In children, especially in the period of growing up, multiple pustular rashes often appear on different parts of the body. Most often, they do not pose a particular danger to the body and pass on their own without additional intervention (after improving the hormonal background). But there are more serious skin diseases that require mandatory complex treatment. A furuncle in a child without proper treatment can lead to dangerous consequences and affect he alth. Suppuration is always formed in the area of the hair follicle, and after some time it spreads to nearby tissues. It is important to consider the main causes of a boil in children and treatment.
What causes education
A single boil on a child's body is not as dangerous as a large number of rashes that lead to the development of furunculosis. Treatment in this case is prescribed by the attending specialist after a comprehensive diagnosis of the child's condition. In some cases, the baby is hospitalized.

A boil with purulent contents may appear in the abdomen,back, on the arms and in the groin - on any part of the body on which hair follicles are located. The most dangerous place where ulcers can appear is the neck and head.
If a boil was detected on the ear, nose, eye or lip, then it is important to begin immediate treatment of the disease, complications in this case can be very dangerous and adversely affect the baby's he alth. A photo of the treatment of a boil in the nose of a child is publicly available on medical forums.
The causative agent of the disease are opportunistic microorganisms - Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. They make up the microflora of the human body and are constantly present in it, but when exposed to some external factors, they are activated and in a short time greatly increase in number, which provokes the appearance of suppuration.

The causes of boils in children can be different:
- injury to the surface of the skin - through them the infection enters the body itself;
- poor hygiene;
- problems with metabolic functions in the body;
- presence of diseases of the endocrine system;
- chronic diseases or previous acute infections;
- body hypothermia or overheating;
- uncontrolled use of steroid drugs;
- Incorrect diet, junk food.
In most cases, children are affected bystrong scratching of the skin surface with dirty hands, but not all children develop boils as a result of such exposure. All the factors described can lead to the appearance of a boil only in conditions of a decrease in the immune defense of a person, in this case, the patient's body simply cannot eliminate the infection from the body on its own and suppress its development, which leads to the appearance of a boil.
It is better to refuse treatment with folk remedies or self-administration of medicines. When the first signs of a lesion appear, it is important to immediately seek help from a specialist who will help draw up an effective and comprehensive treatment for a boil in a child.
Symptoms of defeat
If you do not know how a boil develops, then it can be easily mistaken for a simple skin rash or a pimple that has popped up. In this case, the child's parents do not consider it necessary to start treatment, which becomes risky for the child's he alth, as this can lead to various complications.
You can identify a boil in a child by the following symptoms:
- future boil always forms near the hair follicle;
- the affected area of the skin is painted bright red and hurts when touched;
- during palpation, you can feel a tight knot;
- the child's body temperature may rise significantly (up to 38-39 degrees);
- the diseased part of the body itches a lot, tingling is felt.
These are all the main symptoms of the initial stage of the disease, do not pay attention towhich cannot. If timely treatment was not started, then the boil passes into the second stage of development - purulent-necrotic masses are formed.
Second stage of the disease
This stage is characterized by the following symptoms:
- the inflammatory process moves to nearby tissues, as well as the sebaceous glands;
- an abscess can increase in size and reach up to 5 centimeters;
- yellow-green masses are visible in the center of the abscess;
- chirya tissue begins to melt - fistulous holes appear.
Features of the third stage of furuncle development
At the third stage, the boil is ready for self-cleansing. In this case, the abscess opens and actively heals, which leads to the following symptoms:
- thin skin on the surface of the formation bursts;
- purulent discharge comes from the boil;
- necrotic masses can be seen inside the opened sore (abscess core) - you should not try to remove the core, as it will come out of the skin on its own.
After cleansing the cavity, an active process of healing and skin restoration begins. At first, diseased tissue changes to a purple-blue color, but over time they begin to heal, leaving behind a small scar.
From the appearance of the first signs of damage to the opening of the boil in a child (as in an adult) it takes from 7 to 10 days, in some cases the abscess continues to mature a little longer.
The boil must necessarily go through three stages of its development - a purulent, infiltrative and regenerative process. Experts forbid trying to open the formations with their own efforts, especially in the case when the term for its abscess has not come. Self-medication can lead to dangerous consequences.
Complication of condition
Without proper and high-quality treatment, a boil can lead to quite dangerous consequences, especially if the abscess is located in the area of the nasolabial triangle, neck, eye, ear.
With this arrangement, the infectious process can go into the bloodstream and, together with the bloodstream, spread throughout the body, penetrate the brain and lead to the appearance of meningitis, sepsis or other diseases that provoke a fatal outcome. If therapeutic measures were not started on time or were chosen incorrectly, then the patient may experience the following complications: thrombosis, erysipelas, lymphadenitis, pyelonephritis, phlebitis. In the photo, the treatment of a boil in a child in the ear.

