Our time is characterized by a large number of dangerous and incurable diseases. Malignancy is one of them. The outcome of the disease largely depends on the period of its detection. That's why the sooner you start treatment for lung cancer, the more optimistic the prognosis will be.

General about the disease
Bronchogenic carcinoma (lung cancer) is a malignant process accompanied by the growth of mutant cells in the epithelial tissue of the lungs. It is impossible to control it. Even early detection and timely treatment of lung cancer does not guarantee the future. Malignant organ formation is a large group of tumors. They can be located in any area of the lung. Some of them grow instantly, while others take a long time.
The tumor grows, the structure of the bronchi is disturbed. The tissues affected by the disease can no longer function normally. The person is not getting enough oxygen. Before starting to develop, the neoplasm may be in the precancerous stage. Cells function and divide. But after a few division cycles, unexpectedlya tumor appears. Moving through the blood and lymph, diseased cells form metastases - secondary foci of cancer.
Bronchogenic carcinoma is a very insidious disease. It proceeds with almost no symptoms. At the initial stage, those signs that are characteristic of respiratory diseases are detected.
Causes of pathology
The main causes of the disease include:
- Smoking. Nicotine addiction is the main factor causing the disease. The lung parenchyma becomes weak. She cannot resist bacteria and viruses.
- Genetics. Congenital disorder of the structure of the bronchi, pulmonary region. Improper structure makes the body weak. It cannot resist respiratory diseases.
- Inhalation of harmful substances. These include: arsenic, asbestos, chlorine, cadmium and others. At risk are people who work in hazardous industries.
- Long course of respiratory diseases. A prolonged illness makes the body weak. He cannot resist and defend himself. In this case, oncology will progress rapidly.
A person who does not smoke gets sick due to the fact that he does not pay attention to his he alth, does not visit a doctor on time and does not respond to negative symptoms that appear.

The cause of the disease in children is a weakened immune system, a completely unformed respiratory system.
Disease classification
Lung cancer treatment depends onlocation of the neoplasm. According to this criterion, the following types of tumors can be distinguished:
- Central. Located in the center of the lung. It is formed from the tissues of the large bronchus. The clinical manifestation with this location of the neoplasm is observed early. The tumor grows, blocks the lumen of the bronchus, and part of the lung collapses.
- Peripheral. The focus of the disease is in the small bronchi. For this reason, the clinical picture of the disease does not manifest itself for a long time. It is very difficult to diagnose it. It may go unnoticed for five years. Over time, the tumor grows more and more. It spreads to the organs of the mediastinum, pleura and other bronchi.
- Mixed. This species is rare, in about 5% of cases. It is characterized by the appearance of whitish soft tissue, which can fill not only part of the lung, but the entire organ. This growth is malignant.
Stages of the disease
Patients show different symptoms of lung cancer. Its treatment depends on the stage of the disease. Having determined this characteristic, you can correctly choose the best way to get rid of the disease. There are several stages of the disease:
- Zero. The presence of microscopic neoplasms is observed. They may only be discovered during treatment for another lung disease. Getting rid of the disease is easy, the prognosis is favorable.
- First. A tumor up to three centimeters is diagnosed. There are no metastases. Treatment of lung cancer at this stage is going well.
- Second. The neoplasm reaches six centimeters. ATone of the lymph nodes, which are located next to the lung, are malignant cells. At this stage, the tumor can be removed, but the lung can be saved.
- Third. The tumor has grown and moved to the adjacent segment of the lung. The pathology also affected the lymph nodes located next to the organ. Proper treatment will help slow the progression of the disease.
- Fourth. The tumor went beyond the lung and spread to other organs and parts of the body. The forecast is disappointing.

First manifestations of the disease
Lung cancer treatments are chosen according to the signs of the disease:
- Cough. At first it is dry, appears at night. People are in no hurry to go to the doctor, hoping that it will go away on its own.
- Hemoptysis. A person goes to the doctor, because along with sputum, blood began to come out of the mouth and nose. The reason for this is that the tumor began to affect the vessels.
- Chest pain. This symptom appears when the neoplasm begins to penetrate the pleura. The pains are: sharp, stabbing, aching. Strengthen under load.
- Temperature. For a long period of time it stays within 37.3–37.4 °C. In the future, in the later stages, it increases significantly.
- Shortness of breath. This symptom first appears during exertion. The tumor increases, shortness of breath begins to torment even in the supine position.
- Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome. The tumor is growing. The patient has pink stripes on the skin. Hair grows profusely, the patient gains weight greatly. The reason for this is that cancer cells produce a hormoneACTH.
Disease symptoms
Continue to talk about the signs of the disease:
- Anorexia. It was said above that the patient is gaining weight, but some, on the contrary, are rapidly losing it. The reason for this condition is that the tumor produces antidiuretic hormone.
- Calcium metabolism is disturbed. The second and third stages of the disease are characterized by a feeling of lethargy, constant urge to vomit, blurred vision, and the development of osteoporosis. Cancer cells secrete substances that interfere with calcium metabolism in the body.
- Compression of the superior vena cava. The patient's neck swells, his shoulders begin to hurt, the subcutaneous veins swell. In the last stage of lung cancer, swallowing is difficult. All these symptoms indicate that the disease is progressing.
- Neurological disorders. In the fourth stage of the disease, metastases penetrate the brain. They begin to develop: paralysis, paresis, edema appears. All this leads to death.
Use traditional lung cancer treatment in conjunction with the traditional one or you will have to resort to a more serious method of getting rid of the disease - depends on the diagnosis.

