The human brain is the most important organ. Not only the basic functions that ensure the vital activity of our body, but also the behavior of people depend on its normal operation. The brain serves as a kind of control room for the body. It accepts incoming external and internal information, and then analyzes it, further determining the most correct course of action. Such work is carried out constantly, which allows the human body to function in a normal rhythm, choosing the necessary areas of activity under constantly changing conditions.

That is why it is so important for a person to pay attention to their he alth in case of problems with the vessels of the brain. In addition, it should be borne in mind that such ailments are not included in the list of rare diseases. In the structure of organic pathologies of the central nervous system, they occupy one of thefirst positions, appearing in 17% of cases. It is also necessary to pay special attention to problems with the vessels of the brain because, according to the World He alth Organization, deaths from them account for 14% of the total. In terms of frequency, deaths from problems with the vessels of the brain are second only to diseases of the circulatory systems and oncology.
First symptoms
How do problems with cerebral vessels manifest themselves? According to experts, the first symptoms of pathology are extremely diverse. The specific manifestation of the disease depends on the causes that provoked it. And these can be genetic defects and injuries, infections and immune disorders, vascular ailments, as well as benign or malignant neoplasms. Manifestations of such violations, which interfere with the coordinated work of the "central control room" of a person, are often expressed in similar signs. For example, problems with the vessels of the brain, the symptoms of which are nausea and vomiting, are also caused by concussions or cancerous tumors. Be that as it may, any signs indicating interruptions in the functioning of our “control room” should certainly become a reason for consultation with a specialist and further monitoring of the state of he alth. Only with an integrated approach will it be possible to avoid the occurrence of complex pathologies in the brain and numerous complications that can occur with advanced diseases.
How do problems with cerebral vessels develop? Symptoms of similarpathologies will depend on the course of the disease. If the vessels in the brain narrow gradually, then the first signs of such a process can not be detected immediately. But sometimes such a phenomenon manifests itself sharply and completely suddenly. In this case, the development of a heart attack or hemorrhagic stroke of the brain is likely. In the most severe cases, death occurs.
When studying this direction, the researchers identified three degrees of signs of problems with the vessels of the brain, each of which indicates a certain stage of damage to the "central control room" of our body:
- First. At this stage, no signs of pathology are observed or they are very slight. The patient complains of fatigue. He suffers from insomnia and becomes overly irritable. However, the person believes that family troubles and hard work are to blame. Symptoms of problems with the vessels of the brain in the first stage are headaches (they occur in the afternoon), dizziness, a slight loss of concentration on the problem or task.
- Second. At this stage, signs of problems with the vessels of the brain are expressed in violations of the functioning of other internal organs. For example, the functioning of the motor and genitourinary systems is disrupted. The person becomes even more irritable. Seeing him in a good mood is a rarity. Sometimes at this stage there are heart pains. Symptoms of the pathology of the cerebral vessels become apparent. However, their manifestation is short-lived. Because of this, patients are also absolutelysure that these problems are associated with ailments of the kidneys and heart. They take appropriate medications and forget about the symptoms for a while. As a rule, from such patients, the doctor receives complaints of flies and stars in the eyes, tinnitus, numbness of the muscles of the face, arms and legs, impaired vision and speech, weakness, frequent urination, and persistent headaches. A person's consciousness begins to get confused, the face turns red and memory deteriorates. These symptoms last for several hours. After that, they pass.
- Third. At this stage, vasoconstriction reaches its maximum limit. The patient is unable to coordinate defecation, urination and movement of his body. In connection with oxygen starvation, the development of dementia begins, a complete loss of working capacity is likely. Patients at this stage are disturbed by trembling hands, chin and head. Their eyes make movements regardless of the desire of the person, and the shape of the face becomes asymmetrical.
Let's consider the symptoms of problems with the vessels of the brain, the treatment of which should be started immediately after their appearance as prescribed by the doctor.
This symptom accompanies many different pathologies. And, as a rule, people are used to getting rid of such a problem by taking painkillers. However, the clarification of the reasons due to which this excruciatingly uncomfortable condition occurs should be carried out comprehensively and comprehensively.

