Diseases and conditions 2024, October

What is Kalman syndrome? Kalman syndrome: symptoms, features of diagnosis and treatment

What is Kalman syndrome? Kalman syndrome: symptoms, features of diagnosis and treatment

Kalman syndrome is a genetic disease that is diagnosed mainly in men. It is characterized by a malfunction of the pituitary and hypothalamus, which can provoke serious systemic disorders

Testicular feminization syndrome: treatment and prevention

Testicular feminization syndrome: treatment and prevention

Testicular feminization syndrome is a relatively rare congenital pathology, which is accompanied by a decrease in sensitivity to male sex hormones. In more severe cases, the body becomes completely insensitive to the effects of androgens. Symptoms of such an ailment can have varying degrees of severity, and treatment for patients is selected individually

Cyst of the hip joint: causes, symptoms, examination, surgical and traditional treatment, prevention

Cyst of the hip joint: causes, symptoms, examination, surgical and traditional treatment, prevention

When a cyst appears in the hip joint, it is worth starting immediate treatment. Typically, surgery is performed. However, it is equally important to identify problems in time, paying attention to the symptoms

Ankle ligaments: damage. Ligaments of the ankle joint are damaged: symptoms, treatment, consequences

Ankle ligaments: damage. Ligaments of the ankle joint are damaged: symptoms, treatment, consequences

The ankle joint, from an anatomical point of view, has the most complex structure. And such an idea of nature is quite amenable to a logical explanation. After all, it is on this part of the leg that a very important - supporting - function is assigned, with which the joint perfectly copes

Clavicle fractures: causes, symptoms, treatment

Clavicle fractures: causes, symptoms, treatment

Clavicle fractures are usually accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms. Immediately in the affected area there is pain, the forearm swells. It becomes quite difficult to make any movements with the injured limb, the victim cannot raise his hand up. If such an injury is accompanied by displacement of fragments, the injured limb becomes longer, the damaged joint changes position compared to the he althy one and can strongly protrude forward

Cystitis in boys: symptoms and treatment

Cystitis in boys: symptoms and treatment

Cystitis in boys is quite common, especially in children after two years. In order to start treatment on time, it is important to know the main symptoms or signs of cystitis in boys. This, as well as many other things, will be discussed in this article

Boil on the leg: causes, methods of treatment

Boil on the leg: causes, methods of treatment

A boil (boil) is a purulent-necrotic inflammation (acute) that develops in the sebaceous gland, hair follicle and its surrounding connective tissue

Buttock abscess after injection: photo, treatment

Buttock abscess after injection: photo, treatment

Injections are vital manipulations that can provoke an abscess on the buttock. In order to avoid this, you should follow simple rules

Stehlwag, Graefe and Mobius symptom in hyperthyroidism

Stehlwag, Graefe and Mobius symptom in hyperthyroidism

Stelwag's symptom is one of the manifestations of hyperthyroidism. The disease is associated with an increase in the hormonal activity of the gland. With thyroid or endocrine ophthalmopathy (EOP), that is, "eye" symptoms of diffuse toxic goiter (DTG), eye symptoms occur in the clinical picture: Graefe, Möbius, Stelvag, Krauss, Kocher, Delrymple, Jellinek, less often Rosenbach, Botkin

Smear for purity: what are the norms

Smear for purity: what are the norms

Every woman should have a vaginal smear 1-2 times a year. Do not forget that the purity of the smear directly depends on the quality of water in reservoirs, the intensity of sexual activity, the cleanliness of partners, etc. Therefore, it is worth spending a little time and money for analysis in order to be calm and subsequently have beautiful and he althy children

How chickenpox starts: the first signs, symptoms and treatment features

How chickenpox starts: the first signs, symptoms and treatment features

Chickenpox or chicken pox is a severe acute infectious disease caused by the herpes virus of the third type. This type belongs to the category of viruses with 100% susceptibility. It can take place in three forms: mild, moderate and severe. How does windmill start? The first signs of the disease are fever and rash

Vascular dementia: types, causes and treatment

Vascular dementia: types, causes and treatment

Vascular dementia refers to a dangerous pathology of cerebral vessels, as it is characterized by impaired memory, coordination of movements, the occurrence of mental disorders. When the first signs of the disease occur, it is imperative to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment

