Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Endogenous asthma: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Endogenous asthma: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The article discusses the endogenous form of bronchial asthma. Its characteristic signs, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment are given. The characteristic of various variants of asthma attacks is given and a list of necessary actions is given. Possible options for complications and preventive measures are described

Peritonitis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Peritonitis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum. This disease is considered within the framework of the concept of an acute abdomen, which is characterized by pain with muscle tension in the region of the anterior abdominal walls. Despite the fact that every year the treatment technique is being improved more and more, this pathology does not become less dangerous. Mortality rates due to peritonitis are still extremely high

Schmorl's hernia of the spine: causes, symptoms and treatments

Schmorl's hernia of the spine: causes, symptoms and treatments

Schmorl's hernia of the spine is a fairly common disorder, which is considered to be relatively harmless. With a similar disease, deformation of the intervertebral discs is observed. However, the location of the disc relative to the vertebra does not change, so the risk of damage to the nerve roots or spinal cord is minimal

Schmorl's hernia of the lumbar spine: symptoms and treatment features

Schmorl's hernia of the lumbar spine: symptoms and treatment features

What is the difference between Schmorl's hernia and the usual in the understanding of most of us intervertebral hernia? Firstly, here we are talking not so much about the disease as about the radiological term, which was first proposed by the German physician Christian Schmorl. In the picture, the scientist saw the cartilaginous tissues of the end plates being pushed into the body of the lower or upper vertebra, directly into the spongy bone

The causative agent of gas gangrene. Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

The causative agent of gas gangrene. Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Anaerobic gas gangrene is an infectious disease that occurs against the background of the reproduction and growth of bacteria of the genus Clostridium in human soft tissues, most often on the limbs. The causative agent enters the body when the skin is broken

Hepatitis A - what is this disease? Symptoms, treatment and prevention of hepatitis A

Hepatitis A - what is this disease? Symptoms, treatment and prevention of hepatitis A

This article will tell you what hepatitis A is, by what signs it can be recognized, how it can be cured and whether it can be done at all, and, finally, how to protect yourself from this disease. We will also talk about how you can get infected with it and what rules will help reduce the risk of the disease

Clostridia in the feces of a child what do they mean?

Clostridia in the feces of a child what do they mean?

Clostridia are representatives of the normal human intestinal microflora. They mainly live in the large intestine, but can also be found in some other parts of the digestive system, as well as in the genital tract and on the skin

Bloating: what to do? Constant bloating, what to do?

Bloating: what to do? Constant bloating, what to do?

Flatulence is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that causes discomfort and is accompanied by such symptoms: pain, bloating, gases. What to do? How to fight and how to prevent the occurrence of this problem?

Treatment of chronic cystitis in women: what you need to know

Treatment of chronic cystitis in women: what you need to know

Cystitis is difficult to confuse with another disease. Acute pain during urination, severe discomfort after it … Women who do not attach importance to the disease and do not treat it face a chronic form. It is necessary to know the pathology "by sight" in order to eliminate it. Treatment of chronic cystitis in women is a topic that concerns almost a third of the population of our planet

Chickenpox on a child's eye: how to treat?

Chickenpox on a child's eye: how to treat?

Chickenpox in the eyes: characteristics and causes of pathology. Features of the development of chickenpox on the mucous membrane of the eye, diagnostic measures. Local and conservative treatment. How can parents help their child?

Thyroid hurts: what to do, traditional and folk methods of treatment, diagnosis and consultation of an endocrinologist

Thyroid hurts: what to do, traditional and folk methods of treatment, diagnosis and consultation of an endocrinologist

If the thyroid gland hurts, what should be done in this situation? Which doctor should be contacted? What methods of traditional medicine exist in the treatment of thyroid gland? You can find answers to all these questions in this article

Because of what people faint: causes, possible diseases, treatment

Because of what people faint: causes, possible diseases, treatment

Why do people faint? What should be done in this situation? How to help a person? What are the reasons why this might happen? You can find answers to all these questions in this article

Urticaria during pregnancy: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Urticaria during pregnancy: causes, symptoms and treatment features

During pregnancy, a woman's body is subjected to serious stress. Urticaria can appear in many adults and children, and pregnant women are no exception. When characteristic rashes appear on a woman's body, she is worried about the possible negative impact on the body of the unborn child. Why is hives dangerous during pregnancy?

