The spur is a bony outgrowth on the heel, shaped like a spike. This neoplasm occurs at the site of attachment of the Achilles tendon. Spurs on the heels, the photo of which can be seen below, appear due to an increase in the stiffness of muscles and ligaments or age-related changes in the body, and an increase in bone fragility that can result from injuries. Pathological neoplasm can be the result of overweight, improper foot placement, flat feet, high instep, and diabetes.

The final diagnosis can only be made by an orthopedic specialist based on a visual examination of the leg and an x-ray. Since the spur is a bone growth, its removal is possible only with the help of surgical methods. However, the bone itself does not cause pain. Unpleasant sensations arise due to inflammatory processes in the tissues surrounding the growth. That is why the conservative treatment of heel spurs is reduced to the elimination of concomitant pathological phenomena.
Modern medicine offers the following measures to treat the disease andprocedures:
- mud applicators;
- ultrasound treatment;
- radiotherapy;
- mineral baths;
- hormonal injections;
- shock wave therapy;
- wearing orthopedic insoles and shoes;
- surgery.

How to treat spurs on the heels, traditional medicine also suggests. So, you can carry out a variety of rubbing with herbs and make compresses, warming up, use magnetic insoles and periodically tap your foot on the floor.
Heel spurs can be treated with warm baths consisting of various medicinal herbs (plantain, burdock, coltsfoot, onion, garlic, marsh cinquefoil, white acacia). The water solution to which soap is added may also contain s alt and soda.

Treatment of heel spurs by folk methods involves applying any heat to the painful area. Relief comes from using a heating pad and oven-heated sand or table s alt, which are pre-packed in a cloth bag.
Traditional medicine recipes offer the treatment of heel spurs with simple and affordable means. A good effect can be achieved from the use of a compress with a gruel of raw potatoes and horseradish. Getting rid of a pathological neoplasm is also possible when rolling with your feet a bag into which buckwheat or any other cereal is poured.
Folk healers also advise walking with tea foil,which is attached to the heels. Dog hair is considered a good cure for spurs. It must be put in socks. Apply pickled cucumbers or a cabbage leaf smeared with honey to the heels. At night, you can make a compress of black radish grated on a fine grater. Treatment of heel spurs with traditional healers' recipes is also possible with the help of ground red pepper. You should walk with it, pouring it into a sock.
If you have pain in the heel area, you must first of all consult a specialist. Unpleasant sensations can be caused, in addition to spurs, by rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis or Reiter's syndrome.