Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Causes of bloating and gas in children and adults

Causes of bloating and gas in children and adults

The purpose of this article is to talk about what are the causes of bloating and gas formation. All about why this condition can occur in a woman, man or child can be read in the text below

Nausea, diarrhea. What to do in such a situation?

Nausea, diarrhea. What to do in such a situation?

Probably everyone knows what diarrhea is. What to do in such cases so that this condition stops as soon as possible without negative he alth consequences? When can you cope on your own, and when should you immediately consult a doctor? And what are the likely causes of diarrhea? Let's find out

Mitral stenosis: signs, symptoms, treatment, surgery

Mitral stenosis: signs, symptoms, treatment, surgery

Mitral stenosis is a congenital heart disease characterized by a narrowing of the opening between the left ventricle and the atrium. Such a change in the structure of the heart leads to impaired blood circulation and, accordingly, affects the work of all organ systems

CROSS-syndrome in scleroderma: symptoms and treatment

CROSS-syndrome in scleroderma: symptoms and treatment

CROSS-syndrome is systemic scleroderma of a limited form. This variety causes the body to produce an excessive amount of collagen in the skin. The disease can affect almost every part of the body

Dermatitis in children: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Dermatitis in children: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

The article discusses the types of dermatitis in children, their symptoms and methods of treatment. A diet for babies who are at risk is also given

Symptoms of a lack of folic acid: the main manifestations and methods of treatment

Symptoms of a lack of folic acid: the main manifestations and methods of treatment

Folic acid is sometimes jokingly referred to as the "optimist vitamin". This substance has an effect on the nervous system, hemoglobin production, appetite, and immunity. Folic acid belongs to the group of vitamins B and its deficiency is a serious test for the whole organism

What can you eat with cholecystitis: a list of allowed foods and a sample menu

What can you eat with cholecystitis: a list of allowed foods and a sample menu

Almost any disease requires adherence to certain dietary rules. This is not a whim of doctors, but involves helping the body to restore and eliminate the pathology. Special dietary nutrition is especially necessary for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since the effectiveness of the treatment and rehabilitation directly depends on compliance with the doctor's instructions for a balanced meal

Rupture of the gallbladder: symptoms, causes, treatment and consequences

Rupture of the gallbladder: symptoms, causes, treatment and consequences

Like any other internal organ, the gallbladder (GB) is capable of bursting. The problem is why this is happening. Unlike the liver, which can rupture unexpectedly due to idiopathic circumstances (HELLP syndrome), mechanical damage to the gallbladder is preceded by a prolonged inflammatory process

Anus wart: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Anus wart: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Warts around the anus are an unpleasant but fairly common problem. Patients are embarrassed to contact a dermatologist and a proctologist and try to heal their skin on their own. And in vain: incorrect treatment can lead to the growth of warts over an even larger area. What is the cause of the appearance of warts on the anus and is it possible to get rid of them completely and forever?

Blood cancer in children: symptoms, causes, early diagnosis, treatment methods

Blood cancer in children: symptoms, causes, early diagnosis, treatment methods

Childhood blood cancer, childhood leukemia, or leukemia, is a serious and insidious disease that is quite difficult to recognize at an early stage. The disease is characterized by a mutation in the cells of the hematopoietic system

Does psoriasis itch: symptoms and features of the course of the disease, treatment and advice from doctors

Does psoriasis itch: symptoms and features of the course of the disease, treatment and advice from doctors

Psoriasis, popularly also referred to as psoriasis, is a chronic non-infectious and in some cases relapsing and the most common skin disease in our time, which manifests itself in the form of papules with peeling and occurs in both adults and children . Psoriasis affects a person regardless of age

Pyeloectasia in children: symptoms, causes, tests, medical diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures

Pyeloectasia in children: symptoms, causes, tests, medical diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures

Kidney disease, namely pyelectasis in children, can manifest itself in the first days of life. The task of parents is to detect the disease in time and find the cause of this pathology

Giant cell tumor: treatment and prognosis

Giant cell tumor: treatment and prognosis

Giant cell tumor is a common cancer that most often affects people between the ages of 15 and 40. The disease is characterized by a benign course, and the tumor itself is formed in the tissues of the bones

