Petrificates in the lungs: description, causes, treatment

Petrificates in the lungs: description, causes, treatment
Petrificates in the lungs: description, causes, treatment

Calcification (it is also called petrificat) in the lung is an area of affected tissue or intrathoracic lymph node, surrounded by a capsule of calcium s alts, a kind of scar or scar on the affected area of the organ.

Every year, every person who is not indifferent to the state of his he alth should visit the radiologist's office in order to conduct a routine fluorography. Sometimes in the conclusion you can read unfamiliar words that the patient has petrificates in the lungs. A person who is not initiated into medical terminology immediately wants to know what it is, and also begins to worry about whether such a diagnosis is life-threatening. Meanwhile, in most of these situations, you should not worry at all.

what are petrificates in the roots of the lungs
what are petrificates in the roots of the lungs


The lungs are not the only organ in the human body in which these elements can be found. They canappear in any parenchymal tissues, for example, in the kidney, in the structure of the thyroid gland or the prostate gland. Petrificates in the lungs are the result of the struggle of the immune system with the focus of inflammation. They also occur after the body struggles with the focus of accumulation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Morphologically, petrificate is a site of modified lung tissues surrounded by a dense membrane that is impregnated with Ca s alts. The main goal of the calcification process is to stop the pathological process within the parenchyma of this organ by replacing dead foci and delimiting the place of development of mycobacteria. What are the main factors affecting the occurrence of single petrificates in the lungs?

Reasons for appearance

There are many reasons for petrification:

small petrifications in the lungs
small petrifications in the lungs
  • Presence of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  • Development of a microabscess.
  • The appearance of a foreign body in the respiratory tract.
  • The occurrence of helminthic invasion.
  • The consequence of pneumonia.
  • Failure in calcium metabolism.
  • The presence of an oncological process in the lung tissue.
  • Presence of an injury.
  • Influence of an aggressive physical or chemical agent.
  • A factor of congenital pathology, which, however, is very rare.
  • Inflammatory change in the tissue of neighboring organs.

Next, let's move on to the consideration of the mechanism for the development of such a phenomenon.

Development mechanism

In the pathogenesis of the formation of petrificates in the lungs, there are severalfollowing points:

  • Penetrating into the body, Mycobacterium tuberculosis multiply in the lung tissue, forming a granuloma.
  • The body's immune system begins to fight them.
  • In order for the pathological focus to be isolated, a dense capsule is formed around it, which includes immune cells like lymphocytes, macrophages, epithelioid elements.
  • With the passage of time, the outer shell of the capsule begins to be saturated with calcium s alts.
  • petrificat in the lung in breast cancer
    petrificat in the lung in breast cancer


After the calcified areas of the lung tissue are displayed on the fluorogram, a number of additional studies are usually required to control the activity of the pathology, for example:

  • Clinical blood test.
  • Performing biochemical analysis.
  • Performing an enzyme immunoassay for parasitic antigens.
  • Computed tomography.
  • Performing diaskintest, bronchoscopy and sputum analysis for microflora.
  • Receiving radiography of the lungs in special projections.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics.
  • Performing electrocardiography.

In the event that after the examination there is no active focus of tuberculosis and the patient does not complain, it will not be necessary to treat small petrifications in the lungs. In order to control the situation, it is necessary to do x-rays annually, visiting a pulmonologist. So that the attending physician can track the dynamics of changes in the areasfabrics, you must have all previous pictures with you.

How to treat petrificates in the lungs? Consider further.

petrifications in the lungs how to treat the disease
petrifications in the lungs how to treat the disease


In the event that during the studies the presence of a structural change in the lung parenchyma was diagnosed, then appropriate treatment will be required. Its appearance directly depends on the etiological cause of the pathological change.

If a focus of active tuberculosis is detected, the patient will need intensive therapy with anti-tuberculosis drugs ("Rifampicin", "Isoniazid"). The presence of helminthic invasions suggests therapy with antiparasitic agents ("Vermox", "Decaris", "Pirantel"). When oncological diseases develop in the lung tissues, it is necessary to prescribe antitumor therapy to the person as soon as possible.

Large, and at the same time, multiple petrifications in the lungs, which significantly impair the quality of life of patients, are very rare. They can be removed surgically. To restore normal respiratory functions, therapeutic exercises in combination with a special massage can be prescribed. Such patients are recommended sanatorium and resort treatment.

how to treat petrification in the lungs
how to treat petrification in the lungs


In order to avoid the occurrence of such a phenomenon as petrificates in the lung parenchyma, preventive measures are required:

  • Maximum elimination of the hypothermia factor.
  • Timely seeking medical help in case of the first manifestations of the pathology of the respiratory tract.
  • Quit bad habits in the form of smoking, drinking alcohol.
  • Keeping an extremely active lifestyle, that is, we are talking about daily long walks in the fresh air and exercising.
  • Compliance with proper nutrition. It is necessary to consume a large amount of fresh vegetables with fruits, include honey, walnuts, dried apricots, raisins, prunes in the diet.
  • Managing chronic comorbidities.
  • Compliance with the regime of rest and sleep.
  • Using individual hygiene products and separate dishes.

Petrifications in the lungs are not a gross pathology and in most situations they will not require treatment. They rarely become the direct cause of complaints from patients. When you see such a term in your medical record, you should not be nervous at all. Usually, the presence of petrificates indicates a good state of the immune system, which independently coped with the problem that has arisen, that is, it indicates that the pathological area was delimited from he althy tissues. In order to sleep peacefully, it will be enough to regularly visit a pulmonologist and monitor the general condition through x-rays.

single petrificates in the lungs
single petrificates in the lungs

Petrificates in the lungs in breast cancer

Breast cancer with such elements in the lungs is found quite often. This can be explained by the fact that, despite the fact that oncological educationcan metastasize to any organ, areas that are located close to the primary focus are more at risk. Metastases can form from the detached cell of the primary neoplasm. Against this background, it is worth considering that they will be able to show themselves even after many years. There is no scientific explanation for this phenomenon yet. But it is known that under the negative influence of certain factors, such cells can begin to divide, thus forming a whole system of blood vessels.

In conclusion

Thus, in most cases, petrificates are traces of a pathological process, but they can sometimes also occur in tumors. Thus, the pinpoint calcification seen on mammograms is observed in patients with breast cancer.

We looked at what petrificates are in the roots of the lungs.
