Sick thyroid gland: treatment, causes, symptoms

Sick thyroid gland: treatment, causes, symptoms
Sick thyroid gland: treatment, causes, symptoms

What is the thyroid gland, what are the clinical symptoms and how is the pathology of this most important organ of the endocrine system treated? We will try to give an exhaustive answer to all these topical questions. The thyroid gland is the largest gland in our body, responsible for metabolic processes, heat transfer, energy, it also regulates the functional activity of the cardiovascular system, skin.

thyroid treatment
thyroid treatment

The correct functioning of this body is necessary for the coordination of all processes occurring in the human body. Its weight does not exceed 20 g. Despite its small size, the gland is indeed one of the most vital internal organs. In its structure, it resembles an insect - a butterfly. Often in the common people, iron is called the thyroid gland. Treatment at the initial stage of the disease is usually hormonal.

Severe symptoms in the early stages of the disease may be absent. Here are some changes and ailments that are observed in the body:

-frequent migraines, memory loss, distraction;

- lethargy, swelling, weakness;

- decrease in efficiency, unreasonable fatigue;

- drowsiness or insomnia;

- heaviness in the limbs;

- hypotension or hypertension;

- pain in the joints and spine;

- arrhythmia;

- low body temperature;

- cold extremities even in the heat;

- swollen eyelids;

- possible constipation, - anxiety, irritability;

- peeling of eyebrows and face;

- pain in the eyes (feeling of sand).

thyroid nodules treatment
thyroid nodules treatment

Usually the patient does not suspect that he has a diseased thyroid gland. Treatment is shelved, which in turn leads to a deterioration in the condition. It should be noted that women are most susceptible to pathological processes in this organ.

Main causes of thyroid disease

Undoubtedly, the key role in the occurrence of pathology of the gland is played by hereditary and genetic factors that determine the predisposition to a particular disease. Stressful situations can provoke the disease. Also:

- iodine deficiency (lack of vitamins and minerals);

- psycho-emotional experiences;

- chronic diseases;

- existing infections;

- radiation environment.

Simply put, certain unfavorable conditions cause the gland to produce a reduced or increased amount of hormones, which subsequently disrupts the functioning of the organendocrine system. As a result, hypo- or hyperthyroidism, hyperplasia, goiter, nodes on the thyroid gland develop. Treatment is carried out after passing certain tests and a thorough diagnosis.

thyroid treatment with radioactive iodine
thyroid treatment with radioactive iodine

Modern therapies

Hypo- and hyperthyroidism is usually treated with chemotherapeutic drugs. Surgery is indicated for suspected oncological formations. It is treated with monopreparations (thyroxine, triiodothyronine), combinations with inorganic iodine for a sick thyroid gland. Treatment with these drugs helps to fill the deficiency of missing hormones in the body. Hormone replacement therapy, unfortunately, is used for life and maintains human he alth.

Thyroid is often treated with radioactive iodine. This method of therapy is an excellent alternative to surgery. It is noteworthy that this method of therapy acts very slowly - up to several months. And only after some time the results are evaluated. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

With diffuse goiter, a radioactive isotope is shown. It is also used in the event that previously performed surgical operations on the gland and neck. This method is used to treat oncology. In addition to the listed therapy options, there are many other effective methods, for example, dietary supplements. Under the influence of herbal preparations, the thyroid gland is normalized. Treatment will show the best results if it is carried out in combination. But we must not forget that all iodine-containing productslimited in use due to narrow therapeutic activity.