Insidious dermatitis on the hands: treatment

Insidious dermatitis on the hands: treatment

Dermatitis is called inflammation that occurs on the skin due to various irritants. The main signs of dermatitis are burning, swelling, itching, the appearance of blisters that burst and bleed

Scratches on the hands: causes, treatment, drugs. Cream "Rescuer": instructions for use

Scratches on the hands: causes, treatment, drugs. Cream "Rescuer": instructions for use

Scratches on the hands are one of the most common household injuries. How to treat these skin lesions correctly and what to do in order to prevent infection of the wounds?

How and how to treat the missing voice - laryngitis?

How and how to treat the missing voice - laryngitis?

The question of how to treat a missing voice quite often arises during the autumn season, when such a deviation occurs not only among professional speakers, singers, artists, etc., but also among ordinary people who have been exposed to a cold

What to do if the voice disappears? How to return it?

What to do if the voice disappears? How to return it?

In most cases, when a person does not have any chronic or congenital pathologies of the vocal apparatus, the loss of the ability to make sounds is associated with a malfunction of the ligaments. In the normal state, they vibrate during the conversation, periodically opening and closing. Full connection of the cords is a prerequisite for the reproduction of sounds

Acute arterial insufficiency: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery period and doctors' advice

Acute arterial insufficiency: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery period and doctors' advice

Acute arterial insufficiency is an urgent pathology requiring, most often, immediate surgical therapy. In rare cases, preference is given to conservative methods. Arterial insufficiency of the veins located in the lower extremities can be triggered by a variety of reasons, but in each case it is accompanied by an acute ischemic syndrome that threatens the patient's life

Swollen upper eyelid in a child: causes and treatment

Swollen upper eyelid in a child: causes and treatment

Notice a swollen upper eyelid in a child and do not know what to do? We will tell you why the upper eyelid of a child is swollen and what are the simple methods of treating a possible ailment

Indolent pneumonia: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing, monitoring and treatment

Indolent pneumonia: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing, monitoring and treatment

Indolent pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung tissue. The most dangerous thing is that the disease proceeds sluggishly, in a mild form, so there are practically no bright symptoms. Indolent pneumonia is a special type of pneumonia that is caused by viruses and bacteria. We will talk in more detail about how dangerous this disease is, how and how to treat it

Increased gas formation: what to do? How to deal with increased gas formation?

Increased gas formation: what to do? How to deal with increased gas formation?

Many people are faced with such an unpleasant problem as increased gas formation. What to do in such cases? What are the reasons for the development of flatulence? Is it possible to improve the work of the digestive tract at home?

Logoneurosis: what is it, causes, treatment

Logoneurosis: what is it, causes, treatment

Logoneurosis - what is it? Few people know the answer to this question. However, most people are familiar with this pathological condition in one way or another

Absence epilepsy: symptoms and treatment

Absence epilepsy: symptoms and treatment

Absence epilepsy is a special type of disease that is characterized by specific seizures without convulsions. Most often, such a pathology is recorded in children, although its manifestation at an older age is also possible

Thrush in the mouth in adults: symptoms, causes and treatment

Thrush in the mouth in adults: symptoms, causes and treatment

If a person's immunity decreases or the balance of chemistry in the body is disturbed, the harmful fungus enters the stage of active reproduction, forming peculiar colonies by its actions, which is why oral thrush is formed in adults in the future, the symptoms of which are many

Lymphoma in children: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Lymphoma in children: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

With lymphoma, there is an unlimited division of tumor lymphocytes that inhabit the lymphoid nodes or various internal organs, which leads to the pathology of their natural functions. Lymphoma is a number of different types of diseases that differ from each other in signs, clinic and methods of treatment used

Temperature in pyelonephritis: symptoms of the disease, causes, methods of treatment and prevention

Temperature in pyelonephritis: symptoms of the disease, causes, methods of treatment and prevention

Classic signs of pyelonephritis: chills with fever, lower back pain and frequent painful urination. In diagnostics, the study of urine is considered to be the main one, in which a high number of leukocytes, microorganisms, cylinders is detected, less often - erythrocytes

Treatment of proctitis with suppositories inexpensive and effective: a list, an overview of the best

Treatment of proctitis with suppositories inexpensive and effective: a list, an overview of the best

According to WHO, the risk of developing this disease is noted in 60% of the population of civilized countries. For this reason, it is important not to forget that early diagnosis plays an important role in curing the disease. Over time, untreated proctitis gives a complication and becomes chronic

