Intestinal candidiasis: symptoms and treatment, drugs

Intestinal candidiasis: symptoms and treatment, drugs
Intestinal candidiasis: symptoms and treatment, drugs

Today, there is an increase in opportunistic diseases of an infectious nature, which is caused by an increase in the degree of influence of negative environmental factors on the human body. The first place in the number of fungal infections of the digestive tract is thrush, while in 80% of cases people develop intestinal candidiasis. This disease is provoked by fungi Candida albicans.

In general, about half of the inhabitants of the planet today are carriers of fungi, they are in a passive state in the body, but when the immune system is disturbed, they become active and begin to multiply rapidly in large quantities. The infection causes the development of pathological processes in the intestine, affecting its mucous membrane.

Problem description

Intestinal candidiasis is an infectious disease that affects the mucous membrane of the named organ. The causative agents of pathology, as already mentioned, are Candida albicans fungi that enter the body and actively multiply as a result of human immune deficiency. Normal pathogenic microflorais an integral component of the balance of the oral cavity, digestive organs and gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system, without causing the development of the disease. But under the influence of certain negative factors, the rapid reproduction of fungi begins, which displace the normal microflora and provoke the development of candidiasis (thrush).

Doctors refer intestinal candidiasis to one of the varieties of dysbacteriosis. Mushrooms attach to the epithelium, then acquire a filamentous form and penetrate into the tissues, provoking the appearance of necrotic areas in the foci of inflammation. Around these areas, fibrin protein begins to be deposited. A he althy gut microflora produces antifungal antibodies, which ensures an adequate immune response. But if the microflora is disturbed as a result of a decrease in immunity, fungi begin to infect new he althy areas.

signs of intestinal candidiasis
signs of intestinal candidiasis


Candida mushrooms are very common in nature. And the described disease can be diagnosed in people of different age groups, gender and nationality. Thrush can develop under the influence of various reasons:

  • as a side effect of long-term use of strong broad-spectrum antibacterials;
  • as a result of taking corticosteroids or hormones;
  • as a complication of diabetes and endocrine diseases;
  • with immunodeficiency;
  • in the presence of chronic diseases of an infectious nature.

Causes of disease development

As you know, the reasonThe development of pathology is played by fungi Candida albicans, which are present in a he althy body and begin to multiply when its protective properties are weakened. The reasons for the decrease in immunity include:

  1. Oncological pathologies, chemotherapy.
  2. Immunodeficiency that develops as a result of age-related changes, stress conditions, pregnancy, and the presence of HIV or AIDS.
  3. Endocrine Disorder.
  4. Autoimmune and allergic pathologies.
  5. Diseases of the digestive tract.
  6. Transplantation of donor organs and tissues.
  7. Prolonged use of antibacterial and hormonal drugs.
  8. Violation of the regime of the day and nutrition.
  9. Living in a hostile environment.

Mechanisms of disease progression

drugs for intestinal candidiasis
drugs for intestinal candidiasis

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish two mechanisms for the development of candidiasis:

  1. Invasive thrush is characterized by the entry of fungi into the intestinal epithelial tissues. Against the background of a strong decrease in immunity, fungi enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. This phenomenon is often observed in people who have the last stages of AIDS, as well as neutropenia. This type of pathology has two subspecies: focal and diffuse candidiasis.
  2. Non-invasive thrush is the most common. The disease manifests itself against the background of dysbacteriosis or intestinal infection. During the reproduction of fungi, toxins are produced that irritate the human intestines, contributing to the exacerbation of dysbacteriosis, the developmentallergic reactions and secondary immunodeficiency.

In order to reduce the risk of complications, it is recommended to undergo diagnosis and treatment of the disease in a timely manner. To develop an effective treatment, the doctor must find out the cause of the pathology.

Symptoms and signs of illness

The disease has three stages of development:

  1. Latent period in which no signs of pathology appear.
  2. Prolonged febrile syndrome with signs of infection.
  3. Visceralization, in which symptoms of various diseases appear.

Signs of intestinal candidiasis usually appear sluggishly for a long period of time, but in some cases an acute course of it with pronounced symptoms is possible.

Common symptoms of various forms of disease include:

  • loss of appetite;
  • fatigue;
  • flatulence;
  • pain and discomfort in the abdomen;
  • anal itching;
  • minor intoxication of the body;
  • Unformed feces during bowel movements.
prognosis for intestinal candidiasis
prognosis for intestinal candidiasis

Symptoms of the development of different forms of candidiasis

With diffuse thrush, the patient's condition is usually very serious, due to intoxication of the body. In this case, the symptoms of intestinal candidiasis are manifested in the form of severe pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, accompanied by bloody discharge, as well as a strong increase in body temperature. This form of pathology is always accompanied by serious violations.immune system, so it often accompanies other diseases.

When focal thrush in humans exacerbates diseases such as stomach or duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, which are not amenable to standard treatment. The symptomatology of the same pathology corresponds to the underlying disease.

But most often there are reviews of intestinal candidiasis, which is non-invasive. With the help of modern medicines, it is possible to completely get rid of this pathology. With it, a person develops pain in the abdomen, flatulence, indigestion, discomfort. Sometimes allergic reactions may develop.