After all, headaches of varying intensity appear whentumors and pre-stroke conditions, migraines and cervical osteochondrosis, pathologies of the vascular system, injuries, etc.
Mood swings
Such a symptom is often expressed in attacks of aggression or anger, which occur literally out of the blue. It also manifests itself in a frequent change of mood throughout the day, in the inadequacy of behavior and its unpredictability. Such emotional swings sometimes occur in connection with existing mental disorders, coronary disease, intoxication, tumors, encephalopathy, meningitis, multiple sclerosis and other brain ailments.
Bad appetite
This symptom often accompanies a variety of human diseases. Sometimes it indicates malfunctions in the functioning of the brain. Among them are encephalitis and neurosis, benign or malignant neoplasms, alcoholic epilepsy, mental disorders, etc.
Cognitive Impairment
Indicate that the treatment of problems with the vessels of the brain, symptoms in the form of impaired attention, decreased intelligence, and memory impairment are required. Similar deviations are observed in multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, mental disorders, malignant as well as benign neoplasms of the brain and vascular defects of this organ.
Such a phenomenon is often a sign of vascular ailments of the brain, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. In order to identify the true causes of depression, the patient must undergo a comprehensive diagnosis,visiting a psychotherapist and a neurologist.
Other symptoms
How do problems with cerebral vessels manifest themselves? They can be expressed as:
- Changes in personality and behavior. Similar symptoms, as a rule, take place at mental deviations. However, they can also be observed in the case of Alzheimer's disease, dementia, intoxication and pathologies of the vascular system of the brain.
- Sensation dysfunctions. Sometimes a person has a violation of balance and hearing, vision, as well as taste and smell. Such signs are observed in case of damage to the areas of brain tissue responsible for these functions. The source of such a pathological process can be injuries, tumors, intoxications and infectious processes.
- Inability to concentrate. A similar symptom is a sign of a wide variety of vascular pathologies of the brain structure. Their list includes neuroses, post-traumatic changes, oncological diseases and mental disorders.
- Weaknesses. One of the causes of this fairly common symptom is brain pathology. Their list includes intoxication, infectious lesions, tumor processes, vascular disorders, multiple sclerosis, etc.
- Convulsions. This symptom occurs for reasons of both epileptic and non-epileptic nature. Seizures are the result of a variety of pathologies that cause disturbances in the functioning of the vessels supplying the brain. These are various mental deviations from the norm, lack of vitamins D, E, B2 and B6, effects onsome brain structures of toxins, micronutrient deficiencies such as potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium, dehydration, infections, organic lesions and heat stroke.
- Numbness of certain parts of the body or their paralysis. Similar symptoms occur due to migraine, epilepsy, vegetative-vascular disorders, trauma, organic brain damage, strokes and tumor diseases.
- Loss of consciousness and confusion. These signs accompany encephalopathy, vegetovascular dysfunction, traumatic brain injury, meningitis, tumors and intoxication.
- Nausea. In the presence of such a symptom, we can talk about the likelihood of pathologies such as encephalitis, neurosis, and so on. Nausea also indicates ischemia, oncology, disorders of the vegetative-vascular system, encephalopathy, mental illness.
- Sleep disorders. A similar symptom occurs with neurasthenia and neurosis, depression and mental disorders, intoxications and vascular dysfunctions of the brain.
What other problems can there be with the vessels of the brain? The most dangerous condition is coma. The reason for its development can be an infectious lesion of the brain, oxygen starvation of its tissues, trauma, epilepsy, stroke, poisoning with drugs, toxins and poisons.
Contact a specialist
If there are symptoms of problems with the vessels of the brain, which doctor should I go to for a consultation? With signs of pathology, you should make an appointment with a neurologist. However, many of the symptoms described above occur when a wide variety ofdiseases. That is why the factors that provoked the pathology are identified when the patient is examined by a doctor, as well as during laboratory and instrumental examinations. When drawing up a diagnostic plan, the doctor will certainly take into account the information received from the patient about his well-being, determining on the basis of these data the need for MRI, CT, angiography, etc.

When the slightest signs of cerebrovascular disease appear, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. Even the most harmless symptoms can indicate the development of serious and very dangerous diseases. Consider the most common of them.
This ailment affects the vessels of the brain, as well as those in the neck. The reason for its occurrence is the damage to the walls of arteries and veins by formations consisting of connective tissue and fat. When atherosclerotic plaques appear on the vessel wall, its lumen begins to gradually narrow. This process has a negative impact on the blood supply to the organ. In this regard, the nutrition of neurons deteriorates and brain hypoxia occurs.
Currently, scientists have not yet been able to accurately determine the causes of atherosclerosis. According to some of them, such vascular lesions are a consequence of the natural aging process of the body. There is another opinion. Based on it, atherosclerosis is considered as an independent pathology that provokes problems with the vessels of the brain.

