What is jetlag? How to deal with jet lag syndrome?

What is jetlag? How to deal with jet lag syndrome?
What is jetlag? How to deal with jet lag syndrome?

Insomnia, irritability, lethargy - these and other unpleasant symptoms are well known to people whose activities are associated with frequent flights. Not everyone knows that this condition has a scientific explanation. In the article you can read the answer to the question of what is jetlag. Effective ways to deal with a common syndrome are also given.

What is jet lag, why does it occur

Alarming symptoms are due to a violation of human biorhythms caused by a perfect flight. Time zones change instantly when a traveler travels by jet plane. A similar condition is often seen in people who alternate day and night work schedules.

what is jetlag
what is jetlag

What is jetlag? A person gets used to a certain length of day and night, depending on it, he chooses the time for sleeping, eating. When flying, internal systems operate in the mode launched at home, unable to instantly adapt to a new situation. The number of days required for adaptation is determined individually. Some are not at all familiar with such a phenomenon as jet lag, othersit takes a couple of weeks to get rid of it.

Is the syndrome a threat to he alth

The condition caused by changing belts is not a disease. However, this does not mean that a person should put up with such a situation as jetlag. The symptoms caused by the syndrome can significantly ruin a vacation, complicate a business meeting, and simply reduce the quality of life, albeit for a short time.

Time Zones
Time Zones

Insomnia, fatigue and nervousness are not all painful manifestations that the traveler encounters. Many people note a lack of appetite, absent-mindedness, memory impairment, and headaches are not excluded. Most often, jet lag affects young people, especially those who belong to the fair sex.

Should I grab the pills

Currently, there are no medicines known to medicine that can completely prevent or eliminate the symptoms of the syndrome. However, for those who find themselves with jet lag, pills will help mitigate its main manifestations. The most famous are "Melatonin", "Melaxen", among the ingredients of which there is a hormone that "tunes" biorhythms.

how to deal with jetlag
how to deal with jetlag

The optimal dosage of the drug will be recommended by the doctor, and the expediency of its use can also be discussed with him. In most cases, it is enough to take one tablet for 5 days. Medications are easily replaced with soothing herbal preparations if a person is not allergic to their components.

Whatto do before leaving

The dubious recommendation to stay awake for the day before departure has no basis. For those who have to dramatically change time zones, it is important to get a good night's sleep. If packing for the road is stressful, a harmless sedative can help you unwind before bed.

jetlag pills
jetlag pills

It is advisable to think over in advance the first steps that you will have to take while in a foreign country. This approach will help reduce stress levels. It is also worth discussing the medication regimen with a specialist if the person is undergoing treatment.

What to do in flight

The comfort of the flight largely determines whether the traveler will have to find out the answer to the question of what jetlag is. Be sure to bring a pillow and comfortable shoes. The blindfold and ear plugs will provide conditions for complete relaxation on the plane. It is advisable to immediately set the clock to the time of a foreign state, this contributes to a quick mood for it.

Alcohol is the enemy of those who do not want to face the jet lag. It is better to give up alcohol in favor of plain water, drinking it in sufficient quantities. Dehydration should not be allowed, which creates favorable conditions for the appearance of jet lag. Do not use sleeping pills in flight, it will only worsen the situation.

To sleep or not to sleep? It depends on the direction of the flight. When it comes to traveling to the West, it is advisable to stay awake. Foods that supply the body with protein, such as eggs, will help to cope with the task. To fight withattacks of drowsiness with the help of coffee is impossible. If a trip to the East is made, it can be spent in a dream, having previously been refreshed with carbohydrates.

What action to take on the spot

How to deal with jetlag when the flight ends? Going to bed is not worth it, even if the body is used to sleeping at this time. It is advisable not to allow night vigil, if necessary, helping yourself to relax with a light sleeping pill. Physical activity at first should be moderate, it is advisable not to allow yourself serious loads.

jetlag symptoms
jetlag symptoms

Fresh air is a natural remedy for a tired body. The more time a person spends in open space, the easier it is for him to overcome the flight syndrome. It is important to refrain from overeating while in a foreign country for the first few days. It is also useful for the prevention of poisoning associated with the use of unusual food. Caffeine is also banned, and it is recommended to avoid any drinks in which it is present.

Jet lag: can it be prevented

There is no remedy that gives an absolute guarantee of the prevention of the syndrome. However, the traveler can help himself by changing his diet and sleep a few days before the trip. Sudden changes are contraindicated, no more than an hour in one day. Simple actions will greatly simplify the process of adaptation in a foreign state.
