What is dermatitis? How to cure dermatitis?

What is dermatitis? How to cure dermatitis?
What is dermatitis? How to cure dermatitis?

Basically, every adult knows what dermatitis is. But not everyone knows the causes of its origin and methods of treatment.

Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin. This disease can act independently, or it can be a signal of various disorders in the body, since the skin reacts quite sensitively to the changes taking place in it. This reaction occurs due to the fact that human skin is directly connected with the endocrine and immune systems.

what is dermatitis
what is dermatitis

Classification of dermatitis

Treatment of skin diseases depends on their variety, so there is a certain classification of dermatitis.

By prevalence:

- Local (local). An example of this type of disease is contact dermatitis, since it is usually limited to the manifestation of a local reaction that occurs directly in the irritant zone.

- Diffuse (general). The diffuse nature of the disease, characteristic, for example, of neuro-allergic and toxic-allergic forms.

By the nature of the flow:

- Spicy. This form of the disease is characterized by a sudden onset, rapid course, and vivid manifestations of the disease. Most often, acute dermatitis responds welltherapy, but if left untreated, it can become chronic.

- Chronic. This form suggests a long course of the disease, and the disease often returns, especially seasonally. In this case, it becomes much more difficult to cure the disease.

So, if you already know what dermatitis is, you can consider its causes.

Causes of dermatitis

Only knowing the cause of the skin reaction, you can determine how to cure dermatitis. It may just be necessary to eliminate this cause. The causes of dermatitis are many different factors:

- conditioned stimuli;

- unconditioned stimuli;

- physical stimuli;

- chemical irritants.

Conditioned stimuli include all kinds of allergens. The reaction of the skin to an irritant occurs in any specific conditions. Irritants of the conditional group can cause an allergic skin reaction only in people prone to allergies and susceptible to any object.

Unconditioned irritants, also called obligate stimuli, tend to cause an allergic skin reaction under any conditions. These include acids, alkalis, high temperature water, etc.

Physical stimuli include mechanical and thermal agents. The mechanical group includes simple friction and pressure. And to the temperature group - electric current, solar energy, infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, as well as ionizing radiation, which includes radioactive andx-ray radiation.

Chemical irritants include alkalis, s alts of certain types of acids, acids, and disinfectant concentrated medical products.

Types of dermatitis

In order to thoroughly know what dermatitis is, you should consider its types. The disease is divided into 4 main types, but there are also some minor skin reactions, which are also considered types of dermatitis.

Contact dermatitis

how to cure dermatitis
how to cure dermatitis

This type is also called simple. This is an inflammation of the skin that occurs upon direct contact with an irritant. Any substances can act as irritants in this situation, if the patient has individual sensitivity to them. There are also substances that can cause a skin reaction in anyone, such as acids, caustic alkalis, high and low temperatures, plants such as euphorbia or nettle.

Symptoms of simple dermatitis

Symptoms of simple dermatitis are quite different. This may be a short, slight redness, or it may be the appearance of bubbles and severe swelling. Basically itching is created by tiny blisters. Initially, the rash is localized only at the site of contact, but after a while it can spread to neighboring areas of the skin. The area of the rash can be either small or large on the body, such as irritation on the earlobe from earrings or all over the body from shower gel.

If you quickly calculate and eliminate the irritant, then the redness will disappear in a couple of days, forweeping bubbles can form crusts, which also dry out over time.


Toxicoderma is a skin disease - a manifestation of a toxic-allergic reaction after an allergen enters the body. The most famous manifestation of this type of dermatitis is the well-known urticaria.

treatment of skin diseases
treatment of skin diseases

The causes of toxicoderma can be various reasons:

- food;

- drugs;

- household chemicals;

- production substances.

Any of these substances enters the human body through the respiratory or digestive tract. But at the same time, drugs can get inside the body and when administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, urethrally or vaginally.

