Gonorrhea in men: treatment and symptoms of different forms of the disease

Gonorrhea in men: treatment and symptoms of different forms of the disease
Gonorrhea in men: treatment and symptoms of different forms of the disease

An infectious disease caused by gonococcus and transmitted mainly during sexual contact is gonorrhea. In men, the treatment of the disease depends on its type and form. Gonococci primarily affect the genitourinary tract and its accessory organs. That is why the first symptoms of infection are slight burning and itching in the urethra. This symptom may be supplemented by the appearance of mucous secretions. Then the inflammation increases, and after 3-4 days acute urethritis develops.

gonorrhea in men treatment
gonorrhea in men treatment

Gonorrhea: symptoms in men

Treatment of the disease should be started as early as possible, and therefore it is necessary to pay attention to emerging symptoms in a timely manner. Anterior urethritis in acute course causes pain during urination, intense redness of the outer zone of the urethra, its soreness and swelling, abundant discharge of purulent contents. Erections may cause pain.

Sometimes gonorrhea in men (treatment of the diseasemust be carried out by a venereologist) is characterized by mild symptoms, manifested only in the form of minor discharge and mild pain, sometimes not even noticeable to the patient. In this case, the disease from the very beginning acquires a kind of chronic form. The opposite development of events also happens, when urethritis proceeds extremely rapidly. Inflammation in this case is very pronounced: the penis swells significantly and remains in a semi-tense state, intense pain occurs when it is felt, abundant discharges are observed from the urethra, they may be mixed with blood. In addition, the general condition worsens, the temperature rises.

gonorrhea treatment for men
gonorrhea treatment for men

A sign of posterior urethritis is frequent urination, sometimes every 15 minutes. Usually it is accompanied by pain and the release of a small amount of blood. At the same time, the release of purulent contents is practically or completely absent due to its flow into the bladder. This type of disease can also occur without causing severe symptoms. Gonorrhea in men, the treatment of which is started in a timely manner, in most cases is limited to anterior urethritis. If the therapy is carried out late or poorly, the disease can become chronic, which is fraught with its spread to the entire body and the occurrence of various complications. In this case, the disease almost does not bother the patient, the discharge from the urethra of pus is very weak.

gonorrhea symptoms in men treatment
gonorrhea symptoms in men treatment

Treatment of gonorrhea in men

Preparations containing antibiotics are used as the main method of therapy. The choice of a particular medication depends on a number of conditions: the nature and prevalence of the disease, the resistance of gonococci, the general condition of the patient, the presence of complications, etc. Penicillin antibiotics are most often used, they are administered intramuscularly. With individual intolerance to such medicines, tetracycline antibiotics are used. As a rule, 7-10 days are enough for the symptoms to stop appearing. Gonorrhea in men, the treatment of which is quite long, is present in the body until the gonococcus in the secretions disappears completely. It also happens that even if the pathogen is not detected during laboratory diagnostics, inflammation continues to persist in the genitourinary system. Then it is necessary to make an additional examination and continue treatment. Only if the gonococcus is not detected in laboratory tests for a long time, can the patient be considered cured of gonorrhea.
