Chickenpox on a child's eye: how to treat?

Chickenpox on a child's eye: how to treat?
Chickenpox on a child's eye: how to treat?

The Varicella Zoster virus can affect not only the skin, but also the mucous membranes, including the eyes. Chickenpox on the eyes is called chickenpox conjunctivitis. This disease can be spread by airborne droplets or through close contact with a sick person. Chickenpox is typical for preschool children and is an infectious disease. If we are talking about rashes on the skin, then, as a rule, there are no problems with treatment, but if wounds appear on the mucous membrane of the eye, then such manifestations of the disease require serious treatment.

Causes of pathology

Approximately 80% of the world's population has time to recover from chickenpox in childhood, exactly when it is most easily tolerated. In addition to the contact and airborne route, there are cases when the disease enters the child's body through the placenta, from mother to child. But still, damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes occurs very rarely.

chickenpox treatment
chickenpox treatment


As a rule, chicken pox in the eyes appears only in one eye, and the process of appearancebubbles accompanied by characteristic signs:

  • slight reddening of the surface of the eye;
  • a little later, tears begin to flow profusely;
  • then itching begins, even pain may appear;
  • eyelid edema begins and a clear rash appears.

After some time, photophobia is observed on the affected eye. The clinical picture may be presented by other symptoms.

A rash with chickenpox on the eyes may appear not on the mucous membrane of the eye itself, but also around, on the eyelid. Such rashes usually disappear very quickly, leaving no traces.

The main thing is not to confuse chickenpox conjunctivitis with other eye pathologies. In particular, with chickenpox, rashes appear not only in front of the eyes, they are observed throughout the body. Often the onset of the disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature due to intoxication of the body. Rashes are usually absent on the feet and palms.

Chickenpox on the eye of a child is often accompanied by rashes on other mucous membranes, in particular in the mouth and on the genitals. There may be a lack of appetite and a general loss of energy.

we treat chickenpox
we treat chickenpox


Infectious vesicles on the eyes with chickenpox appear in waves. In such situations, the addition of other infections is very dangerous, which can lead to clouding of the cornea.

Bubbles on the mucous membrane of the eyes usually do not have pus inside and are completely transparent. However, chicken pox in such a place can still lead to a decrease in visual acuity. runningthe form of the disease can cause the formation of ulcers and erosions. In such situations, the patient is tormented by severe pain in the eyes and a burning sensation.


As a rule, there are no problems with the diagnosis of chickenpox. The diagnosis can be made on the basis of the examination. In some cases, it may be necessary to collect biological material, which is given for serological or virological testing. These tests are required to make a 100% diagnosis.

boy after windmill
boy after windmill

Treatment measures

Naturally, parents are immediately scared if they see their child with chickenpox on the eye. What to do in such a situation and how to treat the baby?

Chickenpox treatment is symptomatic, that is, it is entirely aimed at reducing the intensity of symptoms. To lower body temperature, antipyretic drugs are used, it can be Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. Itching on the skin is well removed with the preparations "Suprastin" and "Tavegil".

Topical treatment

The main emphasis in case of chickenpox on the mucous membrane of the eye is on the treatment of the rash. The drug "Acyclovir" has proven itself well. In particular, it copes well with herpes viruses. Available in the form of tablets and ointments. "Acyclovir" can be used to treat not only the eyes, but also for papules that have appeared on the body.

Also, the doctor may prescribe Infagel or Zovirax ointment.

Ophthalmoferon drops can be used for treatment. They are complex andimmunomodulatory action.

To prevent inflammation of the conjunctiva, "Albucid" and "Ciprofloxacin" can be prescribed - these are antibacterial agents.

If a large area of the eye is affected by papules, antiviral tablets are prescribed in parallel with local therapy.

Chickenpox on a child's eye - what else to treat? Often prescribe the drug "Aktipol". This remedy accelerates the process of regeneration of eye epithelial cells.

Today, there are many ointments and drops that have been proving their effectiveness in the fight against the virus for more than a year. Tebrofen ointment, Florenal and Bonafton are suitable for treatment, but the doctor should still prescribe a course of treatment.

chickenpox treatment
chickenpox treatment

Rules for eye treatment

If a child has chickenpox, how to treat it? After prescribing drugs, you should follow some rules during the procedures:

  • Before the procedure, it is best to rinse the baby's eyes with a solution of "Furacilin". For washing, 200 ml of water is used, in which 1 tablet of the drug is diluted. It is recommended to boil water. After dilution, a cotton swab is moistened in the solution and the mucous membrane, eyelids and the area around the eyes are gently wiped.
  • After treatment with Furacilin, the eyes should be blotted with a dry and clean cloth to remove all moisture.
  • Drops or ointments prescribed by a doctor are applied exclusively to the lower eyelid.

Antibacterial agents may be included in the course of treatment only ifgray or yellow viscous discharge appeared.

chickenpox in a baby
chickenpox in a baby

Possible Complications

The most terrible complication of chickenpox in front of the eyes is the attachment of bacteria, which form vesicles. In this condition, the patient feels severe itching. In the future, the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye may become cloudy, with subsequent loss of visual acuity.

If the virus enters the cornea of the eye, then there is a high probability of blindness. The danger of this complication is that it is possible to determine whether the virus has penetrated the cornea only after it actually gets there.

But there is good news. Most of the complications that occur against the background of chickenpox are classified as reversible changes and completely disappear after a couple of weeks after recovery.

windmill in the eyes
windmill in the eyes

Is it possible to prevent the appearance of papules in the eyes and how else to help the baby?

If we are talking about a small child, then parents must strictly observe all the rules of hygiene. Chickenpox lesions should be constantly treated, including the mucous membrane of the eye.

Most often, papules appear before the eyes, when the child combs the wounds on the body and immediately scratches the eyes with dirty hands. Even if they appear to be clean on the outside, the virus can be under the nails.

How to treat chickenpox on the eye? You can use tincture of birch leaves. To prepare it, you need 2 tablespoons of raw materials, which are poured with 200-250 ml of boiling water. The mixture should be infused for 1.5 hours. After that, you can moisten a cotton swabin tincture and apply to the eye for a few minutes. Birch leaves are good for relieving itchy eyes.

To prevent the virus from getting into the eyes, when the baby is already sick, you can use the Sterillium Gel antiseptic and wipe the child's hands with it regularly.

baths during chickenpox
baths during chickenpox

Along with the use of antiseptics, one should not forget that the body should be helped in the fight against the virus. The baby should drink a lot and eat less. He needs to be taken out regularly to fresh air and engage in any distraction so that he does not comb the rashes.

To maintain immunity, it is recommended to make herbal tinctures. It can be a composition of lemon balm, calendula and chamomile. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and one tablespoon is poured with one glass of boiling water, left for about 15 minutes and allowed to drink to the child.

You can make tea from the fruits of blackcurrant and blueberries, they have a huge amount of vitamin C, which allows you to quickly cope with the disease. You can make a mixture of lemon and honey, which are also mixed in equal parts and diluted with boiling water. This remedy can be given three times a day.

For baths, you can use barley. For cooking, you need 1 glass of barley, which is brewed in 5 liters of water. Then it is filtered and added to the bath. Barley has soothing properties, relieves itching.

Calendula flowers, which have antibacterial properties, are also suitable for bathing. In one liter of boiling water, 60 grams of flowers are diluted and added tobath. Remember that during chickenpox baths should not be long, no more than 15 minutes. However, there may be several throughout the day.
