Adenoids in children are a common condition that often occurs between the ages of three and ten. A constant increase in the nasopharyngeal tonsil leads to frequent colds, discomfort and chronic runny nose. You can read about the symptoms of adenoids in a child, their causes and methods of treatment in this article.
What are adenoids?
The human body is unique, and it has everything to protect against harmful viruses and bacteria. A special role is played by the tonsils, which are an accumulation of lymphoid tissue that produces lymphocytes. They play an important role in the formation of children's immunity. When an infection enters the body, the tonsils begin to produce protective cells that fight pathogenic bacteria.
In total, there are six tonsils in the pharyngeal region, which form the so-called Pirogov's ring. At the age of 3-7 years, the child begins to actively explore the world and communicate with other children, stay more inteam. Usually, kids at this age are already attending kindergarten and are constantly infected from the environment with various diseases. As a result, a colossal load is placed on the tonsils, with which they sometimes cannot cope. Trying to produce as many lymphocytes as possible, they increase in size. Over time, they begin a continuous process of inflammation, which is called adenoiditis. The tonsils cease to perform their protective functions, and viruses freely enter the body.

Among the symptoms of adenoids in a child, frequent colds can be noted. Normally, after each illness, the tonsils return to their original state, but if the child is often sick, then they simply do not have time to decrease. It turns out a kind of vicious circle: frequent colds reduce the level of production of lymphocytes, and children begin to get sick even more often. Another disease further worsens the general condition of the body. Fortunately, adenoids in a child can be avoided if you follow the recommendations of doctors and carry out timely prevention.
Causes of adenoids
The causes of adenoids in children can be completely different. In some cases, abnormal enlargement of lymphatic tissue may be due to a genetic predisposition. Pathologies in the device of the endocrine and lymphatic system are often inherited. If the parents of a child had problems with adenoids in childhood, then the children will probably develop similar pathologies. Why else can there be constant inflammation of the tonsils?
- Common diseases of the upper respiratory tract: sinusitis, otitis media, pharyngitis, etc.
- Pathologies of pregnancy and childbirth. Birth trauma, asphyxia or hypoxia can cause the development of adenoids.
- Children's infectious diseases: measles, rubella or whooping cough can overwhelm a baby's immune system.
- Vaccinations.
- Allergic reactions and improper feeding (excess of sweet and s alty, early weaning).
- Features of the constitution of the child.
- The state of the body's immunodeficiency.
- Environmental factors: poor ecology, polluted air, passive smoking.

As you can see, there are many reasons for the appearance of adenoids. That is why in big cities this disease is increasingly being diagnosed in preschool children. Inflammation of the tonsils is promoted by unfavorable environmental conditions and population density. The child is in contact with people everywhere: in kindergarten, in transport, in all public places. And since his immunity is still imperfect, the chances of "getting" an unpleasant complication from another cold are many times higher.
Adenoids 1st degree
The increase in nasopharyngeal tonsils occurs gradually. The disease goes through several stages. The first of them is diagnosed when the tonsils block the opening connecting the nose and throat by no more than a third. The first degree of adenoiditis is easily treatable, but it may not be noticed immediately, since the manifestations are not clearly expressed. What are the symptomsgrade 1 adenoids in children?
- Breathing through the mouth. If you notice that a he althy child is increasingly breathing through the mouth rather than through the nose, then this may be a suspicious symptom.
- Difficulty breathing disturbs the child's sleep: he often wakes up due to a stuffy nose, sniffs or snores in his sleep.
- The baby often walks with a runny nose, even if he does not suffer from colds.

At the first stage, the symptoms of enlarged adenoids in a child are not very obvious. Most often, difficulties arise precisely at night, since at this time the symptoms of the disease are exacerbated. This happens because of the horizontal position that the child takes. In it, the nasal passages are almost completely blocked by enlarged adenoids, and it becomes much more difficult to breathe. If you notice any of these symptoms, you need to see a doctor to examine the child. After all, 1st degree of the disease is much easier to treat than 2nd or 3rd.
Adenoids in children of the 2nd degree: symptoms
Adenoids of the second degree are diagnosed when they grow, covering half of the vomer (the bone of the back of the nose). Symptoms of grade 2 adenoids in children are more pronounced:
- Child's voice may change, become a little nasal. It often seems that the child speaks through the nose.
- At this stage, the nose is almost always blocked, so the child constantly walks with his mouth ajar.
- Among the symptoms of adenoids in a child of 4 years old, poor sleep and nightmares due tolack of oxygen.
- Baby does not eat well and is often naughty due to general poor he alth.
- The child has problems with the ears: hearing is reduced, congestion appears.

