Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Painkillers for joint pain will effectively relieve pain and inflammation

Painkillers for joint pain will effectively relieve pain and inflammation

Joint pain occurs for a variety of reasons. Painkillers will help to alleviate the condition quickly and effectively

Unproductive cough in a child: symptoms, causes, necessary treatment and advice from doctors

Unproductive cough in a child: symptoms, causes, necessary treatment and advice from doctors

An unproductive cough in a child is one of the most common reasons for contacting a pediatrician. This is an extremely unpleasant symptom that causes severe discomfort in the baby, and anxiety in the parents. Painful and uncontrollable seizures exhaust the patient during the day, and at night they simply do not let him sleep

Why does my foot get cold in both cold and warm weather?

Why does my foot get cold in both cold and warm weather?

Why does the foot freeze in cold weather, and sometimes in the summer? The reason for this may be some pathology. In some cases, the answer to the question of why the leg is cold can provide an explanation about the structure of the body

What causes discomfort in the urethra

What causes discomfort in the urethra

Unpleasant sensations in the urethra (pain, pain when urinating) should always be alarming, because if the treatment is not timely, there is a risk of developing chronic prostatitis, epididymitis, which cause infertility in men. Late detection of tumor diseases is even more dangerous

Signs of pyelonephritis in a child. Urinary dysfunction in a child. Prevention of complications in pyelonephritis in children

Signs of pyelonephritis in a child. Urinary dysfunction in a child. Prevention of complications in pyelonephritis in children

Pyelonephritis is a non-specific bacterial inflammation of the kidneys. The disease has both an acute and a chronic phase. Pyelonephritis is most often the result of acute respiratory infections (ARVI). Can be found in children of all ages: newborns, infants, older children

Hemangioma of the brain in adults: symptoms, treatment, need for surgery, prognosis

Hemangioma of the brain in adults: symptoms, treatment, need for surgery, prognosis

Hemangioma of the brain is a benign tumor consisting of intertwined vascular glomeruli filled with blood. Pathology leads to compression of brain tissue, vascular malformations and is characterized by neurological symptoms, and in severe cases can lead to irreversible consequences

Skin polyps: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Skin polyps: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Such neoplasms as polyps on the skin have several names: soft wart, fibroepithelial polyp, skin papilloma, acrochordon, mollusk-type fibroma. They look like a small formation and are located on the surface of the skin. They are attached to the body with the help of peduncle legs and resemble pieces of hanging skin. Initially, the polyps are quite small, but gradually grow from 2 mm to a centimeter in diameter, some can reach 5 cm

Rash on the neck in an adult: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, reviews

Rash on the neck in an adult: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, reviews

A small number of small, painless pimples that occur from time to time is normal, especially in girls at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. However, an extensive or focal rash on the neck in an adult indicates pathologies in the work of individual organs or even systems, endocrine or immune pathologies

Pain when urinating in men: causes, symptoms and treatment

Pain when urinating in men: causes, symptoms and treatment

The organs of the genitourinary system play an important role in the body. They perform excretory and reproductive functions. When the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system is disrupted, suspicious symptoms occur. One of them is pain when urinating in men. The reasons for their appearance may be the development of inflammation, the penetration of infection into the body, the growth of tumors or the formation of kidney stones

Chronic pancreatitis: complications, possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Chronic pancreatitis: complications, possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Chronic pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas related to diseases of the digestive system. The disease proceeds cyclically, there are periods of remission and exacerbation. Against this background, dystrophic changes often progress in the body, which negatively affect the functioning of the thyroid gland

The whole body itches: causes and solutions

The whole body itches: causes and solutions

Do you suffer from unbearable itching, does your whole body itch? To find out what this symptom may indicate, read this article

Urethritis: its symptoms, detection, treatment and prevention

Urethritis: its symptoms, detection, treatment and prevention

Urethritis affects many people regardless of gender, it is an unpleasant disease that reduces the comfort of human life, and it is much easier to prevent than to treat

Headache, fever, nausea: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Headache, fever, nausea: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Nausea, migraine, weakness, fever, fainting - these are the unpleasant symptoms that anyone can experience. There are many diseases that can provoke the appearance of such unpleasant feelings. Only after a medical diagnosis, the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment

Sunstroke: consequences for children and adults

Sunstroke: consequences for children and adults

In the summer, when the warm sun warms, everyone tends to spend more time outdoors. And, of course, soak up the warm rays that caress your skin for a beautiful tan

Yeast colpitis: causes and treatment

Yeast colpitis: causes and treatment

Yeast colpitis is a fairly common female disease that occurs against the background of a bacterial imbalance of the vagina. How to determine the disease yourself and can it be cured? What to do if a yeast infection recurs too often?

