Ascaris in children: symptoms, complications and treatment

Ascaris in children: symptoms, complications and treatment
Ascaris in children: symptoms, complications and treatment

Ascaris in children are quite common, especially among preschoolers who do not understand that you can not put your hands in your mouth. Timely diagnosis is rarely carried out, so parasites are detected at later stages, in the presence of serious complications.

Parents may suspect the presence of roundworm infection in children. In this case, the baby should be taken to the doctor and take the tests prescribed by him.

Features of this helminthiasis

Ascariasis is a helminthic disease caused by ascaris. This is one of the most common worms. They parasitize only in the human body. Roundworms are dioecious creatures. Females measure up to 40 cm and males up to 15 cm.

Sources of infection
Sources of infection

Since roundworms in the intestines move very freely, without attaching to its walls, they do not come out with feces. This makes the diagnosis very difficult. The female in the intestines is able to lay several thousand eggs per day, which are excreted along with the feces and enter the external environment.

Ascaris in children is dangerous because, in their presence in the bodythere is a constant intoxication, disrupting the work of all organs. If there are too many worms, intestinal obstruction develops.

How infection occurs

After looking at the photo of ascaris in children, you can see exactly how this worm looks like. Adult females parasitize in the intestines for 1-2 years and during this time they lay many eggs. Future larvae are excreted from the body along with feces and must develop in an oxygen environment for a certain time.

Ascariasis is most common in regions with a warm and humid climate, where there is fecal contamination of water and soil. Such conditions are required for the normal maturation of eggs and the spread of parasites. The life cycle of the roundworm includes several stages of development, two of which occur inside the human body.

In children, a similar disease occurs quite often due to poor hygiene. Infection can also occur through the consumption of unwashed vegetables and fruits.

Roundworm appearance
Roundworm appearance

Infection occurs after roundworm eggs enter the child's mouth. It is almost impossible to determine the presence of the disease at this stage. The larvae are able to penetrate the intestines, lymphatic or blood vessels. Together with the blood, they are carried throughout the body and penetrate into all organs and systems.

The main symptoms and treatment of ascaris in children largely depend on the stage of development of worms and their number. The small intestine contains mainly several roundworms, which, intertwined with each other, canform a tight ball, thereby provoking intestinal obstruction.

Stages of disease

The early stage of the disease develops in the first 2 months after infection. Immediately after penetration into the child's body, the larvae are spread to all organs and tissues. At the same time, they provoke the occurrence of severe allergies and intoxication. Therefore, the presence of ascaris in children can be recognized by signs such as:

  • Dry cough.
  • Eruptions on the skin.
  • Temperature increase.

Doctors usually attribute these signs to the development of colds and food allergies. Having penetrated into the intestines of a child, the larvae penetrate deeply into its walls and enter the bloodstream, and then into the liver, heart and lungs. While in the lungs, the larvae provoke coughing and other signs of bronchitis. At the same time, together with sputum, they enter the oral cavity, where they are swallowed back and from there they penetrate again into the intestines. This is how the development cycle ends. At all stages of the life cycle, characteristic symptoms are observed.

After some time, the larvae become adults and continue to live in the large intestine. It is worth noting that roundworms do not injure the intestinal walls, however, they suck out all the useful substances from the food consumed. When the intestines are blocked by a tangle of ascaris, severe pain in the abdomen is observed, which requires urgent hospitalization in the surgical department. In addition, ascariasis can develop without complications, and in this case, the child does not hurt anything, which makes it much more difficultdiagnostic process.

Ascaris in infants
Ascaris in infants

How roundworms look like in children, we described above. Note that only dead individuals can be found in the feces.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of ascaris in children can be as follows:

  • Allergic manifestations on the skin.
  • Fever, irritability and weakness.
  • Nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss.
  • Pain in the liver, enlargement of the spleen.
  • Swollen lymph nodes.
  • Periodic coughing spells, pneumonia, bronchitis.
  • Teeth grinding (not a characteristic symptom, because it can indicate various ailments).
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Heavy breathing.
  • Formation of sores in the mouth.
Symptoms of ascariasis
Symptoms of ascariasis

If you do not pay attention to these symptoms of ascaris in children in a timely manner, then after about 2-3 months the intestinal stage of the disease will begin to develop. Adult parasites will settle in the intestines of the child. This results in the following symptoms:

  • Frequent headaches, stunted growth and development.
  • Diarrhea, flatulence, constipation.
  • Vomiting, drooling profusely.
  • Sore throat with no associated cold symptoms.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Itching in the anus.
  • Stomatitis.

