Fatty liver hepatosis: treatment with folk remedies (reviews)

Fatty liver hepatosis: treatment with folk remedies (reviews)
Fatty liver hepatosis: treatment with folk remedies (reviews)

The filter of the human body is the liver - the largest of the internal organs, performing more than 500 different functions in the body and hiding under the strong protection of the chest. Its average weight is 1.4 kg, which is approximately 1/50 of the total body weight. The task of the liver is to "sort" the substances that enter the body, from which the "vigilant" organ filters out parasites and toxins. Selected harmful waste is removed through the digestive and urinary systems.

Passing through itself an abnormal amount of alcohol and too fatty food, this body begins to work in an enhanced mode, which leads to the accumulation of fat deposits in its tissues. This disease is called fatty hepatosis of the liver, it is almost asymptomatic, occurs in acute and chronic form.

treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liverfolk remedies at home
treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liverfolk remedies at home

The occurrence of an acute form occurs with a strong simultaneous poisoning with toxic substances, alcohol or poor-quality food. The chronic nature of the disease can develop against the background of pancreatitis, obesity, diabetes and thyrotoxicosis.

Hepatosis: main signs

Fatty hepatosis of the liver, the treatment of folk remedies which is recommended to be combined with traditional therapy, is determined by the following features:

  • dull pain in the pit of the stomach and in the right hypochondrium;
  • flatulence;
  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite followed by food aversion;
  • drowsiness and weakness;
  • deterioration of movement coordination;
  • decrease in mental activity and physical activity.

With the progression of the disease, the skin becomes icteric, puffy. There is diathesis, dropsy, indigestion. If left untreated, the body is depleted, loss of consciousness, convulsions, coma and death are possible.

Fatty liver disease: treatment with folk remedies

The main task in the treatment of the disease is the fight against obesity, aimed at reducing body weight. Fatty hepatosis of the liver, whose treatment with folk remedies is quite effective and has positive prognosis, requires, first of all, regular cleaning of the damaged organ. A hot thistle-based infusion helps in this matter, according to traditional medicine adherents, an ideal plant for treating the liver.

treatmentfatty hepatosis of the liver folk remedies at home
treatmentfatty hepatosis of the liver folk remedies at home

200 ml of boiling water is required to pour a spoonful of seeds, let the composition brew for about 20 minutes. Consume half an hour before meals. The duration of such drug therapy is 1 month. Liquid medicine can be replaced with milk thistle seeds, which must be eaten in the morning and in the evening by a teaspoon, be sure to drink water. It is also recommended to take rice bran, cinnamon, turmeric with the main food.

Milk thistle can be used in combination with dandelion roots, taking 2 tbsp of each component. spoons. Connect with 1 tbsp. nettle spoon and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of St. John's wort. These ingredients should be crushed and mixed. Next, a glass of boiling water is required to brew 2 teaspoons of the resulting mixture and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then filter. Drink slowly, in small sips throughout the day. The duration of treatment is 1 calendar month.

Pumpkin way to save the liver

Fatty hepatosis of the liver, the treatment of folk remedies which shows very good results, it is quite possible to overcome with the help of a ripe pumpkin. The method is very common, affordable and, according to the reviews of the cured, quite effective. The fruit should be cut off the top and remove the seeds. Liquid honey should be poured into the resulting cavity, after which the pumpkin should be covered with the cut part and placed for 2 weeks in a warm, dry place. After this period, pour honey enriched with pumpkin aroma into any dish. Daily dosage - 1 tbsp. spoon in three doses. Duration of pumpkin-honeytherapy - 3-4 weeks.

fatty liver hepatosis treatment with folk remedies reviews
fatty liver hepatosis treatment with folk remedies reviews

You can save a diseased liver if you eat 5 apricot kernels a day, which contain vitamin B15, which activates bile secretion and helps in the fight against body fat. B15 also contains pumpkin, melon, watermelon, rice bran, brewer's yeast, so you should not ignore these products in your diet. 15-30 grams of dried fruit daily will also be useful for restoring liver function.

Treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver with folk remedies shows excellent results when using rose hips. 50 grams of dried berries need to be brewed in half a liter of boiling water and left to brew for 10 hours. Healing infusion drink a whole glass throughout the day from 3 to 4 times.

