How does thrush manifest in infants?

How does thrush manifest in infants?
How does thrush manifest in infants?

Thrush in infants is currently a fairly common disease, which manifests itself in the form of curdled plaque on the oral mucosa. In this article, we will consider this ailment in as much detail as possible, and also tell you how to deal with it.

thrush in infants
thrush in infants

Signs of thrush in a baby

As noted above, this kind of disease outwardly, first of all, manifests itself in the form of white plaque on the inside of the mouth, including the cheeks and tongue. In small patients, there is no significant change in body temperature, however, on the other hand, their behavior changes dramatically. Thrush in infants provokes, so to speak, a complete lack of appetite, as they simply do not enjoy breast milk. The thing is that with direct sucking, the child, as a rule, experiences discomfort, and even pain.

Why does thrush appear in babies?

thrush in an infant treatment
thrush in an infant treatment

According to experts,even if the primary symptoms of this disease are detected, firstly, it is necessary to find out the true causes of its appearance and only after that proceed to the therapy itself. Most often, this kind of ailment occurs due to a weakened immune system. In some cases, the cause lies in frequent regurgitation or antibiotic treatment. It also happens that thrush in infants appears due to the usual negligence of parents when they do not thoroughly wash bottles, nipples and even children's toys. Microbes remaining on the surface of objects, of course, penetrate into the baby's oral cavity, which subsequently entails the problem described in this article.

Thrush in an infant. Treatment and helpful tips

  • As a rule, for the most effective therapy, specialists prescribe antifungal drugs. Note that at the moment there are a great many of them, but not all are suitable for your child. Therefore, the use of such drugs is allowed only on the advice of a doctor.
  • The use of drugs is often not enough for a complete cure. A special role is given to the hygiene of the mother herself. The thing is that after each feeding, the breast should be washed and then wiped with a clean towel. Only in this way germs will not accumulate. If the baby is bottle-fed, parents must wash and sterilize nipples and bottles without fail.

Recipes of our grandmothers

signs of thrush in a baby
signs of thrush in a baby

Traditional medicine has its own methods to deal with this problem. Thrush in infants is perfectly treated with the most common soda. It is only necessary to wrap an exceptionally sterile bandage around your finger, and then dip it for a while in a weak soda solution (a teaspoon of the mixture per glass of boiled water). After that, you should gently "wipe" the baby's oral cavity. In addition to soda, aloe juice and sea buckthorn oil also help. Stay he althy!
