Heart beats intermittently: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, prevention

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Heart beats intermittently: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, prevention
Heart beats intermittently: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, prevention

Video: Heart beats intermittently: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, prevention

Video: Heart beats intermittently: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, prevention
Video: All-Energy 2017 | Offshore Wind Session 4 - Floating Wind 2025, January

In the article we will figure out why the heart beats intermittently and what to do.

A person may suddenly have an arrhythmia attack. That is why you need to know the procedure for heart failure. You should, first of all, call an ambulance. Then a cold compress is applied to the head or neck area. With a rapid heartbeat, you can slow down the rhythm by pressing on the root of the tongue. Doctors advise to relax, breathe deeply and not make sudden movements if the heart beats intermittently. Everyone has missed beats. Is it dangerous?

heart beats intermittently
heart beats intermittently

Risk group

If a person's close relatives have experienced arrhythmia, it is advisable to be regularly examined by a cardiologist. Also at risk include:

  • patients with congenital diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • menopausal women;
  • teenagers;
  • patients who are overweight;
  • men over 45;
  • patients who have thyroid pathologies.

In addition, the heart beats intermittently in people whose activities are associated with increased intellectual or physical stress.

Nerve innervation disorders

Missing beats, intermittent heartbeat - all this is due to a violation of the innervation of the nerves. Such changes cause serious consequences, the emergence of new diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Target organs are also affected: the brain, kidneys, blood vessels.

Heart disease in the 21st century occurs even in people in their thirties. Improper nutrition, constant stress, a sedentary lifestyle, ignoring chronic diseases (for example, caries) cause disorders of the whole organism. Vessels and the heart are most often affected by adverse factors, and the importance of this organ is the constant supply of blood to cells, tissues and organs.

Why does my heart sometimes beat irregularly?

heart beats intermittently skips
heart beats intermittently skips

What can break the rhythm? Main Reasons

Not every disease can disrupt the well-coordinated work of the heart rhythm. The heart beats intermittently if there are chronic influences on the human body, since it is difficult for prions, bacteria and viruses to disrupt the nervous innervation. Only certain factors can provoke this:

  • side effects of drugs;
  • transferredmyocardial infarction patient;
  • disorders of the endocrine glands: adrenal glands, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, parathyroid and thyroid glands;
  • decompensation of the nervous system, paresis, central paralysis;
  • stress;
  • uncontrolled intake of narcotic compounds (spice, heroin, cocaine, cannabis), alcohol and nicotine;
  • menopausal period in women;
  • overeating and obesity;
  • anomalies in the development of the fetus inside the womb (heart defects - foramen ovale or open, Fallot's disease);
  • inflammatory heart processes: myocarditis, pericarditis, endocarditis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • poisoning a patient with chemicals.

All this can provoke a situation where the heart beats intermittently and missed beats occur.

The listed factors are most often found in the etiology of heart rhythm defects and medical practice. Missed heartbeats occur after a patient has suffered a myocardial infarction. The site with necrosis grows under the scab, here connective tissue forms in the form of a scar. Local coronary blood flow is disturbed when systole (heart contraction) occurs, a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe myocardium falls out. Many people wonder why the heart beats intermittently. The reasons must be established by the doctor.

Nervous system disorders have a slightly different principle of action. Stressful situations activate the sympathetic part of the autonomic system, which causes the release of catecholamines (dopamine, adrenaline), cortisol (stress hormone),antidiuretic hormone. The action of substances begins on the cortex of the sinoatrial node (it controls the rhythm of heart contractions), the cerebral cortex, the medulla oblongata, in which the center of the heartbeat is located. Appearances of tachycardia (increased heart rate), and when everything subsides, tachycardia (increased heart rate) occurs, and when everything passes, missed heartbeats begin.

heart beats intermittently skipped beats
heart beats intermittently skipped beats

Cardiac activity is carried out by the sinus node, which regulates the heart rate. In addition, it can rhythmically generate electrical impulses that propagate through the myocardium of the atria and ventricles.