It takes a lot of research to get it right:
- Chest x-ray. This is the most common method. It helps to detect the focus of the disease, to distinguish the neoplasm from other diseases.
- Computed tomography. The shadow of the tumor node is determined, the signs of tumor penetration intofabrics.
- Magnetic resonance imaging - the location of the formation and the presence of metastases are revealed.
- Sputum cytology. Helps find cancer cells. Mucus is taken for analysis.
- Bronchoscopy. Thanks to this method, you can see the walls of the bronchi and take tissue for analysis.
- Mediastinoscopy. The bronchi, lymph nodes are examined. For this procedure, an incision is made above the sternum. A probe is inserted through it.
- Pleurocentesis. A puncture is made in the pleural cavity to drain the fluid. The analysis carried out helps to understand its nature.
- Biopsy. The procedure is performed using a bronchoscope, a puncture needle or during surgery.
After making a diagnosis, you should start getting rid of the disease. There are the following treatments for lung cancer:
- surgery;
- chemotherapy;
- radiotherapy.
After prescribing an operation, the doctor must decide on one of the options for surgical intervention. The choice depends on: the size of the formation and its location in the lung.
A thoracotomy (opening of the chest) is performed, the formation is removed in one of the following ways:
- Lobectomy - one lung lobe is removed.
- Pulmonectomy - the entire lung is removed. In the future, a he althy organ transplant will be carried out.
- Wedge resection - part of the damaged lung system is removed.
This method is divided into palliative and conditionally radical. After conditionally radical treatment, the patient is prescribed radiation and chemotherapy.
Palliative way to prolong life for a person with an incurable form of lung cancer. During the operation, dangerous lesions are removed.
Some cancers grow very fast. It is impossible to get rid of the disease only with a scalpel. In this case, chemotherapy is an effective treatment for lung cancer. This method consists in using toxins and poisons to destroy harmful cells. Toxins are introduced into the human body in the form of tablets or droppers. The procedure is repeated as the cancer cells divide.

Chemotherapy has several types. Experts made such a division based on the drugs used. Schemes are indicated in Latin letters. It is easier for patients to navigate by color.
- Red is the most toxic course. Anticyclines are used. The use of this drug causes a decrease in the number of neutrophils, which leads to a decrease in the protective properties of the body.
- White. Drugs used: Taxol and Taxotel.
- Yellow. Yellow color is used. They are more easily tolerated by the body than red ones.
- Blue. Mitomycin and Mitoxantrone are used.
Radiation therapy (radiotherapy) is the use of high energy radiation. It is currently the most effective treatment for lung cancer. This method is used not only forto alleviate the pain and symptoms that the tumor caused, but also to completely get rid of the disease.

Irradiation prevents the reproduction of malignant cells. Kills them by interfering with the structure of their DNA. He althy tissue suffers little.
Main types of radiotherapy:
- Outdoor (remote). The energy source is located at a distance from the patient. The beams are directed to the intended location of the neoplasm.
- Internal. The source is in contact with the tumor.
- Systemic radiotherapy. The whole body is irradiated. Usually used when blood cancer is suspected.
This method is used:
- Before surgery. The chance of removing the malignant tumor completely increases.
- During surgery. The radiation source is brought to the tumor.
- After surgery. Reduces the number of relapses, but increases the load on he althy cells.
Traditional medicine, general recommendations
The treatment of lung cancer with folk remedies inhibits the growth of neoplasms, has a detrimental effect on the affected cells and promotes the growth of he althy ones. Getting rid of the disease in this way is usually carried out at home. Before you begin treatment, heed the following recommendations that will prevent the development of cancer.
- strengthen your immune system;
- give up bad habits: alcohol, smoking;
- if the cause of the disease is harmful production,change jobs.

Traditional medicine will help only in the early stages of the disease. With stage 4 lung cancer, alternative treatment is already powerless. The funds that came from the people mainly help to stop the growth of the tumor.
For the treatment of diseases, decoctions and infusions are used, prepared from the following ingredients: honey, propolis, burdock, garlic, cetraria, angelica, marshmallow, plantain, soda, celandine and other herbs.
Treatment with folk remedies
Let's talk about the treatment of lung cancer with folk remedies, the most effective of them: treatment with propolis, hemlock and others.
Propolis inhibits cancer cells. Helps to grow normally he althy, restores the body as a whole.
- Pure propolis. Every day, five times a day, sixty minutes before meals, you should eat seven grams of this remedy. It must be chewed thoroughly.
- Propolis oil 15%. One kilogram of uns alted butter is taken. Put it in an enamel pan and bring to a boil. Then they remove it from the fire and add one hundred and sixty grams of crushed purified propolis to it. Stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained and until completely cooled. Taken five times a day, a tablespoon before meals. When taken, for each tablespoon, take another half a spoonful of milk or boiling water.
Infusion of hemlock. Pour two glasses of vodka into a three-liter jar. Finely chop the shoots of the plant and fill the container with them by a third. In a jar of hemlockstir occasionally. After cutting the required amount of the plant, fill the jar to the top with vodka. Seal the mixture tightly and refrigerate for two weeks. Shake the tincture every day.
It is taken as follows: add a drop of infusion to a glass of water, drink before meals. On the second day - two drops and so on. Every day, increase the dose until you reach forty drops. Then start reducing the dose every day by one drop until you reach one. This will be the first round. You will need at least two such circles.

Oncology is not yet a sentence if the disease is diagnosed at an early stage. During this period, even the treatment of lung cancer with folk remedies can help. Although this disease is severe and fleeting, do not lose heart. The survival rate in the first stage is 50%, and in the second - 30.