Low blood pressure is a condition experienced by patients suffering from hypotension. In addition, this disorder occurs in patients with pathologies of the myocardium and blood vessels. It is observed in people subject to physical and psychological overload. This article talks about the causes of a sharp drop in pressure and methods of treating pathology.

Norm or deviation?
A sudden drop in blood pressure occurs both in old age and at a young age. This phenomenon is often observed in boys and girls who lead an active lifestyle. The cause of a sharp drop in pressure can be chronic pathology, exposure to the body of certain substances, adverse environmental conditions. If a sudden attack occurs, the victim must be given first aid. He must see a doctor to be examined and begin therapy.
BP is one of the main indicators of a patient's he alth.

It never stays stable for a long time. Small changes are not considered pathological. This happens to every person from time to time. Moreover, blood pressure indicators stabilize on their own. This condition is not a pathology.
What pressure should be considered normal? Blood pressure indicators are divided into 2 types - systolic and diastolic, measured in millimeters of mercury. These data largely depend on the age group and gender. For men, 100/60 is considered the norm. For women, it is 90/60. For elderly patients - 110/70.
Regardless of the cause of a sharp drop in pressure, this condition causes a deterioration in well-being. Particular attention should be paid to the situation when attacks of hypotension occur in people from 20 to 40 years old. In this age group, abrupt changes in blood pressure are usually a signal of serious disturbances in the body.
What factors contribute to the development of the disease?
A sudden attack of this pathology is called acute hypotension. With a sharp decrease in blood pressure, the process of myocardial arrest can occur. In these situations, the person needs urgent medical attention.
What factors can trigger an attack? The most common circumstances that lead to its development are the following:
- Loss of a significant amount of blood (about 800 milliliters) due to surgery or mechanical damage. In such casesblood pressure indicators drop to the mark of 90 millimeters of mercury and even lower. The patient's skin becomes pale, the lips turn blue, the hands and feet become cold, the heart rate accelerates.
- Diseases of the myocardium and blood vessels (cardiosclerosis, severe arrhythmia, heart attack). With these pathologies, blood pressure decreases significantly, and pressure in the pulmonary arteries increases. In this case, the patient's skin acquires a bluish tint, there is an acceleration of the heart rate, respiratory failure.
- Infections that are accompanied by intoxication.
- Pulmonary edema is one of the common causes of a sharp drop in blood pressure in humans. The patient has a debilitating cough, the expiration of bloody foam from the mouth, swelling of the veins in the neck, an acceleration of the pulse to 120 beats per minute or more.
- Cardiac asthma. Accompanied by a strong heartbeat. Patients complain of a decrease in blood pressure, a debilitating dry cough.
Other circumstances
In addition to the factors discussed in the previous chapter, the causes of a sharp drop in pressure can be:
- Long exposure to the sun.
- High temperature and humid air (public transport in the summer season, beach, sauna).
- Heat in the workplace (kitchen, office, factory).
- Excessive exercise, exhausting training.
- The period of gestation (a common cause of a sharp drop in blood pressure in women).
- Previously suffered traumatic brain injury.
- Vegetovascular dystonia.

Pathological conditions not related to the activity of the myocardium and blood vessels
The causes of a sharp drop in blood pressure can be explained by the following ailments:
- Tuberculosis.
- Cancer pathologies.
- Anemia.
- Inflammation of the urinary system.
- Severe disorders of the kidneys, liver.
- Ulcers of the stomach and intestines.
- Cirrhosis.
- Inflammation of the pancreas.
- Endocrine pathologies.
- Osteochondrosis.
- Rheumatism.
- Diabetes.
Drug use
In medical practice, there are often cases of a sharp drop in pressure in hypertensive patients due to the excess dosage of drugs to reduce blood pressure. In addition, the development of an attack is facilitated by taking medications such as:
- Alpha-, beta-blockers.
- "Sildenafil" in combination with "Nitroglycerin".
- Drugs that increase urine output.
- Remedies for depression.
Characteristic manifestations of an attack
People who suffer from hypotension get used to the fact that their blood pressure levels are almost always reduced. Therefore, they do not pay attention to their decline. Such patients are not able to recognize the symptoms of an attack. You can identify it by the presence of the following signs:
- Pale skin tone.
- Bluish discoloration of the lips.
- Profuse perspiration.
- Cold hands and feet, chills.
- Reducing the volume of veins.
- Feeling of numbness in the fingers, skincovers.
- Blackout in the eyes.
- Tinnitus sensation, hearing loss.
- Strong feeling of being broken.
- Unsteady gait.
- Impaired consciousness, coordination disorder.
- Swooning.