How to understand if the pressure is high or low: diagnosis, symptoms, treatment

How to understand if the pressure is high or low: diagnosis, symptoms, treatment

There are many ways to understand high or low blood pressure. But not all of them are available for home use

Cytomegalovirus infection in a child: causes, prevention and treatment

Cytomegalovirus infection in a child: causes, prevention and treatment

Many parents feel confused at the pediatrician's office when they hear that a cytomegalovirus infection has been found in a child. Some of them hear about the existence of this infection for the first time. Where did she come from? What is the prevention? How to treat? What threatens and what complications can arise? Looking for answers to all these questions

Symptoms of cytomegalovirus infection and its diagnosis

Symptoms of cytomegalovirus infection and its diagnosis

The symptoms of cytomegalovirus infection are quite difficult to recognize. However, this is a fairly serious disease, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy. Read more about cytomegalovirus in this article

The norm of creatinine in the blood of women and men

The norm of creatinine in the blood of women and men

Creatinine is excreted in the urine by the kidneys. If its content does not meet the standards, nephrological diseases can be suspected

Blood stools: causes

Blood stools: causes

Stool with blood is an alarm signal that indicates to a person that there are problems in his body, or rather in the gastrointestinal tract. Typically, this symptom is caused by bleeding in the intestines, which can be dangerous to a person's he alth

Senile keratosis: description of symptoms with photos, causes, treatment and possible prevention

Senile keratosis: description of symptoms with photos, causes, treatment and possible prevention

Acquired hereditary and senile keratosis are types of non-inflammatory diseases that spread on the skin of the patient. Such a disease is referred to as a serious cosmetic problem that damages the skin and adversely affects the overall appearance of a person. The benign nature of the formation during keratosis can quickly change to malignant

Sore toe, crack: causes, treatment

Sore toe, crack: causes, treatment

As a rule, a crack on the big toe occurs when the skin on the foot becomes too dry, while its upper layer is broken and microbes are able to penetrate deep into the inner layers, which leads to their defeat

If nitrate poisoning occurs: symptoms

If nitrate poisoning occurs: symptoms

At the first sign of nitrate poisoning, treatment should begin with inducing vomiting to clear the stomach of the remnants of foods that provoke malaise. The best way to do this is to drink plenty of water. In case of poisoning of a more severe form, gastric lavage is repeated repeatedly

Liver cysts treatment with medication and folk remedies

Liver cysts treatment with medication and folk remedies

If the nature of the liver cyst is not parasitic, then the patient does not feel any special symptoms, except for mild pain in the area of the right hypochondrium, and this happens if the formations reach a significant size that can be felt during palpation

How to tell if ringworm is spread from person to person

How to tell if ringworm is spread from person to person

Lichen is a disease associated with inflammation of the skin. Moreover, it can be both single and multiple. Its main signs are formations with impaired pigmentation, that is, the appearance of a different color on the skin area - dark or, conversely, light - hair loss in the affected area, severe itching, peeling

Stomach hurts. Gastritis: Symptoms, Signs and Treatments

Stomach hurts. Gastritis: Symptoms, Signs and Treatments

Treatment of any disease should be prescribed by a doctor after examining the body and establishing an accurate diagnosis. With gastritis, drugs are prescribed that reduce the acidity of gastric juice, remove toxins and toxins, and improve the digestive process by enveloping the gastric walls. In case of detection of the disease as a result of infection, treatment with antibiotics is recommended

The first symptoms of poisoning in children

The first symptoms of poisoning in children

Today, poisoning is the most common disease, and its onset is quite possible in children of all ages, as their body is more susceptible to various kinds of bacteria. If you do not wash your hands or fruits before eating, it is possible that soon there will be intestinal poisoning in a child, the symptoms of which will manifest themselves in the form of abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea

Corn "chicken ass". Treatment and main signs

Corn "chicken ass". Treatment and main signs

Among the large number of benign neoplasms, the most common is plantar callus, which is called "chicken butt". Its dimensions can be different, and its appearance is largely different from other elements that appear on the skin

Heaviness in the right side requires examination

Heaviness in the right side requires examination

If there is a heaviness in the right side, you should be alert. It is no secret that many internal organs, located partially in the right side, can malfunction. All of them are vital and require special examination. Therefore, it is impossible for a person to determine exactly why heaviness arose in the right side

