Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Fractures of the heels: types, symptoms, treatment

Fractures of the heels: types, symptoms, treatment

Heel fractures are varied. They can be with and without displacement of fragments, isolated and marginal, normal and fragmented (including multi-comminuted). With strong compression, a compression fracture occurs, it can occur with simultaneous damage to the surfaces of the joints or without it

Small pimples on the forehead. Causes, types, treatment

Small pimples on the forehead. Causes, types, treatment

Small pimples on the forehead in medicine are called acne, in the people - blackheads. Almost everyone in adolescence goes through pimples. For many, this problem remains unresolved for a long time

Bloody callus: causes and treatments

Bloody callus: causes and treatments

A callus is a modified skin on a small area of the palm or foot. Neoplasms, as a rule, appear only in these places, due to the fact that they have the roughest and thickest skin. Where the surface layer is thinner, mechanical friction will result in open wounds

Hip joint: fracture and its consequences. Endoprosthetics of the hip joint, rehabilitation after surgery

Hip joint: fracture and its consequences. Endoprosthetics of the hip joint, rehabilitation after surgery

Not everyone knows what a hip joint is. A fracture of this part of the skeleton causes many problems. After all, a person becomes immobilized for a while

Acute purulent meningitis. Symptoms, treatment, prevention

Acute purulent meningitis. Symptoms, treatment, prevention

Acute purulent meningitis is an acute inflammatory process in the membranes of the brain and spinal cord caused by bacteria (meningococci, streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci and others). It is very dangerous, since the meningitis epidemic is accompanied by high mortality

Is eczema contagious? Is eczema transmitted from person to person? How to treat eczema?

Is eczema contagious? Is eczema transmitted from person to person? How to treat eczema?

Eczema is a skin disease that is characterized by the appearance of foci of inflammation of a recurrent nature, manifested by rashes of various kinds. They may be in the form of a small rash or large vesicles. In addition, cracks, weeping foci, peeling, and itching are formed on the skin. These symptoms may be present in combination or singly

Mycotic eczema: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Mycotic eczema: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The term "mycotic eczema" refers to a disease of a dermatological nature, the course of which is accompanied by weeping and severely itchy rashes. Pathology is a combination of an allergic reaction and a fungal infection. With a timely visit to the doctor, the prognosis is favorable, but it is important to understand that the treatment of the disease is long and involves an integrated approach

Pharyngitis: complications and consequences, causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment and prevention

Pharyngitis: complications and consequences, causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment and prevention

Pharyngitis is dangerous for its complications. Therefore, it is important to know how the pathology manifests itself. There are many ways to treat this disease, but be sure to consult a specialist. You need to know the type of disease and its stage

Cuts on the hands: first aid. What to do if you cut your hand with a knife, blade or glass?

Cuts on the hands: first aid. What to do if you cut your hand with a knife, blade or glass?

Cuts are a violation of the integrity of the skin with pointed objects. If cuts affect only the skin and adipose tissue, they go away on their own. In case of damage to muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and blood vessels, you should consult a doctor. Such injuries are considered common occurrences in everyday life. They are available to adults and children. To avoid the negative consequences of cuts with a knife, blade or glass, you need to know the basic rules for first aid

Signs of scabies in humans, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Signs of scabies in humans, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Most skin diseases can be recognized by a dermatologist from a photo. Signs of scabies in humans cannot be confused with symptoms of another disease. This is a parasitic skin disease caused by the scabies mite

Folk remedies and medicines for menopause

Folk remedies and medicines for menopause

Medicines for menopause help alleviate all the processes that accompany this transitional period in a woman's life. However, all medicines must be taken under the condition that they are prescribed by a specialist

Umbilical hernia. Symptom pathology

Umbilical hernia. Symptom pathology

Umbilical hernia is a disease that occurs most often in infants. Premature newborns suffer from it mainly. But this pathology also occurs in adults. Quite often, people after forty years of age who are diagnosed with an umbilical hernia seek surgical help

Symptoms of hernia in newborns: methods of treatment and consequences

Symptoms of hernia in newborns: methods of treatment and consequences

The most common types of hernia in newborn boys and girls are inguinal and umbilical. These pathologies may appear slightly and be completely painless for the child, but this does not mean that this disease does not need to be treated. Hernias in children require modern and high-quality methods of treatment and prevention

Diverticulum of the stomach: causes, symptoms, treatment and diet

Diverticulum of the stomach: causes, symptoms, treatment and diet

Diverticulum of the stomach: why it happens and the main symptoms. Statistical data and incidence in the world. Stages of the disease with characteristic symptoms. Diagnostic and therapeutic measures. In what cases is surgery indicated? Dietary nutrition, prognosis and preventive measures

