According to statistics, more than 40% of the female half of the population is faced with such a problem as uterine fibroids. Moreover, most of them belong to the age category from 35 to 50 years. This diagnosis involves the formation of a tumor of a benign nature in the muscle tissue of the uterus. Of course, women are trying in every possible way to get rid of the disease, so they also use folk remedies for the treatment of fibroids. It is worth noting that it is better to use them as an additional therapy. You should know that myoma is a hormone-dependent formation and occurs only with a high level of estrogen, that is, in reproductive age. At the onset of menopause, the tumor regresses.
Uterine fibroids: symptoms and treatment

To get rid ofillness, it is necessary to determine the causes of its occurrence. There can be a great many of them, among the most popular are a sharp change in the hormonal background of a woman. Any trauma to the uterus after surgery such as abortion or cleaning creates a risk of tumor formation. Less commonly, the cause is the factor of hereditary predisposition and an immobile lifestyle. A woman may be interested in folk remedies for the treatment of fibroids only after a doctor's examination, because the disease does not give itself away symptomatically. The specialist states that there is a problem when the size of the uterus significantly exceeds the established standard.
Fibroids and endometriosis: treatment

Depending on the results of the examination, the doctor suggests suitable methods for getting rid of the neoplasm. In general, they are represented by two main categories: conservative method and surgical intervention. In the first case, a group of hormonal drugs is prescribed, the activity of which is aimed at stopping the growth of the tumor. The most popular and effective tablets are Danazol, Gestrinon, Utrozhestan. If medical treatment is ineffective, then you will have to resort to surgical intervention. When drawing up an operation plan, the doctor makes a decision: either completely remove the organ, or locally destroy the nodes.
Folk remedies for the treatment of fibroids

Bat home, a woman can try some alternative medicine recipes. For example, it is proposed to make a therapeutic tampon every day. To do this, you need half a white onion, we rub it on a grater. We wrap a small amount of the resulting slurry in dense gauze and tie it with a thin thread. A tampon is inserted all night, the course of treatment should continue until the tumor disappears completely. Folk remedies for the treatment of fibroids cannot be imagined without herbal decoctions and infusions. Strawberry tea proved to be excellent, it should be taken half a glass three times a day. No less effective is a home-made herbal collection, including herbs such as Chernobyl, immortelle, oregano and lemon balm. Pour boiling water over the mixture and insist overnight. You need to drink 150 ml daily four times a day before meals.