Smallpox: types, symptoms, prevention and treatment features

Smallpox: types, symptoms, prevention and treatment features

Blackpox, commonly referred to as smallpox in modern terms, is a highly contagious viral infection that affects only humans. Symptoms of this disease are manifested by general intoxication of the body, accompanied by characteristic rashes on the skin and mucous membranes. People who have had this infection have partial or complete loss of vision and the presence of scars formed at the site of ulcers. In the article we will talk about the types of smallpox, symptoms and methods of treatment

Cracks behind the ear: causes and treatments

Cracks behind the ear: causes and treatments

Cracks behind the ear, possible causes: eczema and dermatitis, scrofula and psoriasis. Possible and fairly quickly eliminated causes: dry skin, lack of vitamins, stress and infectious diseases. How to deal with the problem? Problems in childhood: diaper rash, scrofula and other causes of a rash

Enlarged cervical lymph node: causes, symptoms, treatment

Enlarged cervical lymph node: causes, symptoms, treatment

A lymph node is a peripheral organ of the lymphatic system, which is a kind of filter in the body. It is through it that lymph flows, which subsequently enters all parts of the body. There are many such nodes in the body. And with them, as with any other system, there are problems. Now we will talk about a fairly common one, namely, those cases when it is revealed that a person has an enlarged cervical lymph node

Rubella in adults: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Rubella in adults: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Rubella is a disease specific to children. In this group of people, it passes quite easily and in most cases does not cause negative consequences

Rubella is Rubella disease: symptoms, treatment, consequences and prevention

Rubella is Rubella disease: symptoms, treatment, consequences and prevention

One of the most common infections of viral etiology is rubella. This disease is usually mild, rarely accompanied by complications. On the other hand, infection of a pregnant woman poses a serious threat to the he alth of her unborn baby. In some cases, the disease causes malformations in the fetus and its intrauterine death

Rubella: incubation period, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Rubella: incubation period, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Rubella is known to everyone as a childhood illness, but you can get sick even in adulthood. In adults, the pathology is much more severe and often accompanied by complications. Rubella infection is especially dangerous during pregnancy. The incubation period lasts about 3 weeks

Pus in the feces: the main causes, symptoms, methods of treatment, consultation and observation of a doctor

Pus in the feces: the main causes, symptoms, methods of treatment, consultation and observation of a doctor

The appearance of purulent discharge in the anus and feces is a sign of a serious illness. It is important to seek help from a proctologist in a timely manner in order to prevent the development of complications. To begin with, it is important to find out which discharges are considered normal, and which ones indicate that there is a pathology in the human body

Classic Hodgkin's lymphoma: nodular sclerosis

Classic Hodgkin's lymphoma: nodular sclerosis

Nodular sclerosis is a rare, but at the same time very unpleasant disease. This is a variant of Hodgkin's lymphoma, and if you seek medical help in time, you can overcome this disease

Lung atelectasis: causes, diagnosis, treatment, recovery time

Lung atelectasis: causes, diagnosis, treatment, recovery time

Pathology can capture the entire respiratory organ or is limited to only part of it. In this case, a violation of alveolar ventilation occurs, the respiratory surface narrows, signs of oxygen starvation are formed. In the collapsed region of the lung, conditions are created for the formation of inflammatory processes, bronchiectasis and fibrosis

Itchy in the throat and I want to cough. Sore throat remedies

Itchy in the throat and I want to cough. Sore throat remedies

Everyone has to deal with a cough. Currently, medicine knows many varieties of this disease. If a wet cough does not cause much discomfort, then this cannot be said about a dry one. This is what will be discussed next. You will find out why a person has a tickle in his throat and wants to cough

Gastroenterocolitis acute: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Gastroenterocolitis acute: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Acute gastroenterocolitis is a fairly common ailment that belongs to the group of toxic infections. The disease is accompanied by inflammatory lesions of the digestive tract, and the foci are mainly localized in the small and large intestine. This is a dangerous condition, as the disease develops extremely rapidly

What is the rate of calcium in human blood?