Asthma in a child: symptoms, causes and treatment

Asthma in a child: symptoms, causes and treatment

Asthma in a child is a complex disease characterized by a chronic course. In this case, inflammation of the respiratory organs is observed and the characteristics of the bronchi change. Since asthma is difficult and can provoke suffocation, it is necessary to carry out high-quality treatment and preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of complications

Diseases of the lymph nodes: names, causes, symptoms and treatment

Diseases of the lymph nodes: names, causes, symptoms and treatment

Lymph nodes are a structural component of the human lymphatic system, and their inflammation leads to a variety of body dysfunctions. There are cervical, intrathoracic, femoral, submandibular, supraclavicular, popliteal, inguinal and axillary lymph nodes, which largely determine the functionality of all internal systems

Why do trophic ulcers appear on the legs?

Why do trophic ulcers appear on the legs?

Not many people know that trophic ulcers on the legs are a very unpleasant consequence of a serious disease that is not only rooted in the body, but is also looking for a "way out"! Why ulcers appear, how to identify them and methods of treatment - in this article

Increased stomach acidity: symptoms, causes and treatments

Increased stomach acidity: symptoms, causes and treatments

If you have increased stomach acidity (symptoms will be presented below), then you should take all necessary measures to eliminate this phenomenon. Indeed, due to exposure to excess hydrochloric acid in the main digestive organ, a person may soon face such serious diseases as an ulcer or erosion

The incubation period for lichen in humans: description, features and recommendations

The incubation period for lichen in humans: description, features and recommendations

The incubation period for lichen in humans is very different. It is important to have information in order to start treatment in a timely manner

Atopy is Atopic dermatitis

Atopy is Atopic dermatitis

Allergy is considered the most common disease on the planet. Today, according to statistics, every fifth inhabitant of the Earth suffers from it: 40% of Americans, 60% of Germans. In Russia, according to unspecified data, from 5 to 30% of people encountered allergies

Atheroma: treatment at home. Folk remedies for the treatment of atheroma

Atheroma: treatment at home. Folk remedies for the treatment of atheroma

The article contains information about what atheroma is, what are its symptoms and causes, as well as methods of treatment at home

TTH lowered - what does it mean? TSH is low during pregnancy

TTH lowered - what does it mean? TSH is low during pregnancy

The article contains information about what the hormones TSH, T4 and T3 are, as well as the impact of their levels on the planning and course of pregnancy

Hypothyroidism: symptoms, causes, types, diagnosis and treatment

Hypothyroidism: symptoms, causes, types, diagnosis and treatment

The condition caused by a decrease in the content of thyroid hormones is called hypothyroidism. This disease is one of the most common disorders of the thyroid gland. It can occur at any age

Varicosis: symptoms and treatment

Varicosis: symptoms and treatment

One of the common diseases of the limbs is varicose veins. Symptoms of the initial stage are familiar to many - nagging pain in the legs, periodic cramps in the calves, swelling. Timely taken therapeutic and preventive measures will protect he alth and physical activity for many years

Intestinal thrombosis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Intestinal thrombosis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Mesenteric intestinal thrombosis is a disease that occurs as a result of a violation of the patency of the superior, celiac or inferior mesenteric artery. This pathology often causes changes in blood circulation in the organs of the digestive tract. According to experts, this disease is equally common among women and men, but it is especially common in older people

Enlarged tonsils: photo, what to do

Enlarged tonsils: photo, what to do

At the moment, the problem of enlarged tonsils is very common. Almost 15% of the world's population has a chronic form of tonsillitis. This is a sore throat, during which the tonsils become inflamed

Dance of carotid: causes and manifestations

Dance of carotid: causes and manifestations

Examining the neck of a person with aortic insufficiency, a specialist will immediately notice the vibration of the paired arteries on both sides of the neck - this is the dance of the carotid. In parallel with the rhythm of the heartbeat, the head can swing back and forth

Glycated hemoglobin - what is this analysis? What is the rate of glycated hemoglobin?

Glycated hemoglobin - what is this analysis? What is the rate of glycated hemoglobin?