A he althy person has a wide range of changes in the frequency of impulses. It all depends on the requirements of the body. For example, at rest (deep at night, etc.) with a low need for blood flow to the organs, the impulse frequency from the sinus node and heartbeats, respectively, decreases to 60-50 (sometimes 45) times per minute.

In the afternoon, if there are physical and emotional stresses, the heart rate rises. With physical overvoltage, the frequency of contractions can reach 120, in some cases 150-160 beats per minute.

Often in the prone position, the heart beats intermittently.

Violation of the activity of the sinus node

If pathological situations develop, there is a violation of the activity of the sinus node. New activations can form in various areas of the myocardium that compete with it and even suppress it.functioning in some cases. The propagation of the wave can be directly blocked. Such unpleasant phenomena are characteristic of arrhythmias - interruptions in the heart. In this condition, deviations in the regularity of contractions, strength and frequency are observed.

It is very unpleasant when the heart beats intermittently. Missed strokes can occur with a favorable prognosis, and with a danger to human life.

All arrhythmias have similar symptoms. The main symptoms are a feeling of fading of cardiac activity, uneven heartbeat and pulse. In some cases, dizziness, fainting and weakness are also noted.

May appear against the background of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, nervous disorders, endocrine diseases, taking certain dosage forms, physical exertion, depression, severe stress, excessive consumption of energy and alcohol drinks, hypothermia, smoking. These factors especially often contribute to the appearance of arrhythmias:

  • Heart failures can be of different types.
  • Tachycardia is a condition of rapid heartbeat.
  • Extrasystole is distinguished by non-rhythmic, extraordinary contractions of the heart relative to the frequency corresponding to the norm.
  • Atrial fibrillation is an irregular, defective contraction of the heart.
  • Bradycardia - slow rhythm.

It must be said that during the day, any he althy person sometimes has a heart that beats intermittently. Such conditions do not threaten his he alth, they do not transform into more significant rhythmic disorders. Most people are like thatextrasystoles are not felt. They are randomly determined when a normal ECG is taken.

But there are also especially sensitive people who, being absolutely he althy, feel heart failures. For many patients diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia, it seems that the heart stops, stops and starts again. But such "feelings" in most cases, let them down.

Naturally, patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia may experience cardiac disorders. At the same time, functional failures are natural and normal phenomena.

after drinking, the heart beats intermittently
after drinking, the heart beats intermittently

In many situations, the selection of therapeutic tactics is a difficult task to solve. This is due to the fact that all antiarrhythmic drugs have quite a few undesirable effects, in particular, they have the ability to cause a new arrhythmia, in many situations even more severe. Nevertheless, if there are acute failures, they are sought to stop. Perhaps this is through the use of both a non-drug method of exposure and drugs. However, in any situation, self-medication is not allowed. When the heart beats intermittently, a specialist consultation is required.

A person sometimes begins to clearly feel his heartbeat. It may feel like a twitch or flutter in the neck, throat, or heart.

These seizures mostly last a few seconds/minutes. With a strong heartbeat, an anxious feeling appears, but in most cases it is not dangerous and can occur in completelyhe althy people. It is worse if the palpitations are accompanied by other symptoms, for example, a feeling of tightness and pressure in the chest, dizziness. In this case, it can be assumed that there are pathologies of the heart (they will be discussed below). That is why a mandatory visit to a specialist is required. If the heart beats intermittently, what to do, consider below.

There are many different causes of heart failure or pounding heart. Excessive nervousness, overexertion of the nervous system, excitement and anxiety most often lead to a violation of cardiac activity. In such cases, a lot of adrenaline is released into the blood, that is, a hormone that can cause a strong and rapid heartbeat.

Spicy foods, overeating, abuse of caffeinated drinks or alcohol, soft drugs and nicotine addiction can cause heart failure.

