Nutrition for tuberculosis: diet, he althy foods, a balanced diet

Nutrition for tuberculosis: diet, he althy foods, a balanced diet
Nutrition for tuberculosis: diet, he althy foods, a balanced diet

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by various types of mycobacteria. In order to quickly overcome the disease and restore strength, you must not only take all the medicines prescribed by the doctor, but also adhere to the recommended diet. In today's article, we will talk about the nutritional habits of TB patients.

Possible Diet Options

Usually, people diagnosed with tuberculosis are recommended table number 11. It involves the use of a large amount of protein, as well as the restriction of s alt, chemical and mechanical stimuli. Since the disease can have different localization and severity, experts have developed several variations of the diet.

The first type of therapeutic nutrition for tuberculosis is indicated for subfebrile body temperature, general hyposthenia and reduced reactivity of the body. The second option is prescribed for exacerbation of the disease, accompanied by significant tissue breakdown, and for inflammation that causes hyperthermia andexhaustion. Also, the patient should drink plenty of fluids. And to normalize oxidative processes and eliminate severe intoxication, it is usually recommended to introduce foods high in vitamin C. The third type of therapeutic diet is indicated for exudative phenomena. It involves the complete exclusion of s alt and limiting the amount of fluid you drink.


Healing nutrition for tuberculosis should fully comply with the general condition of the body. It is important that it be diverse and take into account the dynamics of the process. Diets that involve the introduction of strict restrictions are prescribed only for a short time. As a rule, they are recommended during an exacerbation and in case of complications.

nutrition for tuberculosis
nutrition for tuberculosis

Since the patient's body consumes a sufficiently large amount of protein, a lot of milk, eggs, fish and lean meat are introduced into his diet. In addition, the diet should include foods rich in easily digestible fats. As for carbohydrates, they should be about 450-500 grams per day. During the period of exacerbation, the menu is supplemented with products enriched with mineral s alts. The energy value of the diet is determined taking into account the patient's body weight, the presence of concomitant diseases and the course of the underlying disease. In chronic tuberculosis, it is 3600 kcal, in the period of half-bed rest - 2700 kcal, and at the stage of exacerbation - 2500 kcal. And you need to eat small portions every three hours. Products can be baked, stewed, steamed or boiled.


How long the diet will last, only the attending physician can decide. But severe dietary restrictions for tuberculosis are introduced for the shortest possible period. Softer menu options are quite balanced. Therefore, they can be adhered to indefinitely.

Return to the usual diet should occur gradually and taking into account all medical recommendations.

Diet focus

Eating during TB treatment can solve several problems at once. It is aimed at strengthening the immune system and saturating the body with substances that neutralize the negative effects of pathogenic microflora and eliminate foci of inflammation.

Also, the diet contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, the restoration of vitamin and mineral balance and the improvement of the digestive tract. It helps the body resist intoxication and replenishes the deficiency of vital substances resulting from the increased consumption of vitamins, metabolic disorders and protein breakdown.

What can I eat?

The success of TB treatment directly depends on how balanced the patient's diet is. The nutrition of the patient should be as useful and varied as possible. The menu must include bakery products made from whole grain rye or wheat flour. Such baking stimulates the evacuation function of the intestine. Patients are not forbidden to consume a moderate amount of puff pastry.

Soups should also be included in the diet. It is better to cook them on the second broth with the addition of cereals, herbs,potatoes, beets and carrots. Meat is considered an obligatory component of such a menu. To reduce the load on the liver, it is desirable to use varieties that do not accumulate toxic substances. It can be rabbit, chicken, turkey or lean lamb.

nutrition of patients with tuberculosis
nutrition of patients with tuberculosis

Sour-milk products play an equally important role in clinical nutrition. Therefore, the patient's diet is recommended to be supplemented with cheese, whey, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt and kefir. Regular use of these products helps to accelerate the scarring of tuberculous foci and enhance natural anti-infective immunity.

An integral part of such a diet are cereals, which are a source of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and dietary fiber. Flattened oats, brown rice and green buckwheat are best suited for these purposes.

Twice a week, the menu of people diagnosed with tuberculosis should include fish. Trout, pike perch, pink salmon and herring not only fill the body with many valuable substances, but also improve appetite.

