Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Inflammation of the inner ear: symptoms in adults and children

Inflammation of the inner ear: symptoms in adults and children

Inflammation of the inner ear occurs in people of all age groups. Therefore, it is important to know not only the causes and symptoms, but also treatment options. It is also better to adhere to the elementary rules for the prevention of this pathology

Loose stools in children. Norm and deviations

Loose stools in children. Norm and deviations

Stool in children indicates the state of the digestive tract. And any deviations scare parents, because they sometimes indicate the presence of serious diseases. Loose stools in children in rare cases is the norm, most often it is a reason to see a doctor

Fungus in the ears: photos, symptoms and treatment

Fungus in the ears: photos, symptoms and treatment

Tinnitus is a common problem that affects lifestyle. Such an infection can cause not only pain and redness, but also itching and hearing loss. It is believed that this pathology is not serious and does not pose any danger to human life. However, the problem itself is annoying. She is difficult to treat. There is a high chance that relapses may occur regularly

Wide warts: causes, treatment methods, consequences

Wide warts: causes, treatment methods, consequences

According to the shape of the warts are divided into wide and pointed. The former most often appear against the background of chronic syphilitic infection, which is considered a rarity in our time. On the contrary, peaked warts are very common, since the papilloma virus is sexually transmitted and its manifestations are localized most of all on the genitals. The overgrown epithelium of warts has the shape of a lobed bundle in the stalk

Toxic shock: emergency care, treatment and consequences

Toxic shock: emergency care, treatment and consequences

Infectious toxic shock (ITS) occurs when exo- and endotoxins secreted by pathogenic bacteria enter the bloodstream. This condition can be observed in adults and children with various diseases. What are the symptoms of ITS? How to diagnose it? What are the therapies?

Couperosis on the face: causes, treatment, prevention and diet

Couperosis on the face: causes, treatment, prevention and diet

Any change in a woman's appearance is a cause for concern, and sometimes it can even lead to complexes and deep depression. One of the most common cosmetic defects is rosacea on the face

Submucosal fibroids: main symptoms and description. Treatment regimen and consequences

Submucosal fibroids: main symptoms and description. Treatment regimen and consequences

Submucosal myoma is considered a rather complex pathology that adversely affects the state of he alth and can be life-threatening for the patient

How to treat a burn: simple tips

How to treat a burn: simple tips

Burns are a fairly common type of domestic injury. What should be done to help the victim? How to treat a burn? You can read about all this in the provided article

What is a herniated disc? Treatment, diagnosis

What is a herniated disc? Treatment, diagnosis

Lower pain can be caused by a herniated disc. This is a condition in which the lining of the intervertebral disc is destroyed, and its contents leak into the spinal canal

Roseola in a child. This is dangerous?

Roseola in a child. This is dangerous?

Roseola is a very common infectious disease. As a rule, it is diagnosed in young children under two years of age. In medicine, roseola in a child can also be found under a different name, namely, sudden exanthema. It is noteworthy that in this case it can be quite difficult to make an accurate diagnosis, since the primary symptoms can be easily confused with SARS or rubella. Let's talk about this disease in more detail below

Beware of roseola! There may be no symptoms

Beware of roseola! There may be no symptoms

If an adult suddenly has constant fatigue, decreased appetite and immunity, irritability, and a red rash suddenly covers the skin, then perhaps roseola begins. Its symptoms in children and adults are different. If adults most often complain of skin manifestations and reduced tone, then in children the disease is more severe

Papular syphilis: description, signs, symptoms and treatment features

Papular syphilis: description, signs, symptoms and treatment features

Secondary syphilis is the second stage of the disease, which begins five months after infection and lasts about five years. This pathology is caused by the spread of infection throughout the body, it affects all organs and systems. The symptoms of the disease are varied, most often a person develops papular syphilis - a rash on the skin and mucous membranes

Exercises to develop the hand after a fracture. Rehabilitation after a fracture

Exercises to develop the hand after a fracture. Rehabilitation after a fracture

Unfortunately, no one is safe from a broken hand. Because of it, the development of various complications or loss of limb function is possible. It is important to know what exercises are needed for the most complete recovery of the affected hand