At the migration stage, the larvae can enter the lungs, causingmicrobleeding. During this period, the child may experience wheezing and coughing. The temperature may remain within the normal range, and spotting is not observed in the sputum. In this case, the doctor may prescribe treatment for acute respiratory infections, and the ascaris that provoked such signs remain unnoticed.

At the first suspicion of the presence of ascaris in a child, Komarovsky recommends undergoing a comprehensive diagnosis that will determine the presence of parasites in the body.


If you suspect the presence of helminths, a comprehensive diagnosis is required so that you can recognize the infection with parasites in a timely manner. The presence of ascaris in the larval form can be recognized by the number of certain leukocyte cells in the blood. These indicators indicate the course of ascariasis, as well as the presence of an allergic reaction.

Carrying out diagnostics
Carrying out diagnostics

At this stage of infection, parasites in the body can be detected through a general analysis of blood and sputum. Diagnosis is also carried out by analyzing feces for the presence of eggs in it. It is worth noting that adult roundworms in the feces of a child are found very rarely. You need to take tests after the treatment to make sure that the result is achieved.

Additional examination methods include x-rays of the lungs and intestines. It must be carried out during the period of migration of larvae. It is advisable to take an X-ray several times with an interval of two days, and then compare the results. In addition to all these methods, there are also otherdiagnostic methods. These include ultrasound, as well as tomography. Only after a comprehensive diagnosis is made, the required method of therapy is selected.

Features of treatment

On the treatment of ascaris in a child, Komarovsky says that the baby does not need to be removed from attending kindergarten and contacting other children at all, since he is not dangerous. A prerequisite for prescribing drugs is the presence of eggs of these helminths in the feces. For preventive purposes, drugs are not prescribed, as they can provoke a deterioration in the baby's well-being.

It is recommended to carry out complex treatment of ascaris in children. In this case, medications are given to the child sequentially. Do not self-medicate, as only a qualified doctor will be able to choose the required dosage that does not harm a weakened body.

Usually, treatment is given simultaneously to all members of the family where the child was infected in order to protect him from re-infection, and also as a preventive measure. In addition, in the presence of worms (ascaris) in children, it is imperative to carry out a general cleaning in the apartment.

The child must be washed after each act of defecation. It is also necessary to thoroughly wash the pot. The child should not be allowed to touch or scratch the anus. It is forbidden to take objects into your mouth and hands, as they may contain roundworm eggs.

Bedding should be washed at high temperature in the washing machine beforethe beginning of therapy and after its completion. In this way, you need to wash not only bed linen, but also all items of clothing for the child and other family members.

It is obligatory to wash all pieces of furniture in the house with a soap solution or a special detergent added to the water. Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness of switches, furniture and door handles, children's toys. In addition, periodically wipe all surfaces that the infected child has touched.

Throughout the course of therapy, it is imperative to follow a special diet with a restriction of sweet foods. With ascariasis, it is important to stick to a diet. It is necessary to exclude fatty, spicy and fried foods from the usual diet. It is also worth observing the drinking regimen, drinking 1-1.5 liters of water daily, depending on the age and weight of the child.

Drug therapy

How to remove roundworm in a child, only the attending doctor can give recommendations after a comprehensive diagnosis. It is forbidden to take medicines without a doctor's prescription. There are certain medications that help destroy the larvae and adult parasites. Most drugs need to be taken once, with a repeat after 14-20 days. The doctor develops a treatment regimen for ascaris in children and tells parents what to do after taking the drugs. The course of therapy may include such drugs:

  • Anthelmintic - Pirantel, Albendazole (once).
  • Enterosorbents - "Laktofiltrum", "Enterosgel", "Smekta" (5 days).
  • Enzymatic preparations - "Mezim forte", "Creon" (14 days).
  • Probiotics - "Acipol", "Bifiform" (21 days).
  • Vitamin complexes - "Multitabs" (1 month).

