Some people suffer from an acute lack of oxygen. As a rule, such attacks occur at night. At the same time, a person not only does not understand what is happening to him, but he cannot even wake up. An attack of suffocation at night (the reasons have not yet been fully studied to date) is very difficult and indicates the presence of any problems with the functioning of the body. It suddenly rolls on a person, but it may not recede for a long time, so it is very important to have an idea about the basics of first aid.
Etiology of sleep apnea

Let's take a closer look at this. The causes of asthma attacks at night in an adult can be very different. However, they must be understood, since first aid must be given taking into account the specific problem behind this problem. Among the main ones are the following:
- increased venous pressure;
- cardiac asthma and stagnant processes in the fibromuscular organ;
- involuntary contraction of the muscles of the larynx, resulting in airway obstruction;
- bronchial spasm;
- various pathologies of the nervous system;
- sleep paralysis;
- some pathologies of the respiratory system;
- gastroesophageal reflux disease.
If a person has an asthma attack at night, the reasons can be very different. But, as a rule, the most common is an increase in venous pressure. Due to too much accumulation of carbon dioxide, chemoreceptors are stimulated, which are responsible for sending impulses to a certain part of the brain responsible for the functioning of the lungs. As a result, the rhythm and intensity of respiratory movements that cause apnea increase. Faced with the syndrome, you must immediately call a doctor, since it can lead not only to serious complications, but also cause death. Before the arrival of the doctors, it is not recommended to take any measures on your own, as this can only aggravate the situation.
Problems with the cardiovascular system
So what do you need to know about this? Very often, the causes of an asthma attack at night in an adult are associated with violations of the normal functioning of the heart and circulatory system. As a result of some deviations, the fibromuscular organ is not able to expel all the blood entering the left ventricle. This leads to an increase in venous pressure. Moreover, when a person is in a horizontal position, it is even moreincreases. As a result of stagnant processes, pulmonary edema begins, leading to a decrease in the working surface and disruption of gas exchange, which, in turn, reduces the oxygen content in the body and provokes apnea.
Problems of a bronchopulmonary nature

If a person regularly has asthma attacks at night (the causes are the same for a child and an adult), then it is very important to establish their etiology, because otherwise it is impossible to choose the most effective therapy program. According to profiled specialists, very often the syndrome manifests itself due to disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory system. Among the most common pathologies, bronchial asthma can be distinguished. It is accompanied by increased sensitivity of the body to certain allergens. After they enter the bloodstream, the immune system launches protective processes. If they are very strong, then a person begins a muscle spasm in the lungs, accompanied by dilation of blood vessels and disruption of normal blood flow.
As a result of all of the above, much less air is drawn into the pulmonary vesicles and an asthma attack develops at night in an adult. It can be accompanied by hypoxia, which greatly complicates the provision of first aid. Only an inhaler or nebulizer with special medications aimed at normalizing the functioning of the bronchi can help get rid of the syndrome. But you won’t be able to pick them up yourself, so if the attacks make themselves felt on an ongoing basis,then you need to consult a doctor who will conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient and select the most appropriate medicines.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Considering the main causes of an asthma attack at night, it is necessary to say a few words about such a pathology as GERD. It implies that the remnants of food, along with gastric juice, enter the respiratory tract, which causes involuntary contractions of smooth muscles. If the lumen is completely blocked, then the person simply will not be able to take a breath. In addition, sleep apnea is often the result of sleep stupor. A person wakes up from a strong fright, a panic attack rolls over him and he suffocates due to an acute lack of oxygen. Since there are no he alth problems here, suffocation quickly passes by itself without any outside help. However, the nature of gastroesophageal reflux disease is not fully understood, so doctors can only make some assumptions. The most rational explanation is the failure of the regulation of the muscular system and excessive inhibitory reactions of the subcortical structures.

This aspect should be given special attention. We looked at the most common causes of asthma attacks at night. But in order to provide the right assistance to the victim in a timely manner, it is necessary to correctly identify the problem. This can be done based on the following clinical manifestations:
- discoloration of the skin and the appearance of an uncharacteristic blush on the cheeks;
- blue fingers upperlimbs;
- chest discomfort or pain;
- cold sweat;
- lung crepitus;
- swollen neck veins.
If you notice the above symptoms in yourself or your loved one, then most likely he or she has an asthma attack. It is very difficult to normalize the condition yourself, since the reason behind it is unknown. Therefore, it is better not to waste time on futile attempts, but immediately call an ambulance. If the pathology makes itself felt constantly, then this indicates the presence of any abnormalities or he alth problems. In this case, you need to undergo an examination and begin treatment. What it can be will be discussed later.
What is she like and what is her speci alty? Attacks of suffocation at night in a dream are extremely rare in medical practice, however, they require immediate treatment. At the same time, it is not so much the pathology that is terrible, but the reason behind it. If you encounter this problem, then you should not try to deal with it yourself, as it can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous. Only a specialized specialist after a complete examination of the patient can choose the appropriate therapy program. At the appointment, the doctor first of all conducts a general examination and questioning of the patient, after which, based on the collected data, he prescribes the necessary laboratory tests. As a rule, they are aimed at assessing the condition and functioning of the heart and lungs.

