Why do my elbows peel off?

Why do my elbows peel off?
Why do my elbows peel off?

Why do my elbows peel off? There could be many reasons for this. Many women sin on beriberi and dry skin, but what if even the most expensive moisturizer does not help to cope with the problem? It is possible that in this way the body lets you know that something is wrong with it. So, what possible problems does peeling in the elbow area indicate?

peeling elbows
peeling elbows


If your elbows are very flaky, it is likely that this is one of the manifestations of psoriasis. If treatment is not started in time, irritation will begin to spread throughout the body. Visit a dermatologist - a qualified doctor can easily diagnose you (you can recognize psoriasis by a number of characteristic signs). It is quite difficult to recover from the disease, but nevertheless it is possible.

Problems with the endocrine system

Are your elbows itchy and flaky? Remember how long ago you last visited an endocrinologist. If it has been several years since your last visit, you should have a physical exam and tests to determine your hormone levels. Skin problems can be caused by hormonal imbalance. Therefore, if the dermatologist could not identify the problem, feel free to askreferral to an endocrinologist.

why do elbows peel off
why do elbows peel off

Vitamin deficiency

This is a very important factor. Lack of vitamins A and E in the body often leads to flaky elbows and knees. In addition, the skin is covered with small cracks and constantly itches. In order to eliminate this problem, a person should drink a course of vitamins (a multivitamin complex can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription). Experts emphasize that there is no need to spend huge amounts on vitamins - the usual Aevit complex is very effective. You also need to pay close attention to what you eat. Include as much fresh herbs as possible in your diet (onions, dill, parsley, lettuce), do not neglect the use of vegetable oil.

How to care for your elbows

However, what if you visited all the doctors and made sure that you are completely he althy, but your elbows are still peeling? In this case, you need to focus on skin care. It won't take you long. The simplest procedures will quickly return your hands to an attractive look.

Cleansing the skin

First, the skin of the elbows must be cleared of dead cells. To do this, simply intensively rub your hands with a hard washcloth or use a scrub. Half a lemon is also perfect for this purpose.

elbows itchy and flaky
elbows itchy and flaky

Soften the skin

The next step is softening. After each shower, generously lubricate the irritated areas with a moisturizer (alternativelyyou can use regular butter). Those who do not feel sorry for time for themselves can make a therapeutic compress: for this, use a cotton swab to apply olive oil to the elbow and apply a bandage. Wrap the compress with cling film and leave overnight. In the morning, the skin will be soft and moisturized.

Healing baths

Suffering from peeling elbows? No resources help? Try making a baking soda bath. To do this, dissolve five tablespoons of the product in a liter of hot water and lower your elbows into the basin. Keep them until completely cool. After that, rub the injured areas with a scrub.