What are the factorscausing atherosclerosis?
Among them:
- hypodynamia;
- lipid metabolism disorders;
- hypertension;
- heredity;
- diseases of the endocrine system;
- alcohol abuse and smoking;
- vasculitis;
- content in the diet of a large number of foods rich in cholesterol.
In the early stages, the symptoms of atherosclerosis are mild. This can be, for example, rapid fatigue and headaches. However, as the pathology develops, a person has problems with sleep, gait disturbances, tinnitus, and short-term memory fails.
The main danger of atherosclerosis is that neoplasms in the affected artery can completely block its lumen. This will cut off the blood supply to the brain. This condition will certainly lead to tissue necrosis (ischemia). The results of such violations lead not only to malfunctions in the work of our brain, but also threaten a person with disability and even death.
If due to atherosclerosis there are problems with the vessels of the brain, which doctor should I contact? If you suspect the development of this pathology, you must make an appointment with a neurologist or vascular surgeon. It is these specialists who diagnose and treat cerebrovascular diseases caused by narrowing of the lumen of arteries and veins. Depending on the situation, it may be necessary to consult a cardiologist and an endocrinologist.
Diagnosis of problems with the vessels of the brain is carried out withusing:
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
- Ultrasound examination of internal organs and the heart, including Doppler.
- Angiography of the neck and brain.
- Blood chemistry data.
To eliminate problems with the vessels of the brain, the treatment of atherosclerosis must be continuous and comprehensive. It consists, first of all, in the observance by the patient of a diet that contributes to the normalization of body weight and the reduction of elevated cholesterol levels. In addition, the doctor prescribes certain medications that can eliminate problems with the vessels of the brain. Treatment of atherosclerosis is carried out with the appointment of such drugs:
- normalizing cholesterol levels (diosponin, thiamine, linetol, "Pyridoxine");
- groups of anti-protectors (anginin, prodectin);
- anticoagulants (heparin, pelentan, syncumar).
The course of treatment of arteries and veins of the brain is carried out with the use of antioxidants, vitamin and mineral complexes. If there is a threat of thrombosis and blockage of the vessel by a plaque, the patient undergoes an operation. In this case, the affected vessel is expanded with a balloon catheter or the walls are implanted at the site of its narrowing.
Cerebral vasculitis
Let's look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of problems with the vessels of the brain caused by this dangerous disease. Cerebral vasculitis develops as a result of inflammatory processes that occur in the walls of blood vessels that supply the brain with blood.

This pathology happens:
- Primary. The reason for its development is a systemic lesion of the circulatory system.
- Secondary. In this case, cerebral vasculitis is a complication of allergic or infectious pathologies.
A specific list of causes of this disease has not yet been identified. One of the most common pathology provoking factors is lupus erythematosus, a brain tumor, rheumatic damage to the heart and blood vessels, infectious diseases, and nonspecific aortoarteritis.
Signs of cerebral vasculitis develop quite rapidly. They resemble the symptoms of a stroke. A person has a severe headache, impaired vision, hearing and sensitivity. The primary type of the disease is accompanied by epileptic seizures and cognitive impairment. The secondary form of the disease is manifested by transient ischemic attacks and convulsions.
Examination of patients with such symptoms of problems with the vessels of the brain and the treatment of pathology are carried out by specialists in various fields. This is a therapist and rheumatologist, otolaryngologist and nephrologist, surgeon and neurologist. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using a detailed hemogram and angiography (magnetic resonance or computer). Such vascular diseases are treated only in a hospital setting. Patients are prescribed antibiotics, glucocorticoids, including in the form of injections (for problems with cerebral vessels, in this case, for example, Prednisolone is used), as well as immunosuppressants. If vasculitis is caused by an allergicreaction, then the course of his treatment is carried out using antihistamines.
Discirculatory encephalopathy
With such a disease, cerebral circulation insufficiency occurs, caused by impaired functioning of the vessels. This may be a narrowing of their gaps, stenosis or infection. Diagnosis of dyscirculatory encephalopathy means that a person has progressive disorders of the functions and structure of the brain.
The causes of this pathology are vascular diseases. It could be vasculitis or atherosclerosis. In addition, hypertension, vegetovascular dystonia, congenital pathology of the connective tissues of the brain, or venous blood stasis are capable of provoking the development of dyscirculatory encephalopathy. A problem like this can cause:
- hypoxia;
- atrophy of brain substance;
- microinfarcts.
Symptoms of pathology depend on the stage of development of the disease. On the first of them, a person's working capacity decreases. He begins to tire more quickly and ceases to control his irritation. Depression is common in this patient. A person complains of tinnitus, headache and dizziness.
In the second stage, the symptoms of the disease described above begin to progress. In addition, pathological reflexes appear, the vessels located in the fundus expand.
At the third stage, a person's intelligence decreases and dementia develops. Epilepsy attacks are frequent.
The appearance of warning signs is significantreason for an appointment with a neurologist. The specialist will prescribe the necessary studies to diagnose the disease. In their list:
- CT scan of the brain;
- rheoencephalography;
- ultrasound doppler;
- biochemical and general blood tests.
If the pathology is confirmed, which manifested itself as the symptoms of problems with the vessels of the brain described above, the appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

