Aching or dull pain on the right side under the ribs is a fairly common symptom. Probably everyone has experienced them at least once in their life. Such an unpleasant sensation is associated with a dense arrangement of organs located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ribs on the right. This is where the kidney and liver are located. Both organs have a dense structure and are quite closely in contact with the ribs from the inside. B

in their natural state, they are reliably protected and are not injured by bone tissue during movements.
Dull, sharp pain under the right rib is a signal that the liver or kidney has become cramped in the bed allotted to them by nature. This can happen due to an increase in the size of organs due to an inflammatory process.
Also, pain can be caused by displacement of organs from blows and squeezing them by other organs located nearby.
Why does my right side hurt under my ribs?
In addition to injuries, discomfort may be the result of an inflammatory process in the following organs:
- in the gallbladder;

- in the adrenal gland;
- in the right lung;
- in the pancreas;
- in the upper intestines.
During pregnancy, women may also experience pain on the right side under the ribs. This is due to the process of fetal growth, which compresses the organs inside.
Also, for example, with inflammation in the gallbladder, its walls thicken, it increases. The outflow of bile from it slows down, which leads to the expansion of the organ. The gallbladder begins to put pressure on the liver, and it, accordingly, on the ribs. In this case, there is a dull pain of a aching nature, aggravated by movement.
The ulcer causes pain on the right side under the ribs
In this case, the symptom appears most often about half an hour after the meal. In addition, with an ulcer, the patient often wants to eat at night, heartburn and constipation often occur. Pain stops after possible vomiting. Every day the patient's hunger increases and intolerance to certain foods appears.
Other diseases that provoke an unpleasant symptom
In addition to an ulcer, the following ailments can cause pain on the right side under the ribs:
- Acute appendicitis. To identify this ailment, you need to lie on your back and press
- Acute pancreatitis. In this case, the pain begins to appear under the ribs at the top of the abdomen.
- Cholecystitis in the acute stage. In addition to pain under the ribs in their upper part, the patient is overcome by vomiting, and food causes nausea.
- Hepatitis, acute intestinal infections, pseudotuberculosis. Pain in such cases is observed in the abdomen, under the ribs. The disease is accompanied by constant vomiting.
- Myocardial infarction. Pain appears in the area under the ribs on the right due to damage to the lower heart wall.

on the right side. Increasing pain in this place indicates inflammation of the appendix. And if you additionally raise the rightleg, the sensations become even stronger.
In addition to all of the above, the cause of discomfort can be an injury to any of the organs. Whatever the cause of the pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.