What is the rate of calcium in human blood?

The level of calcium in the blood is a very important indicator, because it takes part in metabolism, maintaining the he alth of teeth, bone tissue and hair, and is also involved in other processes. What is the norm of calcium in the blood and the deviation from it, read the article

Balanitis in a child: causes, symptoms and treatment

Balanitis in a child: causes, symptoms and treatment

Many parents had to deal with such a pathology as balanitis in a child. This is a serious diagnosis, the treatment of which cannot be neglected. Otherwise, the disease may become chronic

Causes, signs and treatment of osteomyelitis of the jaw

Causes, signs and treatment of osteomyelitis of the jaw

Osteomyelitis is called inflammation of bone tissue and bone marrow. One third of all diseases in this group refers to osteomyelitis of the jaw. In this case, the lower jaw is affected twice as often

Causes of cold feet. Don't ignore the problem

Causes of cold feet. Don't ignore the problem

For some people, even the positive temperature is not a joy, but all because they suffer from the fact that they are cold, and can not cope with it. Often such sensations appear in the lower extremities. The causes of cold feet are not always simple, often it is a symptom of a more serious disease that needs to be diagnosed in time. In this article, we will talk about why cold extremities appear, and also give some tips on how to avoid it

Reactive arthritis: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Reactive arthritis: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Reactive arthritis is a complex inflammatory process that occurs in the joints. It has absolutely nothing to do with joint injuries. This disease occurs due to the penetration of infections after the course of various diseases

What is giardiasis? Treatment with folk remedies

What is giardiasis? Treatment with folk remedies

Giardiasis is caused by the invasion of Giardia, which provokes functional disorders of the small intestine. Intestinal Giardia lives almost everywhere, so people on any corner of the globe suffer from it

Gonarthrosis of the knee joint: degrees, symptoms, treatment, exercises

Gonarthrosis of the knee joint: degrees, symptoms, treatment, exercises

Not every person knows what is gonarthrosis of the knee joint. However, this disease occurs in a large number of people. In order not to start the development of the disease, you need to know everything about it, including how to treat it with medical and folk methods

Rib fracture: symptoms and treatment

Rib fracture: symptoms and treatment

Injury in the sternum can lead to such an unpleasant consequence as a broken rib. Symptoms to watch out for and treatment are detailed in this article

Stuffy nose in the morning: causes and treatments

Stuffy nose in the morning: causes and treatments

If you stuff your nose in the morning, then the problem can lie in anything. Perhaps it's all about an allergic reaction to dust or animal hair. In some situations, the cause lies in a curved septum

Ringworm: treatment, symptoms and main signs

Ringworm: treatment, symptoms and main signs

It is quite possible to catch ringworm from four-legged pets. Treatment requires complex, accompanied by oral administration and external treatment of the affected area

Pain in the muscles of the legs: causes and treatment

Pain in the muscles of the legs: causes and treatment

Often, pain in the muscles of the legs appear due to strong physical exertion. However, there is nothing to worry about, as it is a natural reaction of the body. Seeing a doctor is pointless. Legs after a while, as soon as a person rests, they will stop hurting. However, there are cases in which discomfort appears for serious reasons. That's when you need to see a doctor

What is a ragged hole, where is it and what goes through it

What is a ragged hole, where is it and what goes through it

The human skull is the inert base of the head, which consists of twenty-three bones. It has many channels and openings through which nerves, arteries and vessels pass. Among them, the so-called torn hole is distinguished, which is located on one of the anatomically complex bones of the skull - the sphenoid bone. It plays an important role in the life of the body

What is hypotension? Types of hypotension, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is hypotension? Types of hypotension, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

In the ICD, hypotension is coded as I95. Pathology is quite common, although they talk about it less than about high blood pressure. The term is used to denote a situation when there is a persistent decrease in pressure relative to the average norm. Diagnose the disease, there is a ratio of less than 90/60. The problem requires surgical treatment if it has a negative impact on the general condition of the body, human productivity

Postpartum endometritis: what is it?

Postpartum endometritis: what is it?

What is the difference between postpartum endometritis? How to properly treat it? It is these and many other related issues that we will discuss in this article