The scheme for getting rid of pathology is selected by a neurologist and a vascular surgeon and includes:
- BP control. To normalize it, the patient is prescribed ACE inhibitors ("Quadropril", "Captopril"), beta-blockers ("Bisoprolol", "Betacard"), as well as diuretics ("Veroshpiron", "Furosemide").
- Taking lipid-correcting statins ("Simvastatin", "Atorvastatin").
- Prescribing drugs containing nicotinic acid that improve blood circulation.
- Taking antihypoxants (glutamic acid).
In cases where stenosis has spread to more than 70% of the vessels, the patient needs surgery.
Vessel walls consist of three layers. If they weaken, then the movement of blood leads to a protrusion of one of the sections. Blood immediately appears in the sagging cavity, which puts pressure on other layers. A similar phenomenon threatens to rupture the vessel, resulting in hemorrhagicstroke. An aneurysm is dangerous because a person does not feel any symptoms until the moment the vessel ruptures.

This disease is diagnosed through an ultrasound examination of the neck and blood vessels supplying the brain. Angiography can also be used for this purpose.
The main causes of the disease are:
- oncology;
- vasculitis;
- drug use and smoking;
- traumatic brain injury;
- hypertension;
- atherosclerosis.
Rupture of a vein or artery is accompanied by partial paralysis, a drop in blood pressure, nausea and loss of consciousness. When such symptoms appear, urgent hospitalization is required and, in most cases, an operation, during which surgeons fix the torn section of the vessel walls.
When diagnosing an aneurysm, the doctor prescribes to the patient:
- calcium channel blockers;
- anticonvulsants ("Topamax", "Gabitril");
- drugs that normalize blood pressure.
Alternative Medicine Tips
Treatment of cerebral vessels with folk remedies involves diet. Adhering to it, the patient should limit the inclusion of such products in his menu:
- meat;
- sweets;
- canned food;
- hot spices;
- strong tea;
- animal fats;
- alcohol;
- eggs.
The vascular system needs to be cleaned. The best period forits effective implementation is the summer-autumn period, when vegetables and fruits become the most accessible. The diet should include foods rich in selenium, zinc, iodine, calcium and B vitamins, as well as A, C and E. These substances are found in large quantities in:
- fish dishes;
- low-fat cottage cheese;
- peas;
- buckwheat;
- seafood;
- lean meat;
- greenery;
- walnuts;
- eggplant;
- marine and cauliflower.
From berries and fruits, apples, quince, strawberries and watermelons are considered the most useful. Lemon is very effective for eliminating vascular pathologies. This fruit has antioxidant abilities. Its use allows you to strengthen the vascular walls, cleanse them of cholesterol, and also have a positive effect on the lymphatic system. On the basis of lemon, a healing mixture can be prepared, which includes a tablespoon of honey and olive oil. Citrus is twisted in a meat grinder. You don't need to remove the skin from it. The rest of the ingredients are added to the resulting mass and insist it throughout the day. This remedy should be taken in the morning before breakfast. The duration of the course is 3 months.
A large number of different problems can be solved with drugs made on the basis of garlic and onions. These vegetables perfectly eliminate high cholesterol and strengthen blood vessels.
To prepare one of the most effective, you need to take one head of garlic and 10 g of olive oil. Vegetables chopped and mixedWith butter. The resulting mixture should be consumed 30 minutes before meals for 1-2 months.
When using onions, one of its heads is crushed in a meat grinder. From the resulting slurry, squeeze the juice and add 5 g of honey to it. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator, taking before meals for 3 months three times a day for 1 tsp.