Schmorl's hernia of the spine is a fairly common disorder, which is considered to be relatively harmless. With a similar disease, deformation of the intervertebral discs is observed. However, the location of the disc relative to the vertebra does not change, so the risk of damage to the nerve roots or spinal cord is minimal.

With such a disease, the intervertebral disc is deformed in such a way that its part is literally “pressed” into the underlying or overlying vertebra. And although such a pathology most often does not pose a danger to human life, in some cases it can be a harbinger of a full-fledged intervertebral hernia. That is why it is important to diagnose the disease in time and start treatment.
Schmorl's hernia of the spine and its causes
In fact, the causes of vertical hernia formation are not fully understood to date. Some experts believe that such a violation is exclusively hereditary.and is associated with the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the vertebral body. On the other hand, the rarefaction or softening of bone tissue, which occurs with osteoporosis, bone demineralization, and some other diseases, may be the cause.
Risk factors also include severe and minor injuries of the spinal column. In some cases, the deformity is associated with constant heavy lifting.
Interestingly, Schmorl's hernia of the spine is most often diagnosed in adolescence. In some cases, during an X-ray examination, several deformed intervertebral discs are detected at once.

How dangerous is Schmorl's hernia of the spine?
Most experts rightly consider such a pathology to be harmless. However, patients need to take some precautions as a vertical hernia can lead to certain complications.
Firstly, the introduction of foreign tissues into the vertebral body (in this case, the cartilaginous elements of the disks) can cause an inflammatory process and the appearance of a full-fledged hernia. Secondly, such injuries increase the likelihood of a compression fracture, which is extremely dangerous.
Schmorl's hernia of the spine: symptoms
In principle, such a violation is rarely accompanied by any symptoms, and most often discovered by accident. However, some patients complain of discomfort and sometimes back pain. Soreness, as a rule, increases during intense physical exertion. Prolonged static pressure on the spine can also cause pain, which, however, disappears if a person changes position of the body or lies down for a few minutes.
Treatment of Schmorl's hernia of the spine
Fortunately, such a deformity is fairly easy to conservative therapy - surgical treatment is not required here. In the presence of pain and inflammation, patients are prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular, paracetamol and ibuprofen. In addition, drugs are used that improve blood circulation and trophism of spinal tissues and protect cartilage elements from degeneration.

An extremely important part of therapy is therapeutic exercises, which should be done regularly. With the help of properly selected exercises, you can not only stop the process of deformation, but also strengthen the muscle corset, which will relieve tension from the spine. Massage will be helpful. Often used and acupuncture.