Quite often, people are faced with the problem of what reduces the toe. Agree, it is not only painful, but also very uncomfortable. By the way, patient surveys have confirmed that quite often this condition is observed at night, interfering with normal and he althy sleep. In fact, he cramps his fingers for completely different reasons. But in any case, it is worth remembering that with such a problem you should immediately seek medical help.
Why does my toes curl?

Of course, many people face this inconvenience. However, quite often cramps and numbness are the result of wearing uncomfortable shoes. For example, most often such complaints come from women who constantly wear shoes with a narrow toe with high heels. The fact is that such a design, although it looks beautiful, does not contribute to the normal circulation of the foot. In addition, it reduces the toe of professional athletes and dancers, whose leg muscles are regularly subjected to extreme stress. An example is the ballerinas,football players, runners, etc. If you belong to one of these groups, then such a problem can be considered natural. In order to alleviate your condition, give up uncomfortable "studs" and take care of your feet regularly.

Crimp toe due to sedentary lifestyle
Yes, athletes are at risk. But on the other hand, a sedentary lifestyle also quite often leads to a similar problem. Of course, constant bed rest or sedentary work is fraught with disruption of the normal blood flow to the feet. That is why, over time, numbness appears, or muscle cramps are felt. There is a way out - regular therapeutic exercises, morning jogging or going to the gym.
Crimps toe due to lack of nutrients

If you are not a professional athlete, don't wear uncomfortable shoes too often, and can't call your lifestyle sedentary, then you may not have enough of some minerals and vitamins in your diet. In particular, deficiency of the following substances leads to convulsions:
- Magnesium is a mineral that is essential for normal muscle function. It is found in foods such as bananas, beans, cereals, fresh herbs, watermelon, spinach.
- In addition, foods containing calcium should be an integral part of the diet, in particular fish, milk, sesame, cheese, cottage cheese, almonds.
- Potassium is responsible not only for muscle function, but also for normalconducting electrical impulses along nerve fibers. This substance is found in bananas, beans, apricots, seaweed, etc.
- And of course, for the normal absorption of calcium, the body needs vitamin D, which is formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight. An additional amount of this substance can be obtained by eating seafood and chicken eggs.
- Unfortunately, a normal diet is not always able to quickly compensate for the lack of nutrients. That is why experts recommend taking a course of treatment at least once a year, taking preparations containing all the necessary vitamins and minerals.