If any of this list applies to a particular person, he should change his usual way of life: try to reduce the degree of nervousness and stress, for example, through relaxation techniques and special restrictions, reduce the use of energy drinks and caffeine, avoid so-called soft drugs.

Panic attacks

With excitement, anxiety and stress, panic attacks can also develop, accompanied by a rapid heartbeat. A panic attack is characterized by feelings of fear, sweating, nausea, and trembling. This condition is most often not at all dangerous, but painful.

In rarer situationsheart palpitations are a side effect of a number of medications, such as asthma inhalers, thyroid medication pills.

If there is an assumption that it was certain drugs that caused such a heartbeat, you cannot stop taking them yourself, you need to consult a specialist.

heart beats intermittently what to take
heart beats intermittently what to take

Beating heart may be due to hormonal changes in the female body during critical days, menopause or pregnancy. However, in such a situation, interruptions in cardiac activity are a temporary phenomenon, and you should not worry about this.

In some cases, when the heart beats intermittently, dangerous pathologies can be the reasons for this.

Illnesses that cause interruptions and palpitations

The conditions and conditions listed below can cause the heart to beat irregularly, faster, and harder:

  • excessive activity of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism);
  • anemia (anemia);
  • low patient blood sugar (hypoglycemia);
  • low blood pressure (hypotension);
  • high temperature (fever) of 38 degrees or more;
  • fluid deficiency in the body (dehydration);
  • direct heart problems.

When does a heartbeat indicate an organ disease?

If a person began to experience more severe and frequent attacks of palpitations compared to what it was, accompanied by themsymptoms such as a feeling of tightness in the chest, dizziness, sweating, you need to consult a specialist. Perhaps there are disturbances in the rhythm of the heart, and an arrhythmia develops. Why the heart beats intermittently, it is important to find out.

why does the heart beat irregularly
why does the heart beat irregularly

When a person complains of palpitations, a specialist should order an ECG (electrocardiogram) to assess the conduction and rhythm of the heart. This study makes it possible to instantly determine rhythm interruptions, as well as prescribe the necessary treatment. But, in a number of situations, a completely normal recording may appear on the tape. This happens if the heartbeat was not felt during the ECG. Then the doctor can prescribe additional studies to the patient, for example, ECG monitoring during the day, when during this time cardiac activity is recorded on a special portable device, and the patient can carry it with him everywhere.

To establish the exact cause of heart failure, a special examination is required. If a doctor detects any conduction and heart rhythm disturbances, you should ask him to tell you about it in detail.

So, the heart beats intermittently. Missed strikes should never be ignored.


What to do in such a situation?

  • Treat the underlying disorder that caused the irregular heartbeat.
  • If the heart beats irregularly, what should I take? First of all, to correct bradycardia with drugs (anticholinergics, xanthines). Suitable "Trental", "Agapurin", "Atropine".
  • If there is a high risk of cardiac arrest, install a pacemaker (pacemaker).

The choice of tactics is determined by the stage of the disease and the presence of the clinic. With rhythm interruptions due to myocardial damage, there will not be a full recovery.

Treatment-free physiological bradycardia in athletes and trained individuals, as well as bradyarrhythmias without symptoms.

Treatment aimed at eliminating cardiac arrhythmias should be comprehensive and depend on the causes that influenced it. Prevention and therapy are prescribed by a specialist based on diagnostic results. Measures may include taking medications and following a special diet. In some cases, surgery is required.

Sometimes after drinking, the heart beats irregularly.

heart is beating irregularly
heart is beating irregularly

After intoxication

After alcohol, arrhythmia can go away on its own in a few hours, however, it can be very dangerous. It is urgent to call an ambulance if arrhythmia increases during a hangover or the following symptoms occur: fainting or a state before fainting; severe weakness; sudden fear of dying; pain in the heart, dizziness; shortness of breath.


A preventive measure is to maintain a he althy lifestyle. It is necessary to give up s alted, fatty foods, as well as bad habits. An essential condition is sports. However, one must remember aboutexercise moderation.