The question of how to treat a missing voice quite often arises during the autumn season, when such a deviation occurs not only among professional speakers, singers, artists, etc., but also among ordinary people who have been exposed to a cold.

In medical practice, this pathology is called laryngitis. This disease occurs due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. It should be especially noted that such a deviation can manifest itself not only as a result of a cold, flu, or some other viral infection. Indeed, as practice shows, a person is quite capable of hoarseness due to the usual overstrain of the vocal cords. So how to treat a missing voice? We will tell about this below.
Preventive measures
If you feel that your voice begins to change, and sometimes you even have to whisper, then you should take all necessary measures so that in the future laryngitis does not completely capture you. This is especially true in cases where, due to their professional activities, a person urgently needs to speak atpublic.
Minor loss of voice: how to treat the initial stage of laryngitis?
To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

- Sit alone, and preferably two days at home, especially if it's cold or slushy outside.
- Try to keep quiet and don't strain your vocal cords once again.
- Wrap your neck with a thick woolen scarf. By the way, you can not only walk in it during the day, but even sleep at night.
- Exclude smoking and water procedures for the period of illness.
- Drink a glass of warm milk with honey.
- Never eat overly spicy, cold or hot foods or drinks.
Folk remedies
Traditional medicine knows quite well how to treat a missing voice. After all, it is in unconventional ways that a huge number of people every year in the autumn-winter period get rid of this disease.
For the treatment of such an ailment, it is recommended to do inhalation procedures often. To do this, you can use special medical devices (nebulizers), and an ordinary pan with a blanket. Medicinal plants (chamomile, sage, oregano, etc.), oils (eucalyptus, tea tree oil, fir, etc.), as well as traditional garlic, boiled potatoes, etc., can be used as a remedy for such events.

Drug therapy
There's a grand event coming up where you need to perform. But whatwhat to do if you lose your voice? How to treat laryngitis quickly and effectively, only traditional medicine will tell you. To do this, it is recommended to gargle every hour with antiseptic solutions of Furacilin or Givalex. Also, this therapy can be combined with the use of various sprays or absorbable lozenges, which are sold in any modern pharmacy. In addition, to quickly restore the voice, doctors advise using antihistamines (for example, Loratadit, Erius or Citrine) or homeopathic remedies (for example, Homeovox).
Now you know how to treat the missing voice. To use medications or folk remedies for this is up to you.