Exudative enteropathy: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment methods

Exudative enteropathy: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment methods
Exudative enteropathy: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment methods

Exudative enteropathy is in no way associated with inflammatory processes in the intestine, as it is a pathology that is combined with fermentopathy or a congenital anomaly. It is not always possible to determine the disease immediately, this will require diagnostics. It cannot be assumed that enteropathy is a disease that occurs quite often, but any such case needs to be investigated in detail in order to be able to find the right treatment.

Clinical picture

Exudative enteropathy is most common in children. The fact is that the disease itself begins to develop only if the activity in the production is disturbed or the enzymes that are directly involved in the digestion or absorption of various nutrients are completely absent. Congenital enteropathy is most common, but there are cases of acquired disease.

protein deficiency
protein deficiency

In the first case, the development of the disease is caused by mutations that occur at the genetic level, but the acquired forms are caused bydystrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the small intestine.


Today, the causes of exudative enteropathy are well understood. Consider the main ones:

  1. If there is gluten intolerance in the body or infection with bacteria, parasites, then it is quite possible that this disease will begin to develop.
  2. The disease can develop against the background of toxic and radiation exposure.
  3. When a person has diseases of the blood or endocrine system.
  4. Heredity.
exudative enteropathy in children
exudative enteropathy in children

If it is possible to establish the cause of the disease, then a full recovery can be achieved. As soon as the pathological influence is eliminated, it will be possible to restore the structure and function, achieving complete remission. If the disease is severe, then the prognosis for recovery can be much worse.

Loss of protein with lymph

Protein deficiency is caused by the loss of serum proteins to the intestinal lumen through the vessels. Most often, the problem is congenital abnormalities, when there is intestinal lymphangiectasia. The second reason for the loss of protein is due to the expansion of the lymphatic vessels, whether it is due to heart disease or after chemotherapy.

When protein is lost with exudate

Loss of protein can occur if the intestinal mucosa is disturbed, for example, erosions or ulcers can form. Also, the reason may be hidden in the increased permeability of the mucous membrane. The main danger is that the protein enters the gastrointestinal tract.

coprogram decoding in children
coprogram decoding in children

If lymph stagnation occurs, then there may be a large loss of lymphocytes and immunoglobulins, which leads to impaired immunity, absorption of fats and some vitamins.

How to recognize the disease

First of all, exudative enteropathy is accompanied by chronic diarrhea and malabsorption of nutrients in the intestine. If there is a pronounced fermentopathy, then intolerance appears. The stool becomes liquid and foams. If you carefully examine the emptying, then in the feces you can see undigested food particles, and when studying the tests, the doctor can detect protein in the feces in large quantities. If the disease is severe, then, most likely, the urge to the toilet can be frequent, even in some cases up to 15 times a day.

albumin proteins
albumin proteins

If the patient does not take any measures, then multivitamin deficiency occurs. Another symptom that cannot be overlooked is rapid weight loss. Over time, pain also occurs, but such pain passes quickly enough and manifests itself in attacks.


Exudative enteropathy is diagnosed using laboratory and instrumental methods. As for laboratory tests, biochemical blood tests are carried out. In such an analysis, it is very often possible to detect anemia with a decrease in hemoglobin anderythrocytes. This may be directly related to malabsorption of iron and vitamin in the small intestine. It should be noted that laboratory studies are not the only method of studying the body. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe a biochemical blood test.

exudative enteropathy
exudative enteropathy

Due to malabsorption of nutrients in the intestines, the body will be found to lack calcium, magnesium, chlorine and protein. If the disease is severe, then albumin proteins may be practically absent in the analyzes. Adults are often prescribed such an instrumental study as an x-ray with barium or endoscopy. With the help of these studies, it is possible to detect large ulcers and fistulas that have formed in the small intestine and start treatment at the time. In some cases, specific diagnostics may be used, such as gliadin stress testing, biopsy of the small intestine mucosa. To determine the disease, a coprogram is carried out. Deciphering such tests in children and adults can also indicate the presence of the disease.


Treatment of exudative enteropathy should first of all begin with the elimination of the cause that led to the development of the disease. The doctor will definitely prescribe a special diet that will help eliminate the use of certain foods that contain glutogen, for example, they include: wheat, barley and oats. These products can be easily replaced with rice, potatoes and boiled meat. The nutrition of the patient should be calculated in such a wayso that there are no allergens. In difficult cases, exudative enteropathy can be treated with antibiotics and antibacterial drugs.

protein in stool
protein in stool

Additionally, drug treatment can be aimed at normalizing the digestive process, drugs help improve nutrient absorption. In the case when the protein level drops to a critical level, albumin is injected into the body by intravenous injection. As for the prevention of this disease, it consists in proper nutrition and a diet that helps to improve the functioning of the small intestine. Much depends on the form of the disease, and the prognosis for a full recovery depends on it. If a person seeks qualified help in time and starts competent treatment, then it will be possible to achieve a long-term remission even in a difficult stage. In very rare cases, resection may be required, most often an operation to remove part of the diseased organ is performed if exudative enteropathy is congenital. In any case, it will not work to cope with the disease on your own, so you will need the help of a specialist.