Probable Consequences
The causes of a sharp drop in pressure are chronic pathologies or features of the body. This condition is not as dangerous as hypertension. However, it should not be ignored.

This violation leads to weakness, weakness, impairs intellectual functions, coordination of movements, quality of life of the patient. In addition, the result of fainting due to a sudden decrease in blood pressure can be mechanical damage. Against the background of hypotension, problems with the work of the heart muscle and the visual apparatus often appear.
How to make the victim feel better?
During an attack, the patient has a disorder of coordination of movements, an uneven gait, a violation of orientation in space. Such patients resemble people under the influence of alcoholic beverages. People around try to avoid contact with people experiencing this condition. In this case, few consider a sharp drop in pressure as the cause. First aid for such patients is extremely important. Its timely provision can prevent dangerous consequences. This is especially true for expectant mothers and the elderly. AtIn the event of an attack, you should call an ambulance. Only a doctor can determine the cause of its development. No medication should be given to the patient. It should be placed on a horizontal surface, covered with a warm blanket. A pillow should be placed under the legs so that they are raised above the level of the head. You can rub a person's ears, arms and legs, unfasten tight clothes, take off shoes. If the cause of the attack was the outflow of blood from the stomach or intestines, the patient should place a heating pad with cold water or an ice pack on the peritoneal area. Be sure to ensure the flow of fresh air (open the window or window). In case of loss of consciousness, turn the patient's head to the side. If the patient does not have diabetes, you can offer him strong brewed tea with added sugar.
The causes of a sharp drop in pressure and fainting can only be established by a specialist. If the attacks are associated with a chronic illness, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. At the same time, drugs are prescribed that increase blood pressure.

The most common medications include:
- "Citramon". This drug also helps to eliminate pain in the head.
- "Ortho-taurine". It is prescribed to combat cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial dysfunction, chronic fatigue, muscle cramps.
- "Nootropil" is recommended to improve metabolic processes in nerve cells, increase activity,normalization of blood flow in the brain.
- "Glycine" helps to cope with anxiety, insomnia, bad mood and vegetovascular dystonia.
- "Midodrine" stabilizes the work of receptors in small vessels.
- "Fludrocortisone" is used for any form of hypotension, regardless of its cause.
Folk Therapy
With a decrease in blood pressure, stimulants of plant origin are often prescribed. These include decoctions and tinctures of lemongrass, hawthorn, rosemary, ginseng, aralia, eleutherococcus. However, these funds can not be used in case of individual intolerance to the components that make up their composition. To cope with headaches and nausea, which is caused by hypotension, lingonberry juice helps.

It is consumed half a glass before meals. Another folk remedy is a mixture of lemon and dried apricots. The fruits are ground in a meat grinder or in a blender. Drizzle with warm honey. Take two tablespoons of the product three times a day, before meals, for one month.
All drugs that help reduce blood pressure (including folk remedies of plant origin) should be used only after consulting a specialist. In some cases, medication is not required and the problem can be solved with lifestyle changes.
Prevention measures
The following recommendations help avoid attacks of hypotension:
- You must drink enough liquid (up to eight glasses perday). If you develop an acute respiratory illness, you should drink even more water to prevent dehydration.
- Exclude from the diet alcohol-containing products, caffeine.
- Avoid getting up abruptly from bed, hot bath or shower, lifting heavy objects.
- Do sports, take regular walks.
- Increase the amount of s alt in the diet.
- Stop smoking.
- Avoid overload, sleep at least eight hours a night.
- Pay attention to the diet. Often there is a sharp drop in blood pressure in women due to lack of iron on critical days. Then the specialist recommends a diet with a high content of this substance. In such cases, vitamin supplements are also prescribed.
- You should not take drugs to lower blood pressure uncontrollably. The cause of a sharp drop in blood pressure in hypertensive patients is often the wrong medication. Tablets should be taken strictly according to the scheme.