Clostridia in the feces of a child what do they mean?

Clostridia in the feces of a child what do they mean?
Clostridia in the feces of a child what do they mean?

Clostridia are representatives of the normal human intestinal microflora. They mainly live in the large intestine, but can also be found in some other parts of the digestive system, as well as in the genital tract and on the skin.

What is clostridia?

Clostridium in the stool of a child
Clostridium in the stool of a child

Clostridia are Gram-positive bacteria. They secrete an enzyme that is involved in the breakdown of protein into amino acids. "Clostridia" is translated from Greek as "spindle". This name is due to the process of their reproduction (during this period, the bacteria thicken in the central part and narrow at the ends).

The number of clostridia, which are part of a he althy gut microflora, is changing. Their number depends on the age of the child. In children under one year old, the norm is 1000 colony-forming units per gram, in children older than a year - the norm is up to 100,000. All this is taken into account during the diagnosis.

Why are clostridia dangerous?

Clostridioses are acute infectious diseases that affect humans and animals. Clostridium causes such dangerous diseases as pseudomembranous colitis, antibiotic-associated diarrhea,botulism, gas gangrene, tetanus, toxic infections and necrotizing enteritis. The pathogenic effect of bacteria is due to the release of toxins A and B and a protein that inhibits intestinal contraction.

Pseudomembranous colitis and antibiotic-associated diarrhea infection occurs mainly in the hospital. This is because the hospital uses many different antibiotics and disinfectants, which contributes to the formation of microorganisms that become resistant to disinfectants. Also, taking antibiotics is a factor contributing to the appearance of clostridia or an increase in their number. During treatment with such medicines, not only pathogenic intestinal bacteria are destroyed, but also its microflora directly suffers.

If clostridium is found in the feces of a child, then parents do not need to sound the alarm. It should be remembered that these bacteria are representatives of he althy intestinal microflora, which are involved in protein breakdown and stimulate peristalsis. But in order to avoid the development of serious diseases, it is necessary to monitor their number, that is, to regularly diagnose.

Causes of clostridiosis

clostridium symptoms
clostridium symptoms

The genus Clostridium includes more than 100 species, which are divided into 5 groups. Most of them are not dangerous to humans. Clostridia live in the intestines of both humans and animals. With feces, bacteria enter the ground, where they can live for a long time in the form of spores, and they can also be found in water. Sources of clostridiosis areanimals and people.

Transmission method - fecal-oral. The route of infection is contact-household (through dishes, toys, clothes and hands of attendants). Clostridia infections are mainly caused by poor personal hygiene.

What affects the composition of the intestinal microflora?

Factors affecting the intestinal microflora are divided into external and internal.


• environmental situation in the place of permanent residence;

• frequent stress;

• nature of nutrition (clostridium in the feces of a child is found if the baby was transferred to artificial feeding early; in adults, the risk of developing clostridium increases when eating foods with a long shelf life);

• taking antibacterial, hormonal and immunosuppressant drugs.


• weakness of the body's defense reactions;

• mental retardation (postnatal hypoxia);

• CNS immaturity;

• prematurity;

• infection of the intestine with nosocomial bacteria;

• sleep disorders;

• surgical interventions;

• acute respiratory viral infections.

Clostridia symptoms

clostridium in breast
clostridium in breast

Antibiotic-dissociated diarrhea is not only caused by clostridia. The causative agents of the disease are also salmonella, candida, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella. This type of diarrhea is the result of a nosocomial infection. But infants are not susceptible to this.disease, as they receive a large amount of immune factors with mother's milk, which inhibit the growth of Clostridium.

Antibiotic dissociated diarrhea can cause symptoms ranging from mild diarrhea to severe pseudomembranous colitis, which is fatal in 30% of cases if left untreated.

Pseudomembranous colitis develops on the 4-10th day from the start of antibiotics. Main symptoms:

• characterized by an acute onset;

• body temperature rises above 39.5°C;

• bloating;

• sharply reduced appetite;

• weight loss occurs;

• signs of severe intoxication rapidly begin to appear;

• severe cramping abdominal pain;

• repeated vomiting;

• on palpation, the patient feels pain in the intestines;

• copious, thin, watery, green colored stools with a putrid odor;

• mucus, blood and fragments of fibrin deposits are present in the feces.

Clostridium treatment
Clostridium treatment

Enteritis is the most mild disease, which usually ends without complications. The symptoms of the disease do not have specific features.

Necrotic enteritis is defined by the formation of ulcers and erosions that destroy the mucous membrane. Symptoms:

• appearance of areas of hemorrhagic necrosis at the beginning of the small intestine;

• red hemorrhagic areas;

• there is a narrowing of the intestinal lumen in the area of inflammation;

• the patient is shivering,there is a strong fever;

• vomiting;

• bloody frothy diarrhea.

Clostridia in infants cause severe forms of the disease. Especially clostridium is dangerous for premature babies. Symptoms:

• sudden significant deterioration in the child's condition;

• rapid shallow breathing;

• growing signs of toxicosis and exicosis;

• physical inactivity;

• paralytic ileus.

Newborn premature babies are more likely than older children to develop intestinal damage and peritonitis as a result of the disease. In most cases, clostrodiasis in infants is fatal.

When is it necessary to examine the intestinal microflora?

• Prolonged intestinal disorders that do not respond to treatment.

• Clostridia in the feces of a child can be, if there is mucus in the feces, pieces of undigested food; uneven coloring of stool.

• The unstable nature of the stool.

• Flatulence and intestinal colic that do not respond to therapy.

• Anemia, rickets.

• Atopic dermatitis with elements of secondary infection.

• Frequent acute respiratory viral infections.

• Sepsis.

Diagnosis of Clostridiosis

treatment of clostridium in children
treatment of clostridium in children

Diagnosis of clostridiosis occurs according to the following signs (patient history):

• High association of disease progression with antibiotic use;

• in most cases, the disease affects children of earlyage;

• Clostridiosis is characterized by an acute onset;

• high fever;

• signs of severe intoxication;

• Colitis symptoms.

Lab diagnostics:

• Clostridia in the feces of a child are detected by bacteriological examination (crops on selective nutrient media):

• endoscopy scheduled;

• mucosal biopsy indicated in some cases;

• Computed tomography can determine the presence of thickening and edema of the colon wall.

Clostridia treatment

clostridia in stool
clostridia in stool

It is important to stop taking antibiotics before starting therapy for clostridial infections.

If a child has Clostridium, treatment should be to restore a he althy intestinal microflora. For these purposes, the drugs "Bifidumbacterin", "Lactobacterin", "Bifikol", "Hilak-forte", "Lineks" and others are prescribed.

Most groups of clostridia are sensitive to "Vancomycin", "Metronidazole". In severe forms of the disease, the patient is given infusion therapy to restore fluid loss in the body.

In all cases, the treatment of clostridia in children and adults includes eubiotics, enzyme preparations ("Mezim-forte", "Omez", etc.), vitamins (group B) and enterosorbents ("Polysorb", " Smecta", "Enterosgel", etc.).

Prevention of clostridiosis

clostridium is
clostridium is

The main preventive measure that will help avoid Clostridium infection is the observance of sanitary and hygienic standards: regular hand washing (after a walk, before eating, after visiting public places), washing and scalding vegetables and fruits with boiling water before eating, prolonged thermal product processing. In addition, it is necessary to constantly maintain a he althy intestinal microflora and the functioning of the immune system. Important: Antibiotics should be started only after a doctor's prescription.