It is also important that patients eat plant-based foods. Their diet must include vegetables with a high glycemic index, such as potatoes, beets, sweet potatoes, carrots, corn, and legumes. They improve the detoxification function of the liver and accelerate the excretion of feces. To satisfy the daily need for vitamins, it is recommended to eat berries and fruits regularly. It can be blackberries, strawberries, strawberries, black currants, kiwi, cranberries, gooseberries,orange and lemon.

What not to eat?

Nutrition for TB involves some restrictions. So, people suffering from this disease are strictly forbidden to consume white sugar, confectionery, semi-finished products, offal, strong meat broths, black tea, coffee, spices and spicy food.

nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis
nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis

It is also desirable to exclude tongue, liver, sausages, stew, pates, balyk and sausages from their menu. The diet of patients should not include canned fish, pork, alcohol, duck, goose and confectionery with fatty cream.

Features of the diet for tuberculosis of various organs

The patient's menu is also adjusted depending on what exactly is affected by the disease. So, the diet for kidney tuberculosis involves a complete rejection of canned food, smoked meats, alcoholic beverages, radish, horseradish, mustard and pepper. If the nasopharynx and larynx are affected, care must be taken to ensure that a sufficient amount of retinol enters the patient's body, which promotes the healing of damaged mucous membranes. In this case, it is recommended to use mushy, pureed, jelly-like or liquid food. Spicy, s alty and pickled foods, as well as too hot and too cold dishes, will have to be completely removed from the diet. All food should be warmed to room temperature.

Food during the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis complicated by heart failure should include a minimum of s alt and liquid. In case of damage to bones and joints, it is necessary to adhere to severaldifferent diet. In this case, you should enrich the menu with foods high in phosphorus and calcium. With kidney tuberculosis, you will have to forget about the existence of alcohol, strong coffee, smoked meats, muffins, fatty meat and egg yolks.

Essential Vitamins

To cure this disease, residually strong drugs are used that affect the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems. This must be taken into account when considering the diet in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. To improve the tolerability of medications, it is desirable to additionally take vitamin C, A, B and E. Their deficiency can be replenished not only with the help of pharmacy complexes, but also by adjusting the menu.

Lack of vitamin B1 leads to fatigue, loss of appetite and muscle pain. You can block it by introducing rice, meat and egg yolks into the diet.

tuberculosis treatment and nutrition
tuberculosis treatment and nutrition

An equally important role is played by vitamin B2, the deficiency of which negatively affects the condition of the skin, eyes and oral mucosa. Its deficiency can be eliminated not only by taking synthetic drugs, but also with the help of food.

Pulmonary tuberculosis is often accompanied by a lack of vitamin E. To eliminate this problem, the patient's diet should include cereals, green parts of plants, as well as soybean, peanut and corn oil.

Children's menu features

Unfortunately, tuberculosis does not spare not only the older, but also the younger generation. To make the child easier to bear the disease and recover faster, you need not just takemedicines prescribed by your doctor, but also follow a few simple dietary guidelines.

nutrition for tuberculosis during treatment
nutrition for tuberculosis during treatment

First of all, you need to adjust the diet. With pulmonary tuberculosis, moderation should be observed. It is advisable to feed an infected child often, but little by little. Food should contain all vital vitamins and be easily absorbed by the child's body. Experts recommend giving a sick child more fresh vegetables and fruits. And as a useful addition, it is advisable to introduce fish oil into his diet.

Example of one day menu number 1

He althy food can be not only he althy, but also delicious. So that you can be sure of this, we offer you one of the many options for the daily menu.

pulmonary tuberculosis treatment and nutrition
pulmonary tuberculosis treatment and nutrition

Start the day with fried fish, mashed potatoes, vegetable salad and a drink. For lunch, it is allowed to serve low-fat cabbage soup seasoned with a small amount of sour cream, baked meat with porridge and juice. For dinner, you can eat low-calorie cottage cheese and fruit puree. And shortly before bedtime, it is advisable to drink a glass of fresh kefir or yogurt.

Example of one day menu number 2

For breakfast, you can make pudding, milk buckwheat porridge and weak tea. After a few hours, it is advisable to refresh yourself with fruit mousse and calcined cottage cheese.

therapeutic nutrition for tuberculosis
therapeutic nutrition for tuberculosis

Lunch can consist of broth with dumplings, steak with vegetables and savoryapple compote. As an afternoon snack, a soft-boiled egg and rosehip broth are quite suitable.

Dinner can be baked potatoes with low-fat boiled fish, carrot puree and unsweetened tea. And before you go to bed, you should drink a glass of fresh yogurt.
