without spirography, blood test for immunoglobulin E, sputum examination.
And also one of the justified diagnostic methods in this case is bronchoscopy. This procedure is very unpleasant, but informative. A probe is inserted through the patient's mouth, at the end of which there is a camera. It reaches the bronchi, and the doctor sees the mucous membrane on the screen, assesses its condition.
With the help of special tools, the doctor can take the necessary sputum tests or remove a foreign body. The ingestion of food debris or small objects causes inflammation in the respiratory tract and, accordingly, coughing.
Very often, without noticing a foreign body in time, doctors give patients a false diagnosis. The treatment in this case does not help, and through additional diagnostics, the cause of a prolonged cough is found.
Depending on the type of disease, appropriate therapy is prescribed. At the first signs of bronchitis, it is necessary to start treatment. If the temperature rises, then it is necessary to bring it down with antipyretics. Paracetamol and aspirin are more commonly used for these purposes.
Adults can also use analginat the appropriate dosage. It is worth remembering that you need to bring down the temperature above 38.5 ° C. If the readings on the thermometer are lower, then it is better to refrain from taking medicines. You need to let the body fight the infection on its own, especially in the case of viral pathogens.
Most often, in the first days of the disease, the cough with bronchitis is dry. First of all, it needs to be translated into a productive one. To do this, you can use medicines and a few simple rules for organizing life:
- ventilate the room 2 times a day;
- humidity in the room should be at least 60%;
- temperature not higher than 20 °C;
- wet clean every night.
These simple tips will help you avoid complications. Thus, the mucous membranes will be constantly moistened, and the sputum will not stagnate.
To turn a cough into a productive one, you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day. For these purposes, warm compotes, teas and just still water are perfect.
It is also advisable to start taking medications that thin the sputum in the bronchi so that it comes out more easily during a cough:
- "Pectolvan ivy";
- "Gederin";
- "Broncholithin";
- "Gerbion", etc.
Basically, all drugs with this effect contain extracts from plants, so allergy sufferers should use them with caution. If a debilitating cough in the first days does not allow you to lead a normal life, then you can take "Sinekod".
Is it possible with bronchitisuse this drug in the treatment process? On the first day or two, with a paroxysmal cough, "Sinekod" will help alleviate the condition. But it should be remembered that it cannot be combined with other expectorants.

"Sinekod" reduces the cough reflex at the level of the nervous system. Therefore, during this period, sputum will not be excreted. And if you take another drug at the same time that causes mucus to flow, it will stagnate in the bronchi and bacteria will develop there, which can lead to pneumonia.
Sputum discharge
When the cough becomes productive, you can start using expectorants. Most commonly used:
- "Ambroxol";
- "Lazolvan";
- "ACC";
- "Flavomed";
- "Ambrobene" and others
They increase the amount of phlegm and it comes out faster when you cough. Bronchitis in adults is slightly milder than in children. This is due to the fact that babies do not have enough strength to cough up the accumulated mucus in full.

If the house has a compressor nebulizer, then inhalation for bronchitis will help to cope with the disease much faster. During a dry cough, you can carry out procedures with ordinary saline or Borjomi water (be sure to release gases in advance).
Thus, the mucosa will be well moistened, and the cough will gradually turn into a productive one. In case of obstructivebronchitis, it is necessary to carry out inhalations with "Ventolin" or "Berodual".
These drugs help open the bronchi, and the mucus will begin to come out. In case of severe inflammation in the respiratory system, hormonal preparations in the form of inhalations may be prescribed. More commonly used are Pulmicort and Flixodit.
With these drugs you need to be careful and do not use without a doctor's prescription. Such therapy can last 7-10 days. And now in the pharmacy you can buy "Lazolvan" and "Ambrobene" in a solution for inhalation. These drugs will help to remove phlegm when the cough has already turned into a productive one.
Folk methods
Recently one can hear the phrase from people: "I treat bronchitis with my grandmother's methods". Such methods are justified if used in conjunction with the treatment prescribed by the doctor or in the case when the disease is caused directly by viral pathogens.
If a complete blood count indicates a bacterial infection, then antibiotics cannot be avoided. But in this case, you can additionally treat bronchitis with alternative methods. Most often, they help to quickly remove phlegm.
The following mixture helps to get rid of dry cough very well:
- milk - 100 ml;
- butter -1 tbsp. l.;
- honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
- vodka 1 tbsp. l.
The first three components are mixed in a small saucepan, which is on fire. The mixture should not be brought to a boil. When the saucepan is already removed from the stove, vodka is added here. Allthe ingredients mix well. The remedy is taken 3 times a day for a tablespoon. It is heated before each use.