Symptoms of toxicoderma

The disease begins to manifest itself on the 2nd or 3rd day after exposure to the stimulus. The symptoms of this type of dermatitis are significantly different from others. Multiple lesions are arranged symmetrically and consist of papular, macular, urticarial, vesicular, nodular, pustular, and bullous elements. The rash is accompanied by constant itching. With toxicoderma, a simultaneous combination of different types of rash can be observed. In the pathological process, mucous membranes can also be affected. Depending on the severity, there may be a general violation of the patient's condition.

Atopic dermatitis

dermatitis. eczema
dermatitis. eczema

Its second name isneurodermatitis. Neurodermatitis is a neuro-allergic form of dermatitis. This form tends to repeat itself, turning into a chronic one.

Itching is the main symptom that characterizes atopic dermatitis. Eczema is also a symptom of the disease. Itching can worsen at night and remain severe for a long period. Eczema is caused by scratching the area of the affected skin. The rash has a heterogeneous appearance and is red in color. A recurrent rash periodically disappears and then reappears, and a chronic rash can remain on the body for quite a long time.

If the scratched skin becomes infected, the blisters may crust or exude fluid, and a dermatologist diagnoses an acute (temporary) rash.

The rash can also have a scaly or dry appearance, in which case it is called subacute (prolonged).

If the rash becomes coarse due to constant scratching, a dermatologist will diagnose lichenification.

Atopic dermatitis. Treatment

diet for atopic dermatitis
diet for atopic dermatitis

Ointments are very often used to treat this type of dermatitis, but the main way to eliminate the disease is diet.

Sometimes, to cure dermatitis, you just need to eliminate foods that contribute to the development of the disease from your diet. But you need to do this carefully enough, and only after the specialist confirms the exact diagnosis, so as not to harm your body.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the dietatopic dermatitis implies a fully-fledged diet that will allow you to maintain the working capacity of an adult. The patient can create his own dietary menu. In this case, you just need to avoid products that contain histamine liberator substances. These are different types of prepared products, such as sausages, smoked meat, lard and fish, canned fish, hard cheeses, as well as products that are prepared by s alting, fermentation and fermentation.

If you try to eliminate all these foods from your diet, you can easily eliminate atopic dermatitis from your life. Patient feedback has shown that compared to external treatment with ointments, the diet brings a much better result.

Seborrheic dermatitis

seborrheic dermatitis. Reviews
seborrheic dermatitis. Reviews

The most common location of this disease is the face. Seborrheic dermatitis is observed in the upper part of the forehead, next to the hair, on the eyebrows, on the wings of the nose, on the auricles, namely their back. This type of disease is mainly chronic.

Causes of seborrheic dermatitis

This disease is mainly a consequence of disorders of the nervous system. The internal causes of the disease are:

- CNS diseases;

- stress;

- Parkinson's disease;

- paralysis;

- immune diseases;

- hormonal disorders.

External causes of seborrheic dermatitis include factors such as:

- influence of the external environment;

- alkaline detergents.

Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis

The disease appears gradually. At the same time, spots of a yellowish-red color, greasy, less often dry appear on the body. Their size reaches 20 mm, the boundaries of the spots are seen relatively clearly. Peeling of the wound is the main symptom that seborrheic dermatitis presents. Reviews of people who have had this disease report that treatment should begin with the nervous system, worry less, avoid any stress and change of place. But at the same time, do not forget about topical medicines.

Treatment of skin diseases such as acne, rosacea, acne and the like is also carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. These diseases are usually considered as separate, but are directly related to dermatitis.

Dermatitis. Treatment

dermatitis treatment. Ointments
dermatitis treatment. Ointments

Ointments are topical preparations. They are applied to the affected area and are able to suppress the inflammatory process. Ointment is considered one of the main ways to treat dermatitis, because with a mild form of the disease, only an external agent is used.

If the dermatitis is allergic in nature, dissociation from the allergen should be ensured. In this case, medications may not be needed at all.

Also, the treatment of some types of dermatitis is carried out with the help of traditional medicine, since it contains only natural remedies.

Diet often helps to cope with long-term dermatitis.

doctor - dermatologist
doctor - dermatologist

What isdermatitis and how to deal with it, you can find out by visiting a dermatologist, it is he who can explain everything in more detail. In any case, if an incomprehensible rash appears on the skin, a trip to a specialist is required!
