Before you figure out how to treat a boil, you need to understand what it is all about. So, a furuncle (popularly a boil) is an acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle, sebaceous glands and surrounding tissue caused by bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus usually acts as a "provocateur"). The most common parts of the body that boils appear on are the armpits, inner crook of the elbow, neck, back, buttocks.

Causes of occurrence
So, a sharp pain under the arm, the causes of which, most likely, lie in a lurking boil, occurs unexpectedly. However, what can cause the appearance of a boil? As the most common reason, doctors call the neglect of hygiene. Skin diseases, such as seborrhea or hyperhidrosis, can impair the functioning of the sebaceous glands and thereby cause furunculosis. Boils under the arm can be the result of a weakened immune system, beriberi, or impaired metabolism.
How to understand that you have a boil on your body? Pay attention to the following signs: the skin turns red and inflamed, a purulent focus appears with a yellow or white head (it can be quite large - thisfuruncle core). In general, the sensations can be described as extremely painful. For example, those who had boils under their armpits remember that it was difficult to move their arm because of the sharp pain.

Furunculosis is fraught with a lot of complications and therefore is subject to immediate treatment. As soon as you find a boil on your skin, even a small one, be sure to consult a doctor. If the boils are under the arm, do it as soon as possible, because the scars in the armpits remain forever. If you managed to "catch" the disease at the initial stage, then the doctor's actions will be aimed mainly at speeding up the process of maturation and opening of the abscess. In medicine, Vishnevsky's ointment is successfully used for this. After the boil bursts, it is necessary to carefully remove all the pus. In no case do this with your hands - use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol so as not to infect. For the same purpose, the remaining wound should be disinfected with hydrogen peroxide. The recovery process usually takes from a few days to a week. To speed it up, you can apply special compresses (they are also needed in order to avoid a relapse).

Can I use folk remedies?
Often people do not want to waste time visiting a doctor and hope to get by with traditional medicine. For example, they independently remove boils under the arm, apply a warm onion to the wound and use other similar recipes. However, doctorswarn: all these funds contribute to the healing of the abscess, but they are not able to eliminate the main cause of the occurrence of boils. If sores appear on your body regularly, this can only indicate one thing: the disease has passed into the chronic stage. In this case, you will need to be treated with antibiotics.
Can anything be done to prevent boils? Of course you can. Follow the rules of hygiene, avoid severe hypothermia. If you get hurt, be sure to disinfect the injured area. Don't neglect your vitamin intake, as a strong immune system can serve you well.