Anaplastic ependymoma of the brain: symptoms, stages, treatment and prognosis

Anaplastic ependymoma of the brain: symptoms, stages, treatment and prognosis

Anaplastic ependymoma is one of the most dangerous cerebral tumors. She is malignant. Most often, a neoplasm occurs in the brain, in rare cases, an ependymoma is formed in the spinal canal. Every patient should be aware of the symptoms of this tumor. Such a neoplasm must be detected at an early stage, as it is prone to metastasis

Brain stem tumor: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, doctor's consultation, treatment, rehabilitation and possible consequences

Brain stem tumor: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, doctor's consultation, treatment, rehabilitation and possible consequences

Tumours of the brain stem are neoplasms that are located in the region of the midbrain and / or medulla oblongata, the bridge. It should be noted right away that such structures can be both benign and malignant. In any case, the formation and growth of the tumor is accompanied by the appearance of various neurological disorders

Hyperplasia - what is it? Glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium. Focal endometrial hyperplasia

Hyperplasia - what is it? Glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium. Focal endometrial hyperplasia

Hyperplasia is a condition characterized by an increase in the number of cells in a tissue or organ (excluding tumor tissues). The result of the development of this disease is a neoplasm or a noticeable increase in the size of the organ

Schistosomiasis: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis

Schistosomiasis: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis

Unfortunately, today more and more tourists and indigenous people of the African continent are diagnosed with a disease called schistosomiasis. Symptoms, causes and methods of treatment of this pathology can be found by reading this article

Erosive gastroduodenitis: diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Erosive gastroduodenitis: treatment with folk remedies

Erosive gastroduodenitis: diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Erosive gastroduodenitis: treatment with folk remedies

According to medical data, more than 80% of all diseases occur in the digestive system. The most common pathology is erosive gastroduodenitis. What is it?

Swollen lip: four causes of malaise

Swollen lip: four causes of malaise

A swollen lip causes a lot of trouble for those who have made plans for the weekend. It can be caused by irritation, an insect bite, or minor trauma from a dental drill. How to treat a wound before visiting a doctor, you will learn from the text of the article

Herpes in children on the lips: features and causes

Herpes in children on the lips: features and causes

Why does a child get herpes on the lip? What to do with such a disease? We will answer these and other questions in this article

Dominant autosomal trait. recessive autosomal trait

Dominant autosomal trait. recessive autosomal trait

This article is devoted to such a topic as autosomal inheritance of traits and features of their influence on the human body

He shoots in the head - what to do? Cause of shooting pain in the head

He shoots in the head - what to do? Cause of shooting pain in the head

Everyone who is familiar with the sensation of being shot in the head knows that this pain is very difficult to endure. The cause of backache can be neuralgia, purulent lesions, or even osteochondrosis. To determine what caused the problem and find a way to get rid of it, you need to undergo a full examination

Itchy eye: what to do to get rid of itching

Itchy eye: what to do to get rid of itching

Many have probably already discovered while working at a computer or reading that it is impossible to work further - the eye itches. What to do? And if at the same time he still turned red and watery, then this can be a very serious symptom. This is what we'll talk about today

Sulfur plugs in children how to remove? Doctors' advice

Sulfur plugs in children how to remove? Doctors' advice

Sulfur is designed to protect the inner ear cavity from the penetration of various pollutants and bacteria. In case of failures in the process of its removal, sulfur plugs are formed. In children, this phenomenon is common and causes hearing loss. You can help the baby at home or by contacting a doctor

Packing the ear and dizziness: causes and treatment

Packing the ear and dizziness: causes and treatment

It often happens that a person suddenly stuffs up his ears, and there is a sensation similar to that which occurs when you are under water. This feeling may be accompanied by pain, dizziness, ringing, "flies" in the eyes. Blood pressure is a common cause of these symptoms, but it should also be taken into account that the disease can be even more serious

Treatment of otitis in children. Consequences and prevention

Treatment of otitis in children. Consequences and prevention

Symptoms and treatment of otitis media in adults are much less interesting to patients than the treatment of the inflammatory process for children. According to statistics, more than 90% of children under the age of three have had otitis media at least once. Next, we will take a closer look at the risk factors, symptoms and treatments for external or internal ear inflammation in young patients