Prevention and treatment of heel spurs at home

Prevention and treatment of heel spurs at home
Prevention and treatment of heel spurs at home

A heel spur is an acquired orthopedic disease that occurs as a result of pre-existing problems such as injury, inflammation or infection.

heel spur treatment at home
heel spur treatment at home

Treatment of heel spurs at home is quite effective if done in the early stages. To recognize this disease on your own, it is enough to pay attention to the pain in the heel area, which increases with pressure, walking, as well as on the skin in this area: redness and swelling are often observed there. External symptoms are mainly associated with a change in gait, as the spur causes some discomfort.

Disease prevention

Treatment of heel spurs at home, and in medical institutions, is not a matter of one day. Therefore, it is better to spend a little time on prevention, especially since it does not require much effort and financial investment. So, preventive measures:

  • Weight loss. This is for people who tend to be overweight, because pressure on the foot is one of thecauses of heel spur development. Proper nutrition, physical activity and self-discipline are one of the preventive methods for preventing this disease.
  • Shoes. For lovers of high heels, skinny socks and other tributes to fashion: you need to periodically change beautiful, but not always comfortable shoes for no less cute and stable sneakers, moccasins, etc.
  • He alth. Flat feet, diseases of the spine and joints, infectious and inflammatory processes - all this should by no means be started to a chronic state. Taking care of yourself and monitoring your overall he alth will save you from such problems as treating heel spurs at home and in medical institutions. If you have not been able to avoid the disease, and all the symptoms indicate its progress, you should immediately begin treatment.

Heel spur treatment

heel spur treatment price
heel spur treatment price

The price of heel spur treatment in medical institutions varies depending on the stage of the disease and the intended method of getting rid of it. There are several basic methods:

  • Procedures: warm-ups, massages, special therapeutic exercises.
  • Ultrasound or shock wave therapy. This is a fairly young method of treatment, it has been practiced for no more than 10 years, but now it has become an advanced way to deal with heel spurs. Its main advantages are the absence of age restrictions and inpatient treatment. The principle of the method is quite simple: acting on a certain area, the beam “kills” diseased cells without touchinghe althy.
  • Medications. This method is aimed at pain relief, removal of inflammatory and infectious processes, restoration of hormonal balance.
  • Surgery is an extreme method of treatment, when it is practically impossible to cope with other methods due to severe bone growth or inflammation.

Heel spur treatment at home

You can also treat a heel spur at home. Fortunately, folk recipes passed down from generation to generation are no less effective than official medicine. It is useful and effective to make baths, compresses, ointments at home.

heel spur treatment with iodine
heel spur treatment with iodine

Treatment of heel spurs with iodine is one of the most affordable and effective ways. There are several ways to use it. For example, bathtubs. Add a few drops of iodine to warm water and soak your heels in the solution for 10-15 minutes. The pain from the disease will quickly recede, and over time, internal inflammation will also pass. The second way is a compress of iodine and aspirin. To prepare a mixture of 6 tablets, you need to grind into powder and mix with 50 ml of iodine. Apply this composition in the morning and evening for one month.

  • Potato compress. Boil half a kilogram of tubers in a peel, drain and crush the water, adding kerosene. The resulting mixture (slightly cooled), apply to the foot, wrap in a bag and secure with a warm sock. Do similar procedures in a course of at least 12 times.
  • Plantain, cabbage, burdock - these plants tend to shootinflammation. To do this, the washed leaves are applied to the heel and fixed with a bandage. You need to change them as they fade.
  • Black radish and carrots. The tubers of these vegetables are grated, lightly squeezed to extract the juice. The resulting mixture is laid out on a bag and tied to the foot. Such compresses are made in the evening and left until the morning.
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