When a boil is located in the eye area, the consequences can lead to complete or partial loss of vision. An abscess located in the ear area can deprive the child of hearing. In addition, the advanced stage of the disease often changes to a chronic form with extensive damage to the skin. Treatment of a boil in a child is a rather complicated procedure, since the disease often leads to relapses and provokes the spread of infection to other organs.
To prevent possible complications, parentsshould seek help from a doctor in time, who will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the condition and prescribe the correct treatment for a boil in a child at home.
Diagnostic measures
Most often, a doctor needs only one examination to diagnose a child, but in some cases, a specialist prescribes laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

When the disease is at a severe stage, the doctor prescribes a CT or MRI. Additionally, the following studies are carried out:
- ultrasound;
- biochemical analysis of urine and blood;
- bakposev contents of the boil;
- dermatological skin examination.
In some cases, it is important for a child to conduct a more thorough examination by a specialist of a narrow focus - for example, when a boil is located in the eye area, it is important to conduct an examination by an ophthalmologist. After receiving the results of the examination, the doctor makes a comprehensive and correct treatment.
Treatment of disease
Treatment of a boil on a child's face will directly depend on the shape and nature of the abscess.
To speed up the process of maturation of the abscess and prevent pain, it is important to use the following therapies:
- Treat the skin area near the boil with boric or salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide and green paint.
- Apply something warm to the affected area.
- UHF is a procedure in which a high-frequency electromagnetic field is applied to the skin formation.
- Onan abscess that has broken through should be put on wet-drying bandages moistened with hypertonic solution, which help to quickly eliminate purulent formation and prevent the development of complications.
- After the discharge of necrotic tissue, gauze with antibacterial ointments is applied to the diseased area of the body. Experts advise using "Baneocin", "Tetracycline", "Ihtilovaya", "Heparin" ointment.
- In the treatment of abscesses on the nose of a child, special antibiotics should be used to help prevent the spread of staphylococci: Methicillin, Oxacillin, Dicloxacillin, Levofloxacin and Vancomycin.
- Autohemotherapy - the introduction of a child intramuscularly or under the skin of his own blood from a vein.
- Laser treatment is the most common and effective method of treatment, as it helps to eliminate the abscess in just one procedure without pain and scarring, and also prevents relapses and complications.
- Surgical intervention with removal of the boil.

You should not choose medicines and prescribe their dosages when treating a child on your own. In the same way, it is forbidden to massage a diseased part of the body, make warm compresses and squeeze out pus. Any medication should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist. If parents want to cure a child with some kind of folk remedy, then you should first consult a doctor. Photo treatmenta boil in a child can be found in the public domain.
Using folk remedies
To carry out the correct treatment of a boil in the ear of a child, you should use folk remedies. The following recipes are among the most effective:
- If a furuncle has formed in the ear, then a special healing ointment should be created. To do this, one tablespoon of chopped calendula flowers is mixed with 30 grams of vaseline oil. Lubricate the abscess several times a day.
- The remedy is suitable for the treatment of a boil in a child on the leg. One leaf of ficus is scrolled in a meat grinder, the second is boiled over low heat. Next, the resulting ficus puree is laid out on a hot leaf and applied to the diseased area of \u200b\u200bthe body.
- Boiled uncooled eggs. Such a remedy is well suited for the treatment of an abscess of the eye, since in this case it is not recommended to use simple medicines due to the high risk of irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye and the spread of the infectious process.
- Finely chopped hare cabbage leaves until juice is extracted from them. Next, the affected area is moistened with juice.
- Compresses and applications for boils. For their preparation, experts recommend using pumpkin, sea buckthorn, fir and camphor oils.
- When treating a boil on a child's bottom (on a flat surface), finely chopped baked onions should be tied with gauze to the affected area at night, which will help quickly eliminate pus and restore tissue condition.
- The diseased area is treated with herbal decoctions of sage, eucalyptus, string and chamomile.

There are a large number of folk recipes that help to quickly and effectively eliminate an abscess in a child, but they all need to be used very carefully. To begin with, you should consult a doctor, and also make sure that the child does not have any allergic reaction to the herbs used. Most often, it is these mistakes that adversely affect the child's condition and lead to various complications.
Prevention measures
To protect your baby from the formation of boils, it is important to take the following preventive measures:
- follow the rules of hygiene, avoid contamination of the skin;
- treat any sore spots with antiseptics;
- to make the right diet;
- strengthen the child's immunity (start taking special complexes of vitamins and minerals);
- go out regularly with him;
- avoid overheating or hypothermia of the body;
- monitor the dose and duration of taking glucocorticosteroid medications;
- avoid child stress and emotional upheaval.
Child treatment reviews
In the reviews, parents share their methods of treating a child. Many recommend treating the diseased area of the body with antiseptics more often and cauterizing new boils with iodine or brilliant green.
If the abscess has reached a large size, then you should seek help from a surgeon. Also, many children benefit from pure blood transfusions and treatment with topical preparations. But in order to avoid possible complications and improve the condition of the body, all parents are advised to choose a professional immunologist. Boils in children, the causes and treatment of the disease require a competent approach.