Often, doctors confuse candidiasis with irritable bowel syndrome, since the symptoms of these two diseases are similar.

intestinal microflora
intestinal microflora

Complications and consequences

With untimely therapy or its absence, as well as with self-treatment of the disease, it becomes chronic, in which fungi penetrate deep into the tissues, destroying their structure. In the future, the pathology provokes the development of complications in the form of intestinal ulcers, the development of internal bleeding and sepsis. Such conditions are life-threatening as they can be fatal.

As a complication, prolonged diarrhea develops, which leads to dehydration. During pregnancy, pathology can cause fetal death or miscarriages.

Diagnostic measures

Intestinal candidiasis has some difficulties in diagnosing, since the causative agent of the disease cannot to take part in pathological processes, being in the body in a passive state. In this case, the doctor makes a diagnosis by exclusion. For this, complex clinical and laboratory examinations are used:

  1. Microbiological examination of feces for the presence of an infectious agent. This method also allows you to choose the antibiotic to which the fungi are most sensitive.
  2. Endoscopic testing makes it possible to determine the condition of the intestinal epithelium, to detect ulcers and white plaque.
  3. Histological and cytological studies of scrapings from the intestinal epithelium, as well as forceps biopsy. In this case, the Romanovsky-Giemsa method is used, as well as the Gridley method.
  4. Intestinal x-ray.
  5. Bacteriological culture of material from the intestinal mucosa.
  6. PCR and ELISA.

Before treating intestinal candidiasis, the doctor must conduct a comprehensive examination and make an accurate diagnosis. The complexity of diagnosing pathology lies in the fact that fungi can not be found in all materials that are examined. Therefore, often the test results are false. All patients are required to undergo an analysis for dysbacteriosis.

treatment of intestinal candidiasis
treatment of intestinal candidiasis

With untimely treatment of the disease, it degenerates into systemic thrush, in which all the mucous membranes of the organs are affected.

Therapy Methods

Treatment of intestinal candidiasis is mainly aimed at eliminating concomitant diseases, increasing immunity andelimination of the infectious agent. The choice of therapy tactics depends on the symptoms of the pathology, the presence of pathologies of the digestive tract, the development of complications, as well as the general condition of the patient.

Most often, the treatment of intestinal candidiasis involves the use of antimycotic agents, which can be prescribed in the form of tablets or injections. Often, along with such drugs, the patient is prescribed an appropriate antibacterial agent to reduce the risk of developing a secondary bacterial infection. And almost always the patient is prescribed immunostimulants, as well as antihistamines.

how to treat intestinal candidiasis
how to treat intestinal candidiasis

Drug therapy

Drugs used for intestinal candidiasis are classified as follows:

  1. Antimycotics to eliminate the pathogen.
  2. Antibacterial - to eliminate secondary infections.
  3. Drugs for the symptomatic treatment of concomitant diseases.
  4. Probiotics used to restore intestinal microflora.

It should be noted that "Amphotericin", "Ketoconazole" and "Fluconazole" do not give positive results in intestinal candidiasis, since they are absorbed only by the upper intestine, as a result of which the required concentration of drugs does not reach the lumen of the colon, where the largest concentration of fungi is usually observed. By the way, in this case, the development of side effects in the form of toxic hepatitis is even possible.

For children and pregnant women, doctors oftenprescribe "Pimafucin" for intestinal candidiasis. This medicine does not cause adverse reactions and is considered an effective treatment for this pathology. It is taken one tablet four times a day for one week. Children are prescribed two tablets a day.

In parallel with the elimination of the infection, as already mentioned, the therapy of concomitant diseases is carried out. For this, antisecretory drugs, vitamins, H2-receptor blockers and others can be prescribed.

Diet for intestinal candidiasis

During the treatment of candidiasis, patients must adhere to a special diet. So, from the daily diet it is necessary to remove all foods that can provoke the reproduction of fungi, for example, honey, sweet fruits, alcohol, carbonated drinks, mushrooms. You can not eat fatty, smoked and flour foods. The basis of nutrition in this case should be the consumption of vegetables with a low content of starch and sour-milk products, as well as products that contain simple carbohydrates.

diet for intestinal candidiasis
diet for intestinal candidiasis


With timely diagnosis and treatment, a person's full recovery is possible. In the case of the development of a diffuse form of pathology, complications may appear in the form of the spread of an abnormal process throughout the body. In the presence of an underlying disease, the prognosis may be poor. If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic and can lead to death in severe cases due to the development of sepsis.


Preventive measuresare of great importance. In this case, they should be aimed at eliminating risk factors, as well as timely treatment of diseases that cause intestinal dysbacteriosis. To maintain the normal microflora of the mucous membranes, it is recommended to eat right, increase fiber intake, monitor personal hygiene and lead a he althy lifestyle. When treating with antibacterial or hormonal drugs, probiotics should be used to prevent dysbacteriosis and candidiasis.

Candidiasis or thrush is a complex disease that needs timely diagnosis and treatment. If you experience discomfort in the abdomen, pain and itching, you should immediately consult a doctor to reduce the risk of developing dangerous complications.