Excellent for coughs Another very simple way. It is necessary to purchase a large white radish and cut a hole in it inside. A spoonful of honey is poured into it. If the patient is allergic to this component, then sugar can be used.
Vegetable should be infused in this way for 10-12 hours. The radish will release the juice, and the recess will be completely filled with it. This liquid will need to be taken in a tablespoon 3 times a day.
Good reviews have a remedy based on the use of three medicinal herbs, it works especially well in chronic bronchitis. To prepare it, you need to mix 1 tsp. dry plants:
- chamomile;
- sage;
- coltsfoot.
Then they are poured with 200 ml of boiling water and infused for at least 40 minutes. You need to take a decoction of 100 ml 2-3 times a day.
And also various rubbing and compresses are useful when sputum is already well removed. You can simply grease the chest and back in the upper part well with honey and cover with cellophane on top. Such a compress must be kept for at least 2-3 hours.
Potato cakes are very good for coughing. To prepare them, you need to boil a few tubers and make a puree without liquid. A tablespoon of vodka and honey is added to it. Cakes are formed and wrapped in cellophane.
They are placed on the chest and back. Top needwrap yourself in a scarf. This compress is kept until the potatoes are completely cool. After the procedure, the skin is well lubricated with a fat cream.
To whom it is contraindicated to use recipes using alcohol-containing ingredients, you can try another remedy. It is necessary to heat 50 ml of milk and add 1 tbsp. l. "Borjomi". This method helps alleviate a dry cough.
Treatment reviews
Many people have experienced various types of bronchitis in their lives. Patients tried different methods of treatment on themselves, and came to the conclusion which drugs and folk methods help best.
For example, you can find a lot of positive comments about the inhalation treatment of bronchitis. Reviews are left by people who have purchased nebulizers and are very satisfied with the results of treatment. They note that with the help of inhalations with saline, a dry cough turns into a productive one in 1-2 days.

Also, this device becomes an essential item for obstructive bronchitis. Inhalations with "Ventolin" remove swelling from the mucous membranes already 15 minutes after the procedure. Then a few more days of application of such treatment completely remove the obstructive syndrome.
From drugs, patients with bronchitis emit "Lazolvan" and "Flavomed". From the comments on various sites and forums, one can understand that these medicines remove sputum well and help get rid of coughs.
From folk methods, variouscompresses and rubbing. Decoctions of medicinal herbs cope very well with coughing. Especially often used in the treatment of coltsfoot.
Many comments can be seen about taking antibiotics. Most often, for bacterial bronchitis, doctors prescribe cephalosporin drugs:
- "Cefix";
- "Sorcef";
- "Cedex";
- "Ceftriaxone";
- "Cefotoxime".
And broad-spectrum macrolide antibiotics are also used:
- "Fromilid";
- "Summamed";
- "Azithromycin", etc.
Patients note that it is necessary to drink some kind of probiotics while taking them. It can be "Linex", "Bio-gaya", "Yogurt", etc. And you also need to drink one-day kefir. It helps to restore the intestinal microflora, which is destroyed by antibiotics along with bacterial pathogens.
In the comments you can read that people who had bronchitis "on their feet" often faced complications. Therefore, it is better to provide the patient with peace during illness and in no case go to work, even if bronchitis occurs without fever.
In this article, the answer to the question of what is bronchitis and how to treat it was found. Therefore, using the advice, you can quickly cope with this disease.