During the acute course of the disease, fever, weakness and swollen lymph nodes can be added to the above symptoms. Symptoms of adenoids in children may vary depending on the characteristics of the constitution and age. The older the child, the less pronounced signs of the disease, as a rule, he has. With age, children can completely outgrow the adenoids. But the symptoms of adenoids in a 2-year-old child have much more pronounced clinical manifestations. As a rule, at this age, the baby cannot clearly explain what is bothering him, so he is often naughty and worried for no reason. The third degree of adenoid development takes place in an even more acute form.
Adenoids grade 3
Adenoids of the third degree - this is the most advanced stage of the disease, in which swollen tonsils completely block the nasopharyngeal opening. Such a neglected course of the disease affects negatively not only the physical he alth of the child, but also the mental one. The third degree of adenoiditis leads to sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis, as well as a lag in mental and physical development. How to understand that a child has adenoids? Symptoms of the disease in the advanced stage cannot be overlooked:
- Complete absence of nasal breathing. The child constantly breathes through the mouth.
- The face acquires structural changes,the so-called adenoid face. Due to constant mouth breathing, the lower part of the jaw is extended, the chin is flattened, the wings of the nose are extended.
- Loss of taste buds - due to the lack of nasal breathing, the child ceases to partially or completely distinguish tastes and smells.
- Fatigue, drowsiness and headaches often accompany the last stage of the disease.
- Bad sleep, voice change can also be symptoms and signs of adenoids in the nose of a child.
- Frequent sinusitis and sinusitis.
- Decrease in the overall development of the child: attention, concentration, cognitive activity - due to oxygen starvation of the brain, it can be especially often seen as a symptom of adenoids in a child 5 years old and older. Since children are already attending kindergarten or school, the gap becomes especially noticeable against the background of their peers.
The main danger of adenoiditis is the obstructed supply of oxygen to the child's brain and carbon dioxide poisoning. Because of this, the baby may lag behind in development, because his brain does not receive enough nutrition.
Diagnosis of disease
Symptoms of adenoids in a 2-year-old child can be easily seen if the baby is taken to a specialist in time. In the early stages of the disease, which are best treated, only a doctor can see them. For diagnosis, you need to visit an otolaryngologist - it is he who is responsible for ear-nose-throat diseases. Parents are usually referred to an ENT doctor by pediatricians, so it is better for them to tell all the alarming factors. What diagnostic methods doesENT, isn't this dangerous and painful for the baby?