Glycated hemoglobin A1c - what is it? In another way, it is called glycohemoglobin (short designation: hemoglobin A1c, HbA1c) is an indicator of blood biochemistry. It reflects the level of sugar over a period of 3-4 months. This period is associated with the life span of the erythrocytes themselves. A standard blood test for sugar reflects the level of glucose at the time of the study

Why low hemoglobin: causes, possible diseases

Why low hemoglobin: causes, possible diseases

Blood indicators, which are determined during a general analysis, can tell a lot about the state of the body, about the work of its systems. Therefore, it is prescribed both during the passage of a periodic medical examination, and when patients apply to a therapist, other doctors. One of the important indicators is hemoglobin. It must be at a certain level. Why hemoglobin is lowered will be discussed in detail in the article

Rickettsia - what is it? What diseases are caused by rickettsia?

Rickettsia - what is it? What diseases are caused by rickettsia?

Rickettsiae are small Gram-negative organisms that have the properties of both viruses and bacteria. From the first they took the possibility of reproduction only inside eukaryotic cells, but at the same time, like bacteria, they need oxygen, have a cell wall and are sensitive to a certain group of antibiotics. These microorganisms are prokaryotes, they lack a formed nucleus, and there are no mitochondria

How to treat a headache in Africa: tips

How to treat a headache in Africa: tips

The article describes rather unusual methods of treating headaches that are used in some African countries

Chronic adenoiditis in children: symptoms and treatment

Chronic adenoiditis in children: symptoms and treatment

Every parent has heard his child grunting with his nose. The reason for this behavior can be anything: a cold, a bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, a congenital anomaly in the structure of the nose, and so on. An ENT doctor will help to assess the condition of the baby and take measures aimed at eliminating these factors. One of the diagnoses that is heard by parents is "chronic adenoiditis in children"

Treatment of tubo-otitis with folk remedies and drugs

Treatment of tubo-otitis with folk remedies and drugs

Among a number of diseases of the auditory organs, there are those that many people know, for example, inflammatory processes in the outer ear or otitis media. But there are pathologies that cover the deeper structure of the auditory system, and one of them is tubo-otitis. This disease in medicine is also called eustachitis or otitis media

Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis: symptoms and treatment

Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis: symptoms and treatment

Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis is one of the most dangerous forms of the disease, in which foci are spread throughout all lungs or over a significant part of them. How can you catch pulmonary tuberculosis, how contagious is it, and are there ways that protect against infection by 100%? What are the early and late symptoms of this disease, what methods of therapy are used, and is it possible to cure tuberculosis completely? Read the detailed answers to these questions in the article

What does high fibrinogen mean? The norm of fibrinogen during pregnancy

What does high fibrinogen mean? The norm of fibrinogen during pregnancy

The article gives the concept of what fibrinogen is, and in what diseases it can increase. It is also explained that during pregnancy, a slight increase in this indicator is the norm

Persistent hepatitis: what is it, symptoms and treatment

Persistent hepatitis: what is it, symptoms and treatment

The liver plays an important role in the human body. This organ is a kind of chemical laboratory that quickly and reliably cleanses the body of toxic substances, decay products of drugs. If the liver is disrupted due to developing pathologies, then the whole body suffers. One such disease is persistent hepatitis. Next, we will deal with the causes of the disease, symptoms and methods of treatment

Treatment and diagnosis of diabetes

Treatment and diagnosis of diabetes

The article will discuss in detail the treatment and diagnosis of diabetes. This disease is one of the varieties of metabolic disorders in the human body, which is characterized by an increase in blood sugar levels. The disease occurs, as a rule, with defects in the production of insulin in the body, as well as a violation of its functions. There are cases when both of these factors occur in diabetes mellitus

Knee Pain: Possible Causes and Treatments

Knee Pain: Possible Causes and Treatments

People of all ages develop pain in the knee joint. Treatment at home will be effective only after determining the cause of this phenomenon. For pain in the knees, you should contact an orthopedist, rheumatologist or arthrologist. With self-medication, there is a risk of worsening the condition. The reasons and principles of treatment are described in the article

How to remove papilloma? Most Effective Methods

How to remove papilloma? Most Effective Methods

Warts, papillomas, condylomas are benign skin growths that many people face. Such growths, although considered harmless, can bring a lot of inconvenience to a person’s life. In addition, there is always a risk of complications. That is why many are interested in the question of how to remove papilloma and what means modern medicine offers

Exudative inflammation: causes, types, outcomes

Exudative inflammation: causes, types, outcomes

Exudative inflammation means that the inflammatory process in the body has reached the stage of exudate formation - the release of specific fluids from the blood vessels into the tissues. The clinic of inflammation, symptoms, methods of treatment, consequences and prognosis depend on their composition. Read more about the types of exudative inflammation, their etiology and pathogenesis in this article