All these drugs can be given to the child in parallel, immediately after the withdrawal of the antihelminthic. The dosage of drugs is calculated strictly individually, depending on body weight. For children under 3 years of age, it is advisable to give medicines in the form of a suspension.

Medical therapy
Medical therapy

In the treatment of ascariasis, a good result is the use of such a remedy as Vermox. This drug blocks the absorption of glucose by helminths, which is the basis of their nutrition. As a result, roundworms die. This drug is not prescribed for children with severe helminthic invasion, since under the influence of the drug the motor activity of the worms may increase. As a result, vomiting and the penetration of worms into the respiratory organs may occur.

The drug Intoxic has proven itself well, as it helps to fight various types of helminths, including roundworms. This medicine can be used for treatment and as a prophylactic. It consists of plant components, as well as other components that do not harm he alth and do not cause adverse reactions. It should be taken 30 minutes before eating.

Baktefort drops are considered another good drug, which will help to get rid of ascariasis in a complex way. Due to their unique qualities, they are able to quickly cleanse the body of parasites,and also eliminate signs of intoxication.

If a child is a year old, roundworms can provoke many complications, which is why complex therapy is necessary. It should be noted that some medications can cause side effects. The younger the child, the greater the likelihood of developing negative manifestations, which include the following:

  • Eruptions on the skin.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Slight increase in temperature.
  • Nausea.

If adverse reactions last from several hours to 2 days, then they are not dangerous. If they do not go away for a long time, then you need to consult a doctor, as an acute allergic reaction to the drug may develop.

Folk remedies

Many parents are interested in how to treat roundworms in children with folk remedies, as they believe that they are safer for the child's body. Healers advise giving water to the child with such means:

  • Camomile decoction.
  • Carrot juice.
  • Hemp oil.

Among the stronger drugs, it is necessary to highlight the extract of aspen bark. It can be taken for prevention, as well as if there are contraindications to the use of anthelmintic drugs. Fresh garlic helps to cope with helminths, which can also be eaten as a preventive measure.

You can use raw pumpkin seeds or prepare a healing decoction based on them. The course of therapy is 14-21 days. Decoctions of medicinal herbs help well against parasites. They cancook on the basis of wormwood, tansy flowers, chamomile. All components must be mixed in equal parts, pour hot water and insist, then strain and take daily.

Folk remedies
Folk remedies

To remove parasites from the body of a child, you can use pomegranate peel. To do this, it must be filled with water and boiled for 30 minutes over low heat. You need to take a decoction 3 times every 30 minutes. Give your child a laxative after the last medication.

Carrot juice is a good treatment for ascariasis. You can also consume raw carrots. After eating these foods, you should also give a laxative.

Ascariasis can be effectively treated with celandine juice. To prepare the drug, you need to pass a fresh plant through a meat grinder, and then squeeze the juice out of it, using gauze or a bandage for this. Then you need to dilute 2 drops of juice in 30 ml of water and take this medicine. Celandine has a paralyzing effect on helminths, so they will come out of the intestines. It is worth noting that this plant contains toxic substances that can enter the human bloodstream, so it must be used very carefully.

Possible Complications

If the number of ascaris in the small intestine becomes very large, they can provoke intestinal obstruction, accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen and constant vomiting. Without proper medical attention, the intestinal walls can burst, resulting inperitonitis occurs.

In addition to the intestines, worms can enter the bile ducts, blocking them and causing jaundice. Penetrating into the appendix, roundworms provoke its inflammation. Worms can also enter the respiratory system, resulting in asthma attacks.


Carrying out prevention
Carrying out prevention

The most effective preventive measure against roundworm infection is personal hygiene. The child must wash his hands with soap and water after each visit to the street and toilet. Fruits and vegetables, as well as berries and herbs, must be carefully processed before consumption.