How to cure opisthorchiasis at home with folk remedies and pills

How to cure opisthorchiasis at home with folk remedies and pills

A factor in the occurrence of opisthorchiasis in humans is the feline or Siberian fluke (Opisthorchis felineus). The irritant of the disease parasitizes in the liver, gallbladder and its ducts, as well as the pancreas of humans, cats and dogs. The source of infection is a sick person or animal

Obsessive compulsive disorder in children: causes, symptoms and treatment

Obsessive compulsive disorder in children: causes, symptoms and treatment

During preschool age, some children are prone to obsessive-compulsive disorder. This is such a reaction of the child to some psychological trauma or situations of various kinds. What should parents do in this case? How to understand what it is - obsessive-compulsive disorder in children? Let's try to answer these and other exciting questions

Dissociative amnesia: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Dissociative amnesia: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Dissociative medicine has no specifically designed drugs for treatment, but is corrected with the help of hypnosis and art therapy

What are the folk remedies for the treatment of fibroids

What are the folk remedies for the treatment of fibroids

According to statistics, more than 40% of the female half of the population is faced with such a problem as uterine fibroids. Moreover, most of them belong to the age category from 35 to 50 years. This diagnosis suggests the formation of a tumor of a benign nature on the muscle tissue. Of course, women are trying with all possible properties to get rid of the disease, so they also use folk remedies for the treatment of fibroids. It is worth noting that it is better to use them as an additional therapy

What is dermatitis? How to cure dermatitis?

What is dermatitis? How to cure dermatitis?

Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin. This disease can act independently, and can be a signal of various disorders in the body

Attack of choking at night: causes, symptoms, possible diagnosis, treatment and recommendations of doctors

Attack of choking at night: causes, symptoms, possible diagnosis, treatment and recommendations of doctors

If a person has an asthma attack at night, the reasons can be very different. But, as a rule, the most common is an increase in venous pressure. Due to too much accumulation of carbon dioxide, chemoreceptors are stimulated, which are responsible for sending impulses to a certain part of the brain responsible for lung function

Erosive esophagitis: causes, symptoms, treatment, diet

Erosive esophagitis: causes, symptoms, treatment, diet

All pathological processes in the esophagus at first glance do not differ from each other and have almost the same manifestations. For a person who is not initiated into the basics of medicine, erosive esophagitis is another inflammation of this organ of the digestive system, no one can find the difference between such diseases

Urticarial rash: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Urticarial rash: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Urticarial rash known to many people as a type of urticaria. As statistics show, about five percent of the population is affected by such a disease, and, as a rule, it does not bring much discomfort to people. Unlike other types of rash, this kind of disease does not cause severe itching. It is either weakly expressed or absent altogether. However, the skin with this disease has an unpleasant appearance

Beware, lower limb varicose veins are dangerous

Beware, lower limb varicose veins are dangerous

Varicose disease of the lower extremities is one of the most common diseases worldwide. Women are more susceptible to this disease than men. Diseases of the veins require timely treatment, as they can develop into more serious diseases

Exudative enteropathy: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment methods

Exudative enteropathy: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment methods

Enteropathy is a rather serious disease that is directly related to congenital anomalies occurring in the small intestine. It should be noted that the disease manifests itself painfully, so you should carefully study not only the symptoms, but also the causes, as well as possible treatment

Causes of abdominal ascites: symptoms, diagnosis, stages, need for surgery, treatment options

Causes of abdominal ascites: symptoms, diagnosis, stages, need for surgery, treatment options

Often ascites occurs due to the development of a serious pathology in the human body. The disease is dangerous because it tends to develop and pass into more complex forms. At the initial stage of the appearance of ascites, treatment is much faster and more effective

Treatment of lung cancer: methods and methods

Treatment of lung cancer: methods and methods

Our time is characterized by a large number of dangerous and incurable diseases. Malignancy is one of them. The outcome of the disease largely depends on the period of its detection. That's why the sooner you start treatment for lung cancer, the more optimistic the prognosis will be

Dry cough in adults. Treatment at home

Dry cough in adults. Treatment at home

Such a symptom as a dry cough may be the body's reaction to allergens. But basically it is a sign of many respiratory diseases: acute respiratory infections, laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc. To alleviate a debilitating dry cough in adults, it is advisable to treat with drugs in combination with physiotherapy and traditional medicine