Pemphigus of newborns: photo, causes, treatment, diagnosis

Pemphigus of newborns: photo, causes, treatment, diagnosis

Pemphigus of a newborn is a very rare and dangerous disease, which is based on the mechanisms of an autoimmune attack on the skin. Under the influence of unknown factors, the immune system produces antibodies to substances that ensure the integrity of the skin. They act on epithelial cells, as a result of which ulcers appear on the skin, which become infected with streptococcus or staphylococcus aureus

Senial itching of the skin: causes, treatment, prevention

Senial itching of the skin: causes, treatment, prevention

The skin of a person becomes dry in old age. The skin produces less fat - this leads to the appearance of microcracks on the surface of the epidermis. Some endocrine diseases and problems with the functioning of the liver exacerbate this process. Folk remedies for senile itching bring temporary relief. Is it possible to permanently get rid of this unpleasant condition?

Pimples on the abdomen: causes and methods of treatment

Pimples on the abdomen: causes and methods of treatment

Only in rare cases do people turn their attention to the appearance of solitary rashes on various parts of the body, especially if they pass on their own and quickly. Such a symptom as the appearance of a single pimple, as a rule, does not pose a danger to a person. However, the same cannot be said about multiple pimples on the abdomen, localized in a certain area, for example, under the navel, around it

Diphyllobothriasis: human symptoms and treatment regimen

Diphyllobothriasis: human symptoms and treatment regimen

The article describes the basic data on such a disease as diphyllobothriasis: symptoms inherent in the disease, causes, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Herpes in the mouth in adults: treatment and consequences

Herpes in the mouth in adults: treatment and consequences

Herpes in the mouth is a very common disease that millions of people around the world have experienced. In most of them, it is present in the body in a latent form, but with certain factors, such as a decrease in immunity, herpes is activated

The back of the head hurts on the right: causes, examination and treatment

The back of the head hurts on the right: causes, examination and treatment

Headache is familiar to everyone. Its causes are very diverse and indicate serious he alth problems. Pain on one side of the head also occurs periodically and gives a person considerable discomfort. When the back of the head hurts on the right, why do such sensations arise?

Schizophrenia: symptoms in women. The first signs of schizophrenia in women

Schizophrenia: symptoms in women. The first signs of schizophrenia in women

Many of us know the serious psychiatric diagnosis of schizophrenia. Moreover, people often use this term to define something that does not fit into the usual reasonable framework

Greenish discharge in women: possible causes and treatment features

Greenish discharge in women: possible causes and treatment features

Discharge is always present in the fairer sex, and this indicates that the body is functioning normally. The mucus and cells that are secreted from the uterine cervix protect an important organ for a woman's body from numerous pathogenic bacteria and microbes, moisturize the vagina, and this is necessary during intercourse

Pus in the lungs: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Pus in the lungs: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Pleurisy (pus in the lungs) is the most dangerous and common disease. In 15% of cases, after this disease, complications appear. In practice, pathology as an independent and separate disease can be encountered quite rarely. Most often, it occurs as a result of the transfer of severe complications. At the first suspicion of the appearance of this symptom, you should immediately seek qualified medical help at the clinic

Achalasia cardia: causes, symptoms, treatment methods

Achalasia cardia: causes, symptoms, treatment methods

All you need to know about achalasia cardia: causes and description of the disease, symptoms and methods of diagnosis, as well as the most effective treatment methods

What is Ollie's disease. Olier's disease: diagnosis and treatment

What is Ollie's disease. Olier's disease: diagnosis and treatment

Olie's disease is a disease in which anomalies in the development of the bone skeleton occur, that is, its dysplasia. Other names for the disease mentioned are multiple chondromatosis of bones, unilateral chondromatosis, or dyschondroplasia of bones

Treatment of acute cholecystitis. Symptoms, causes of the disease. Diet for cholecystitis

Treatment of acute cholecystitis. Symptoms, causes of the disease. Diet for cholecystitis

Cholecystitis is one of the most common diseases. According to the international classification of diseases (ICD-10), it belongs to the class of pathologies of the digestive tract. This disease can be independent, or it can manifest itself as a complication after other ailments, such as pancreatitis, certain types of gastritis, hepatitis, and others

Bronchitis in children: the main causes of the disease and its symptoms

Bronchitis in children: the main causes of the disease and its symptoms

Why does it appear and how to cure bronchitis in a child? Is it possible to use folk remedies? This will be discussed in our article

Causes, symptoms and treatment of Horner's syndrome

Causes, symptoms and treatment of Horner's syndrome

Cases of Horner's syndrome are not too common in modern medical practice. The disease is associated with damage to the nerve fibers of the sympathetic system. It is worth considering that quite often such a pathology occurs against the background of other, extremely dangerous diseases. That is why when the first symptoms appear, you should seek help