Most informativeare the following types of analyses:
- radiography of internal organs located in the chest and peritoneum;
- ultrasound;
- electrocardiography;
- spirometry;
- differential diagnosis.
Based on the clinical picture and the patient's he alth status, the doctor may prescribe some additional research methods. Which ones can be used is very difficult to say, since each specific case is unique.
First aid
Let's take a closer look at this aspect. If a person has an asthma attack at night, it is difficult to breathe or it is completely impossible to take a breath, then you need to try to help him, because he will not be able to cope with the syndrome on his own due to a lack of understanding of the essence of what is happening and panic, which is quite understandable in this case. However, medical staff recommend not to self-medicate, since sleep apnea in the vast majority of cases is caused by a malfunction of various internal organs and systems, so it is very difficult to help a person and bring his state of normal. The first step is to call an ambulance, then put the choking person in a comfortable position and ventilate the room. If the pathology itself receded after a short period of time, this does not mean that everything is fine. The best thing to do is to get tested to be completely sure that there are no serious he alth problems.
Doctors say that asthma attacks at night can be overcome with the following medications:
- Glucocorticosteroids: Dexamethasone or Pulmicort.
- Antiallergenic drugs: "Suprastin" or "Diazolin".
If you suffer from bronchial asthma and the doctor prescribed you an inhaler, then it can also be used for choking. In addition, you can prepare your own therapeutic solution based on mineral water and solutions that stimulate the removal of sputum from the bronchi.
Basic Therapies

A choking attack at night (the reasons for what to do were described in detail earlier) is a weighty argument in favor of thinking about your he alth and going to the hospital. Treatment should be selected only by a specialized specialist, based on the clinical picture of the patient. The therapy program is aimed at eliminating the cause leading to the manifestation of sleep apnea. As a rule, homeopathic medicines are used to combat pathology, which contribute to the formation of a normal immunological reaction to allergens. The most effective remedies are as follows:
- "Ipecac";
- "Sambucus";
- "Musk".
If the causes of choking attacks in the throat at night are associated with a violation of normal blood circulation, and are also accompanied by increased pressure in the chest and convulsions, then some doctors prescribe "Ipecac". This homeopathic preparation is made on the basis of natural components of natural origin, therefore it has practically nocontraindications and does not cause side effects.
Sambucus is an excellent anti-allergic agent used for nocturnal asthma attacks accompanied by convulsions, severe shortness of breath, discomfort or pain in the chest area, panic attacks and trembling. In addition, this drug is considered one of the best in the treatment of bronchial asthma. "Musk" is prescribed for patients whose sleep apnea is caused by mental disorders.
Regardless of why there are attacks of choking in the throat at night, when drawing up a therapy program, doctors select medications that normalize the functioning of the immune system and make its responses to allergens less reactive. As a result, over time, the blood flow is normalized, the volume of air taken in by the alveoli increases, and the internal organs begin to receive a normal amount of oxygen.
Alternative medicine

What is it and what is its peculiarity? If you notice an asthma attack at night in an adult or a child, then it is not at all necessary to immediately give him any pills. In folk medicine, there are many ways based on the use of various medicinal plants that will quickly normalize the condition of a person with difficulty breathing. At the same time, decoctions and infusions can be used not only for treatment, but also as prophylactic agents. However, you must understand that in order to achieve a positive result, it is requiredrather lengthy therapy.
One of the best for sleep apnea is the rosehip infusion. This plant contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, so it has been used for many centuries to treat many diseases of various origins. To prepare a decoction, you need to grind 2 tablespoons of berries, pour 200 milliliters of ordinary drinking water and insist for 12 hours. When the remedy is ready, it is filtered and drunk half a glass three times a day shortly before meals.
With asthma attacks caused by problems with the cardiovascular system, strawberry leaf tea helps well. It helps to normalize venous pressure and improve blood circulation, and also has a diuretic effect.
Traditional healers claim that asthma attacks at night from coughing can be quickly stopped with the help of nettles. The leaves of the plant are thrown into the fire and the smoke is inhaled. The effect of such a procedure will not be long in coming, and the person will almost instantly feel an improvement. In this case, you can use not only fresh, but also dried leaves, which are collected in the summer and stored in a glass container.

Sleep apnea is a very serious condition that requires treatment as soon as possible. If no action is taken, sudden and uncontrolled choking attacks can lead to many serious he alth problems and even death. Therefore if theyappear with you with a certain frequency, then you should not postpone a visit to a specialist. Any disease is recommended to be treated in the early stages, when it is best treated. Do not neglect your he alth, because it is quite easy to lose it, and it is often impossible to return it.