Such a symptom as a dry cough may be the body's reaction to allergens. But in

mainly it is a sign of many respiratory diseases: acute respiratory infections, laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc. In older people, a dry cough often causes a fungal infection of the respiratory system. To establish an accurate diagnosis with the subsequent appointment of a course of treatment, it is necessary to examine the patient and take an anamnesis of the disease by a doctor (in order to get rid of the underlying ailment). To alleviate a debilitating dry cough in adults, it is advisable to carry out drug treatment in combination with physiotherapy and traditional medicine.
Reactive cough
Irritants such as dust, smoke, plant pollen, mold, strong perfume and powder odors, household chemicals often cause dry cough in adults. Treatment in this case should begin with the exclusion of contact withallergen. Attacks of dry cough are sometimes provoked by taking certain medications (drug allergies), so you should definitely read the annotations before taking new drugs. Allergic dry cough can quickly turn into bronchial asthma. To avoid this, it is urgent to rid the body of the presence of pathogens in it - for this, use anti-allergic drugs, having received the recommendations of a doctor.
We treat dry cough at home: herbs and infusions

If you do not want to immediately resort to chemicals, use medicinal herbs. Herbal medicine greatly relieves dry cough in adults. Treatment of catarrhal seasonal diseases with folk remedies primarily involves drinking plenty of water. Warm tea with raspberry jam, honey, viburnum or grated currant helps well. These foods are rich in vitamin C, which means they can strengthen the immune system and help the body cope with the infection. Oregano, thyme, elecampane have an antitussive effect - these herbs are included in the fees for a very strong, debilitating cough. It relieves attacks of dry cough with a decoction of peppermint (you can dilute a ready-made pharmacy tincture with tea). Try lubricating a dimple in your throat with tincture if you feel constant tickling. Facilitates cough frequent gargling and ingestion of herbal decoctions and infusions with enveloping (marshmallow root, flax seed), expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect (black elderberry flowers, 3-colored violet grass, chamomile flowerspharmacy and linden). The herb of plantain and succession, licorice root, motherwort, valerian rhizome and elecampane root, rose hips, coltsfoot leaf are also used.

Essential oil plants have a good expectorant effect - decoctions for drinking and inhalation are prepared from them. These are calamus, anise and fennel seeds, dill and cumin, pine buds, eucalyptus leaf, lemon balm leaves, sage, thyme. You can make a collection by including 1-2 plants with different effects, for example: marshmallow roots, grass and oregano flowers, coltsfoot. Or this composition: licorice, plantain, coltsfoot. Of the simple drugs, Muk altin has proven itself well - a dry cough quickly softens and becomes wet after taking these pills.
What should I do if I have a painful dry cough?
Treatment in adults comes down to frequent intake (after an hour or two) of a decoction in the following composition: calamus root, linden or elderberry flowers, St. John's wort leaves, thyme herb, coltsfoot, pine buds, anise and caraway seeds (all in equal parts).
If it is not possible to prepare the above remedy, use products that can be found in almost every home - onions, sugar and honey. Grind 500 g of onion, mix with 350 g of sugar and 3 tbsp. l. honey. Dilute everything in 1 liter of water and simmer for 3 hours over low heat. Cool and strain. The finished medicine is stored in the refrigerator. You need to take it 1 tablespoon every 3-4 hours, pre-warming. They say that thisthe remedy very well relieves dry cough in adults. Treatment is recommended to be supplemented by rubbing into the chest area a mixture of interior goat fat with honey (taken in equal volumes). Then you need to wrap the body with compress paper, tie a downy shawl or woolen cloth over it and go to bed.

Advice to those who have a dry cough too often - prepare healing wine from elecampane root, anise fruits, common centaury herb and St. John's wort herb - take 20 g each. Add 50 g raisins to these ingredients and pour everything dry good quality red wine (about 1.5 l), leave for 14 days. Take a glass half an hour before meals.
The last tip is very important
In case of prolonged dry cough, it is necessary to be examined in the clinic. Only a doctor will determine the cause that caused a dry cough. In adults, treatment with folk remedies alone may not be effective, especially if the disease is more severe than ordinary acute respiratory infections.