Refractory Anemia: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Refractory Anemia: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Blood diseases make up a large and diverse group of syndromes that form in violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the blood. All of them are systematized based on the damage to any component of the blood. Hematological diseases are divided into three main groups: pathologies characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin levels; hemoblastosis; hemostasiosiopathies. Refractory anemia is one of the types of anemia, characterized by a violation of the maturation of red germ cells

Anus itches: symptoms, causes and treatment

Anus itches: symptoms, causes and treatment

We all communicate to a greater or lesser extent with the people around us: colleagues, family, friends. But there are topics that are not customary to discuss even with the closest. One of these delicate issues is itching in the anus

Gout: drug treatment. Gout attack

Gout: drug treatment. Gout attack

Gout is a complex disease that is difficult to treat. Adequate treatment of the disease allows you to achieve a stable remission lasting 10-20 years

Toxoplasmosis: symptoms in children. Diagnosis and treatment of toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis: symptoms in children. Diagnosis and treatment of toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis is a contagious disease caused by intracellular parasites. The route of transmission of parasites is alimentary. It affects the nervous system, skeletal muscles, myocardium, liver and spleen. There is congenital and acquired toxoplasmosis

Low blood pressure: causes and treatment

Low blood pressure: causes and treatment

Low blood pressure (or hypotension) means that the blood cannot deliver enough nutrients and oxygen to human organs such as the brain, kidneys, heart, etc., as a result of which they do not function normally

ALS (disease): symptoms and diagnostic methods

ALS (disease): symptoms and diagnostic methods

This article will discuss such a problem as ALS (disease). Symptoms of the disease, methods of diagnosis, as well as possible treatment - all this can be read in the text below

Signs of pneumonia in adults without fever. Symptoms of pneumonia without fever

Signs of pneumonia in adults without fever. Symptoms of pneumonia without fever

Pneumonia is a serious infectious disease. Under normal conditions, it can have a fairly pronounced clinical course, but certain factors can greatly lubricate the main manifestations of the disease

The lymph node under the arm is enlarged: what does it mean

The lymph node under the arm is enlarged: what does it mean

What to do if the lymph node under the arm is enlarged? First of all, you should consult a doctor. Usually, such a pathology is associated with the presence of some kind of infection in the body. In women, an enlarged lymph node in this place can also be a sign of a disease such as breast cancer

Lymph nodes under the armpit: causes of inflammation, which doctor to contact, treatment

Lymph nodes under the armpit: causes of inflammation, which doctor to contact, treatment

An article about the possible causes of armpit inflammation. Treatment methods are considered, as well as other therapy options, including alternative

Trichomonas urethritis: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Trichomonas urethritis: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Trichomonas urethritis is an infectious disease of the human genitourinary system. The causative agent of this disease is a microorganism belonging to the flagellates - Trichomonas. Affecting the genitourinary system, the disease can lead to infertility in both men and women

Urethritis: treatment and prevention

Urethritis: treatment and prevention

Urethritis is a disease that affects most of the urban population, and it is one of the most common urological diseases. Moreover, it belongs to the category of those diseases that are easier to prevent than to treat

Yellow fluid flowing from the nose - what is it?

Yellow fluid flowing from the nose - what is it?

When yellow fluid flows from the nose, this process causes a lot of inconvenience. In addition, it is a signal from the body that something is wrong in it. People are calm about transparent snot, and when the liquid turns yellow, they begin to get nervous. In this case, you just need to see a doctor. Since a common cold can be cured on its own in a couple of days. And when yellow discharge begins, an accurate diagnosis is required for treatment

Kawasaki syndrome in children: causes and treatment

Kawasaki syndrome in children: causes and treatment

Kawasaki syndrome in children is a very rare and serious disease characterized by an inflammatory process affecting the coronary and other arteries. It develops in children most often under the age of five, but there are known cases of the disease in adults - 20-30-year-old people. This disease occurs most often in boys, and girls become ill with Kawasaki syndrome (pictured) much less frequently

Hypertensive is How atmospheric pressure affects hypertensive patients

Hypertensive is How atmospheric pressure affects hypertensive patients

Hypertension is a very insidious disease, as a result of which about eighteen million people die every year on the globe, and every year this figure only increases. A hypertensive is a person who suffers from hypertension. Basically, the disease occurs due to a careless attitude to their he alth of each individual