When we get sick, feeling chills is natural. Warm clothes and even a few blankets do not become a salvation until the body temperature begins to rise. As it grows, pathogenic bacteria die, and a person begins to throw in a fever. Everything is clear here. And if a he althy outwardly person turns to a doctor and asks to explain what is happening to him. "Help, I'm always cold." There may be more than one reason, so today we decided to dwell on this issue in more detail.

Gender specifics
Let's remember who is most likely to hear such complaints? That's right, from the elderly. Everyone has seen grandmothers in warm sweaters or even coats in hot weather outside. This does not surprise anyone, because you can often hear from them: "I'm constantly cold." The reason lies in the violation of blood circulation, which under itself has age-related causes. However, even among young women, this phenomenon is much more common than among men. At the same time, such a condition is often attributed to the individual characteristics of the organism, andthe only recommendation that is given is to dress warmly. However, the roots may lie much deeper, and we will deal with them today.
Alarm bell
You can laugh at a person who says: "I'm constantly cold." The reason for this, however, may not be at all in the desire to show their effeminacy and attract attention. At the same time, it can be noted that very rarely such a symptom is an independent manifestation of the disease. Most often, this is a symptom of some kind of disorder in the body. And here you will have to spend a lot of time to find the true reason.

Tea, warm bath and wool socks
Have you ever come home from a cold and felt cold in your limbs for a long time? As if the blood had stopped circulating through them. This phenomenon is considered a variant of the norm. In some cases, it is enough to take a hot bath, drink tea and put on warm clothes, and the condition returns to normal. It turns out much more interesting if, being in a warm room, you still cannot get rid of the feeling of chilliness. In this case, it is definitely worth visiting the doctor and telling him: "I am constantly cold." The reason may lie in the work of the internal organs, metabolic disorders and even the wrong diet. But a specialist should understand this.
Vegetative-vascular dystonia
A mysterious illness with a psychosomatic cause. That is, stress leads to disturbances in the work of the autonomic nervous system, and it, in turn, triggers a number of physiological processes,which we are ultimately trying to treat. In particular, if your feet are constantly freezing, then pay attention to the situations in which this happens. If you have an important meeting, a trip to the director or a significant event, and you observe a strange coldness in your body, then it is quite possible that this is your reaction to stress. A person with VVD may also complain of low blood pressure or heart problems, his hands are constantly cold, but in fact the root of the trouble lies in instability to stressful situations.

Iron deficiency or anemia
Usually an adult knows well if he has a similar problem. However, if until now the blood tests were normal, but lately the legs have been constantly freezing, then it is recommended to go to the laboratory again. A biochemical blood test will show the hemoglobin content. Acute iron deficiency is the most common cause of cold extremities. This is easy to explain, tissues suffer from a lack of oxygen and muscle spasms occur. Accordingly, the blood supply deteriorates. Even mechanical rubbing and hot baths give only a temporary effect of expanding blood vessels and filling them with blood.

Hypothyroidism or thyroid dysfunction
And we continue to talk about why a person is constantly cold. The reasons may lie in the activity of the endocrine glands. In particular, doctors are well aware that when there is a shortage of hormones produced by the thyroid gland,a number of processes in the body are launched that seriously change its work. In particular, there is weakness, low blood pressure, low body temperature and a significant decrease in heart rate.
As a result of this, increased sweating of the limbs develops, but at the same time the body constantly freezes, and the hands and feet never get warm at all. Thyroid disorders are diagnosed by an endocrinologist based on blood tests and ultrasound of the gland.

Allergic reaction to cold
At first glance, it sounds strange, but such a phenomenon does occur. The mechanisms here are somewhat different, but in general this is the same allergy, only its cause is low air temperature. It is usually difficult for a suffering person to keep warm, and no matter how many layers of clothing he wears. How can you understand that this is the reason? If, in addition to the limbs, your back is constantly freezing, then it is possible that this is your case. In parallel, there is reddening of the skin, cracking of the lips and the appearance of swelling under the eyes.

Diet errors
The heat transfer of our body is highly dependent on body weight. If your weight is normal, then there is a thin layer of fat under the skin that perfectly retains heat. However, today girls are fond of losing weight, very often they bring themselves almost to exhaustion. By resorting to strict diets and loading themselves with training, they try to achieve ideal parameters, notthinking about the consequences. And as a result, they come to the doctor with complaints: “I am constantly cold, what is wrong with me?”. And everything is quite simple. Deficiency in body weight, lack of iron and iodine - this leads to such consequences.
Raynaud's disease
It's rare, but that doesn't mean it can be ignored. The fact is that in this case, the hands and feet get cold due to spasms that occur in the small capillaries of the limbs. The origin of this disease is unknown, and many times researchers refused to isolate it as a separate disease, considering such a manifestation as a symptom of some other ailment. But with the development of medicine, enough empirical material has accumulated to understand that this is indeed an independent disease that has its own clinical picture.
Raynaud's disease leads to very serious consequences. It can be peeling of the fingers and loss of skin elasticity, but the main thing is cold intolerance. A person does not experience the pleasure of walking in the fresh air, skiing, swimming in the sea. This is not surprising, not only is he very cold on the street. Also, the process of warming is accompanied by severe pain. Hands and feet are swollen and red.

What can be done
As we found out, whatever reason underlies this phenomenon, it is due to the problems of capillaries and blood vessels. Violation of the blood supply to tissues can be corrected to a certain extent. The procedure is not too simple, but useful. In order not to expose the body to severe stress,first you should do foot baths: hot or contrast.
To strengthen blood vessels, it is recommended to go to the sauna or bath. After the steam room, you can swim in the cold pool, which is also very good for your he alth. A contrast shower is a procedure from the same opera. But you need to remember that any such event is stressful for the body and you need to approach it carefully.
Give up bad habits
And first of all, it's smoking. It causes the hands and feet to constantly get cold. And all because nicotine causes vasospasm. The sooner you get rid of this habit, the better. But that's not all. Try also to limit the consumption of coffee and strong alcoholic beverages, as well as soda. This will only add he alth to your body, as well as seriously improve your well-being. And before going outside, it is recommended to drink chicken or beef broth.
Diet and physical activity
Your diet should be complete, then you will not have a deficiency of iron and vitamin B12. This means that dried apricots and raisins, nuts, pomegranates and oatmeal porridge, pumpkin and vegetable salads, fresh fruits should always be on the table. Don't forget red meat and legumes, they are also rich in iron. But special attention should be paid to seafood. For your food, red fish is perfect - salmon and mackerel, B altic herring and trout. Rich in iodine, they normalize the thyroid gland. Vitamin and herbal decoctions, compotes and fruit drinks increase blood circulation. That is why you need to drink them every day. And the last ingredient -it is physical activity. Charging you need every day, this is a mandatory element of treatment.