- Pharingoscopy - used to determine the general condition of the nasopharynx and tonsils. This is a simple clinical examination of the oral cavity that does not involve the use of any additional instruments.
- Posterior and anterior rhinoscopy. With the help of a special small round mirror, the ENT examines the nasal passages. But this type of examination can cause a gag reflex, so other methods are usually used to examine very young patients.
- X-ray of the nasopharynx is a simple and safe way to establish not only the presence or absence of a disease, but also the degree of development of the pathology. X-ray is done in the lateral projection.
- Endoscopy is currently the most informative method. Using a special tube with a micro-camera at the end, the doctor can determine the general condition of the organ, the degree of overlap of the opening between the nose and throat.
Endoscopy is currently the most revealing way to diagnose enlarged tonsils. It is best to undergo an examination at a time when the child is not sick, so that the results are as objective as possible. Photos of the symptoms of adenoids in the nose of a child can also be seen by parents: the state of the nasopharyngeal tonsil during endoscopy is reflected on the screen.
Treatment regimen
At the moment, the treatment of adenoids in children is of two types: conservative and surgical. Conservative therapy is carried out at 1 and 2 degrees of development of the disease. Howas a rule, the doctor prescribes local, restorative treatment and physiotherapy.
- Topical treatment affects the main symptoms of adenoids in children: cough, runny nose, ear problems. To do this, rinse the nasal cavity with drugs, vasoconstrictor drops and agents that strengthen local immunity.
- Then follows a general strengthening treatment, which is aimed at increasing the immunity and overall resistance of the child's body. For this, vitamins, immunomodulating and antiallergic drugs are used.
- Physiotherapy has shown itself quite effectively in the treatment of adenoids, so it is often prescribed. Warming up the nose with UV radiation, electrophoresis, UHF and s alt lamps help the baby recover faster, so these methods should not be neglected.
The general condition of the child has a great influence on the course of adenoiditis. Many doctors recommend spa treatment, which not only improves the baby's immunity, but also gives him a "respite" away from crowded places. Breathing exercises, therapeutic massage and long walks are better than any medicines, they harden the growing body. Some parents use homeopathic remedies, which are selected strictly individually.
Is surgery indicated for adenoids?
Adenoid symptoms in a child 2 years of age or older can be so severe that doctors recommend surgery to remove the tonsils. This method is used only in extreme cases, for example, if conservative treatment has not givenresults. Adenotomy is performed in a hospital under general or local anesthesia. What other indications are there for surgery?
- Frequent inflammation of the adenoids (more than 4 times a year).
- Sleep apnea.
- Deformation of the jaw and chest.
- Hearing loss or impairment.
- Physical or mental retardation.
But adenoid removal also has its opponents. In Russia, this operation is often performed, but abroad, surgical intervention is resorted to only in extreme cases. It is traditionally believed that adenoids are an accumulation of harmful microorganisms, which are the cause of frequent illnesses in a child. But their removal is by no means a guarantee of the he alth of the baby. A hotbed of viruses and bacteria can easily be found in both the ear and the nose. In order to avoid a futile operation, you can take a smear for bacteria with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics. Prescribing the right antibacterial drugs can effectively cure adenoiditis.

Consequences and complications
If the symptoms of adenoids in a child are not addressed in time, the consequences can be very serious.
- Frequent colds may occur due to a decrease in body resistance.
- Decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cell count.
- Curvature of the spine.
- Speech and hearing impairment.
- Misalignment due to malocclusion of the jaw.
- Deformation of the chest - shetakes on the shape of a "chicken breast" due to shallow breathing.
- Asthma.
- Drowsiness, irritability, distracted attention.
- Impaired kidney function.
As in many other cases, adenoids are easier to prevent than to cure. Prevention of adenoiditis is to build he althy habits of the child and the development of the baby in a favorable environmental environment:
- Formation of he althy eating habits, an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet supports the immune system and overall he alth of the child.
- Gradual hardening and seasonal intake of vitamins. In most of Russia, there is very little sun in the winter, so taking vitamin D becomes mandatory.
- Timely treatment of infections. It happens that a child picks up an infection, but parents try to cure it with folk remedies, as a result of which the baby has complications: bronchitis or otitis media. Compliance with all the instructions of doctors helps to avoid unwanted consequences.
- In winter, it is best to install a humidifier indoors, which will saturate the dry air with moisture.
- Daily walks in the fresh air and clothes for the weather have a magical effect on the child's immunity. And these very simple methods should not be neglected.
Adenoids in children: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies
With the symptoms, everything is clear: attentive parents will be able to notice them even in the initial stages, and doctors can easily diagnose this disease. But what to do then? Manyparents do not want to poison the child with chemistry, so they resort to the help of folk remedies. They can offer their methods in almost any issue. With adenoiditis, folk remedies are good to use as an additional type of treatment or to prevent this disease.

- Infusion of horsetail for gargling neutralizes pathogenic bacteria. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute two tablespoons of herbs with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. The minimum course duration is 1 week.
- Ointment from St. John's wort and celandine juice is often used as nose drops.
- Good help with enlarged adenoids washing with saline solution of the nose and throat. Instead, you can also use a collection of oak bark, St. John's wort or calendula flowers.
- Thuja oil must be instilled several times a day in each nostril for a week.
- The nose is also washed with the following solution: black currant leaves, chamomile and calendula flowers are infused along with viburnum and rose hips. The resulting infusion is used to wash the nose for three days.
In folk medicine, there are many recipes aimed at curing enlarged adenoids. All of them are based on natural ingredients, and require regular instillation or washing. By combining traditional treatment, general preventive measures to improve the body and alternative methods, you can quickly cure the symptoms of adenoids in the nose of a child. Photos of the disease clearly show howThe process can be painful for a child, so treatment should be started as soon as possible.