Reviews of people treated for fatty liver hepatosis indicate a good effect of green tea in the treatment of this disease. Containing a large number of antioxidants, the drink is able to remove fats and toxins from the liver. 3-4 cups of green tea a day will provide the liver with reliable protection against harmful substances.

Cope with hepatosis will help 100 ml of fresh carrot juice, drunk on an empty stomach every morning.

Treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver with folk remedies at home shows a good result when using needles, characterized by anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. 2 liters of water should be combined with 1 kg of coniferous needles of young pines and granulated sugar. Mix well. Cover container with infusioncover and determine in a dark place for a week. Strain. Healing remedy to drink before meals 1 glass each.

12-ingredient liver medicine

Treatment of fatty liver hepatosis with folk remedies at home is effective when using a healing collection of 12 herbs. Connection required:

  • 4 parts each of licorice roots and birch leaves,
  • 3 each of rowan berries, wild rose and hawthorn,
  • 2 each of bearberry, nettle, lingonberry leaves, as well as dandelion and marshmallow roots,
  • 1 part St. John's wort and fennel fruit.

Healing composition in the amount of 2 tbsp. spoons should be poured with boiling water in the amount of 1.5 liters and left to infuse for several hours. The volume of the resulting infusion should be drunk throughout one day. From a month to six months - about how long the treatment of fatty liver hepatosis with folk remedies lasts.

Oats help the liver perhaps?

Oats, in addition to containing a lot of useful trace elements, are rich in polyphenols - biologically active substances that are actively involved in fat metabolism and activate the liver.

treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver with folk remedies oats
treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver with folk remedies oats

A decoction of oats will help the affected liver, for the preparation of which you should combine 3 cups of unpeeled product and 2 liters of boiling water. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 3 hours. Cool, filter. The output will be about 2.5 cups of healing broth, which should be drunk before meals for the thirdglass parts. Continue oat therapy for 2 weeks.

Herbal decoctions for a diseased liver

According to the reviews of people who have tried traditional medicine recipes, an effective remedy in the treatment of fatty hepatosis is a decoction of yarrow flowers and tansy.

treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver with folk remedies
treatment of fatty hepatosis of the liver with folk remedies

2 cups of flower composition should be poured with 2 liters of cold water, brought to a boil and immediately removed from heat. After 3 hours, the medicinal solution must again be boiled, filtered, squeezed and combined with 600 grams of sugar sand and 2 tbsp. spoons of natural honey per liter. Mix the medicinal composition, boil, boil for about 5 minutes, cool. Daily dosage - 1 tbsp. spoon in two doses, the first of which - in the morning on an empty stomach, the second - before bedtime. Break - a week. Repeat.

Required condition - diet

According to reviews, the treatment of fatty liver hepatosis with folk remedies will be effective if you follow a certain diet, which consists in frequent, fractional meals (in 4-5 meals) and eating small meals. This way of eating will prevent the feeling of hunger from developing, and also activates the metabolism in the body.

fatty liver hepatosis treatment with folk remedies
fatty liver hepatosis treatment with folk remedies

It is recommended to exclude spicy, sour, fried, fatty foods from the diet. You should refuse fresh tomatoes, onions, radishes, garlic, mushrooms, beans, canned fish and meat. A useful alternative to prohibited foods will be boiled seafood, oatmealporridge, fat-free cottage cheese, raw and baked vegetables. Mild cheese, dairy products, ham, stewed and boiled fish are allowed. Once a week it is recommended to arrange a fasting day: apple or vegetable.

Prevention measures

The liver has an amazing property - the ability to self-heal. Only the manifestation of such a natural function is possible with an attentive attitude to this organ. It is imperative to give up bad habits, in particular alcohol and smoking, actively engage in sports, often be in the fresh air and not overload the liver with overeating, alcohol and uncontrolled medication. You should also limit contact with toxic substances present in insecticides, cleaning products, tobacco products. When using household aerosols, it is imperative to ensure ventilation of the treated room. Subject to a properly composed daily regimen, in less than a month, a decline in such an extremely dangerous disease as fatty liver hepatosis will be noticeable. Treatment with folk remedies, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness, requires a careful approach, patience and a desire to put your liver in order. Failure of such an irreplaceable organ, which performs the function of purifying the blood and participating in the process of digestion, can lead to severe, and in some cases irreversible consequences.

Therefore, it is recommended to regularly undergo scheduled liver examinations with appropriate tests, because only in this way can the disease be detected in a timely manner.early stage.
