Conn's Syndrome is a rather rare disease that is associated with excessive production of aldosterone in the adrenal glands. As a result of an increase in the level of this hormone, disturbances in the work of the circulatory, excretory, muscular and nervous systems are observed.

The disease was first described in 1955. At the time, the famous physician Conn was investigating an unknown disease that was accompanied by persistent hypertension and a decrease in blood levels of potassium. Later, such cases were described by doctors more than once. The disease was named after the first researcher - thus, the section "Kon's Syndrome" appeared in the reference books.
By the way, today there is still active research into this disease, as well as the search for optimal methods of treatment and prevention.
Conn's disease and its causes

Unfortunately, the causes of the development of such a disease can not always be determined. However, the most common violation of the adrenal glands is associated with an adenoma of the glomerular zone of these organs. As a rule, these formations are benign, so it is easieramenable to treatment. It is worth noting that the syndrome is much more often diagnosed among young people, especially among women.
The formation and growth of a tumor is accompanied by an increased synthesis of aldosterone. Such a violation affects the state of the whole organism. First, mineral metabolism is disturbed, as a result of which increased absorption of sodium occurs in the renal tubules and simultaneous excretion of potassium. A decrease in the amount of potassium in the body negatively affects the condition of the kidneys and circulatory system.
Conn's syndrome: symptoms of the disease
Today, doctors distinguish three groups of main symptoms that manifest themselves in the renal, circulatory and muscular systems.
The most obvious sign of the disease is high blood pressure, which the usual remedies for hypertension cannot cope with. A persistent increase in pressure causes a lot of related problems. Patients complain of dizziness and headaches, weakness, nausea and vomiting. Sometimes there may be an attack of tetany or the development of flaccid paralysis. There may also be pain in the heart, regular attacks of suffocation, shortness of breath even with the slightest physical exertion. In the most severe cases, coronary or ventricular failure develops. Sometimes left ventricular hypertrophy develops.

Increased pressure also affects the state of the visual analyzer - the fundus changes, there is swelling of the optic nerve, decreased visual acuity (up to complete blindness).
Conn's syndrome is usually accompanied by an increasedaily amount of urine - sometimes this figure is 10 liters.
Conn syndrome: diagnosis and treatment
If you have such he alth problems, it is best to seek medical help immediately. Diagnosis of the disease is a long process. Usually the patient has to take urine and blood tests. The doctor also checks the level of potassium and aldosterone in the blood, used in diagnostics and computed tomography.
To date, the only treatment is surgery. During the operation, either the benign tumor itself or part of the adrenal cortex is removed.
In any case, after the operation, the patient must carefully monitor the diet, adhere to a he althy lifestyle and regularly undergo preventive examinations.