What is gluten? Intolerance: symptoms, causes and treatment

What is gluten? Intolerance: symptoms, causes and treatment

In addition to the well-known diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, there are also less common diseases associated with enzyme deficiency. An example is celiac disease. The symptoms and causes of gluten intolerance have been studied for a long time, but are still not fully understood

Perineural cyst of the spine: causes, symptoms and treatment

Perineural cyst of the spine: causes, symptoms and treatment

Perineural cyst is a benign formation. It can cause severe pain and discomfort

Fordyce granules - signs, causes, treatment

Fordyce granules - signs, causes, treatment

Fordyce granules - what is it, what are the signs of this disease, possible causes and existing methods of treatment? It is these questions that we will devote the article to

Consequences of encephalitis in adults and children

Consequences of encephalitis in adults and children

Encephalitis is a dangerous disease that rapidly destroys brain cells. Timely treatment significantly increases the likelihood of successfully getting rid of the disease without consequences

Dorsopathy: what is it? How to recognize, cure and prevent the disease?

Dorsopathy: what is it? How to recognize, cure and prevent the disease?

Dorsopathy: what is it? This is the name of the pathology of the musculoskeletal system with a pronounced pain syndrome that occurs due to degenerative changes in the spine

Does your knees crackle when you squat? - Immediately to the doctor

Does your knees crackle when you squat? - Immediately to the doctor

In modern medicine, there are more than a hundred diseases, in the symptoms of which knees crunch when squatting. One of the most common causes of this is considered to be a large accumulation of fluid in the knee joint, which causes a violation of the motor function of the leg

Preeclampsia: what is it? Symptom

Preeclampsia: what is it? Symptom

Preeclampsia is a disease during pregnancy that causes malfunctions in the normal functioning of organs and systems responsible for the life support of not only the mother, but also the unborn child

The answer to the question: "Why is the embryonic period also called the germinal period?"

The answer to the question: "Why is the embryonic period also called the germinal period?"

As you know, fertilization is the fusion of a spermatozoon and a fertilized egg, resulting in the formation of an embryo of the future little man. In this article, we will consider what happens after fertilization, why the embryonic period is also called the embryonic period

Fracture of the femoral neck in old age: consequences may be irreversible

Fracture of the femoral neck in old age: consequences may be irreversible

It is very difficult to treat a fracture of the femoral neck in old age, the consequences of which cannot be predicted. That is why in many countries this issue is solved radically - through surgical intervention

Symptoms and treatment of enterovirus infection: features and rules

Symptoms and treatment of enterovirus infection: features and rules

Enterovirus infection refers to a whole group of diseases caused by enteroviruses. The very name of the infection - "enterovirus" - is generalizing for numerous representatives of intestinal viruses. It is the intestines that serve as a haven and "home" for many of them, from where their path lies in the blood and internal organs. Symptoms and treatment of enterovirus infection completely depend on the form of the disease

How to treat constipation in adults and children at home

How to treat constipation in adults and children at home

Constipation is a very unpleasant problem with which many patients are embarrassed to seek professional help and try to cope with it on their own. The causes of this phenomenon may be different, but in most cases they are malnutrition, nervous strain and a sedentary lifestyle

Details on what and how dry cough is treated

Details on what and how dry cough is treated

Every person should know how to treat a dry cough. After all, such a pathological condition occurs from time to time in everyone. It should be noted that this phenomenon can disturb a person against the background of various respiratory diseases. That is why if a dry and suffocating cough occurs, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor

What can a situation when a cough does not cough up mean? How to deal with it?

What can a situation when a cough does not cough up mean? How to deal with it?

Cough is a symptom of many diseases, not just lung diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis in time in order to prescribe timely and adequate treatment. The article presents the main differences between diseases that are accompanied by cough

ICD-10 code, erosive gastritis: symptoms and treatment

ICD-10 code, erosive gastritis: symptoms and treatment

Diseases of the stomach are unpleasant and painful ailments, one of which is erosive gastritis. What are the causes of this disease? What are the symptoms of the disease? And what are the methods of its treatment?

Enlarged lymph node in the groin in men: causes, treatment

Enlarged lymph node in the groin in men: causes, treatment

Everyone should take care of their he alth. The human body works as a single mechanism. If something goes wrong, discomfort and malaise immediately arise. If the lymph node in the groin is enlarged, in men this may indicate many diseases, from the common cold to oncology. Which doctor should I contact? Do you need diagnostics? What treatment to choose? We will try to answer these questions in the article

Symptoms of meningitis. Treatment and prevention of the disease

Symptoms of meningitis. Treatment and prevention of the disease

Meningitis is a rather insidious disease that can affect anyone. Let's understand what are the signs and symptoms of meningitis in order to "know the enemy by sight"

Bacteria and microbes under a microscope (photo)

Bacteria and microbes under a microscope (photo)

We are surrounded by billions of microbes. They literally teem in the air, are present on all objects that we touch, on our body, and even live inside us. Read about how microbes look under a microscope, how they live, eat, multiply and die in this article

The meniscus is Where is the meniscus? Types of damage to the meniscus

The meniscus is Where is the meniscus? Types of damage to the meniscus

The meniscus is a cartilaginous pad that sits in the knee joint. According to statistics, most of the injuries of the latter are associated with a tear in the tissues of the meniscus, which performs an important function of shock absorption

Takayasu's disease: symptoms and treatment

Takayasu's disease: symptoms and treatment

Takayasu's disease is a rather serious inflammation of a chronic nature, which occurs in the area of large blood vessels. Their main function is to carry blood away from the heart. Of course, the malfunction of this organ affects the entire body

Hypertension syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Hypertension syndrome: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Hypertension syndrome is the most common disease of the cardiovascular system, which is associated with a chronic increase in blood pressure. According to statistics, approximately 44% of the Russian population suffers from one form or another of this disease

Pain in both arms and legs: causes and consequences

Pain in both arms and legs: causes and consequences

Many of us are familiar with the feeling of pain in the arms or legs. For some, this problem occurs rarely, while others suffer from unbearable pain all the time. In any case, pain in both the arms and legs, if this is not an isolated case, signals problems in the body. And there are a lot of reasons for this malaise

Occipital nerve, inflammation: symptoms and treatment

Occipital nerve, inflammation: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the occipital nerve provokes acute pain. The disease brings discomfort, as it causes sensations of backache in the head. The disease requires timely treatment

Mononucleosis. What is it and how dangerous is the disease?

Mononucleosis. What is it and how dangerous is the disease?

A viral acute disease, accompanied by damage to the mouth, throat, fever, affecting the lymph nodes, and often the liver and spleen, is called mononucleosis. What is it and what causes it?

Papillomas hurt: possible causes and treatments

Papillomas hurt: possible causes and treatments

Papilloma is a growth on the skin of a benign nature, which is of viral origin. Sometimes papillomas can appear even on the mucous membrane. If papilloma hurts, then you should seriously think about treatment

Freezing warts at home: drugs, reviews

Freezing warts at home: drugs, reviews

The name "wart" is already causing discomfort. These growths do not itch or hurt, but can appear anywhere: on the face, legs, arms and body. But most importantly, warts are a source of infection for others, so you should definitely get rid of them

Which doctor should I contact for headaches and high blood pressure?

Which doctor should I contact for headaches and high blood pressure?

Headache is the most common he alth complaint. This is the first sign of fatigue and overstrain, and sometimes an alarm signal about serious disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Although the pain is common, it requires special attention and proper treatment. In the article we will talk about which doctor to contact for headaches and how to deal with them effectively

Basilar insufficiency: causes, symptoms, treatments

Basilar insufficiency: causes, symptoms, treatments

One of the fairly common diseases of the central nervous system is vertebrobasilar insufficiency. This condition is characterized by a number of unpleasant symptoms. In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to approach the solution of the problem in a complex manner. An experienced doctor will prescribe the appropriate therapy after a series of diagnostic procedures. What is this ailment, what are its causes, manifestations and methods of treatment will be discussed in the article