Wen on the head: causes and treatment

Wen on the head: causes and treatment
Wen on the head: causes and treatment

Wen on the head is a rather serious problem of a cosmetic nature. The appearance of such neoplasms spoils the appearance of a person and causes physical discomfort. What factors cause the formation of fatty outgrowths under the skin in the scalp? How to eliminate trouble? To get an answer to these questions, just read our publication.

Clinical picture

The part of the head covered with hair, the skin behind the ears are areas where an abundance of glands that produce sebaceous secretions are concentrated. The presented substances may not find a way out of the structures of the epidermis. The result is clogged pores and accumulation of fatty deposits in the tissues. This is how the pathology is formed, which is called a wen on the head.

Over time, the neoplasm acquires the texture of a bulge of a rounded shape, which can have quite impressive dimensions. The subcutaneous surface of the outgrowth is gradually compacted. The result is educationhard capsule filled with fat content. Infectious agents can get inside. A dangerous wen on the head is because the agents of the immune system are not able to penetrate under the outgrowth capsule to fight the spread of infection.

Causes for the appearance of wen

head fat removal
head fat removal

Provoke the formation of fatty outgrowth can be improper care of the scalp, as well as intense mechanical effects on local tissues. Extremely susceptible to the development of pathological processes of this nature of the person, among which there is an increased tendency to the occurrence of oily seborrhea. The explanation for this is not only a genetic predisposition, but also hormonal disruptions in the body.

What other preconditions exist for the formation of wen on the head? The cause may be the development of liver failure, inhibition of the functions of the digestive organs. Such violations cause failures of metabolic processes. Slags and toxins are insufficiently excreted from the body. Thus, the likelihood of concentration of harmful substances in the tissues of the body and clogging of the pores of the skin with all kinds of deposits increases. The situation is aggravated by malnutrition, low daily activity, the presence of bad habits.

Injection treatment

wen on head how to get rid of
wen on head how to get rid of

Before removing a wen on the head, doctors are required to perform a puncture aimed at determining the nature of the internal contents of the neoplasm. If the growth causes severe pain, this may indicateabout its malignant nature. In this situation, oncologists intervene in the situation. In such cases, doctors forbid removing the outgrowth mechanically, solving the problem through the use of chemotherapy.

If the wen on the head is a benign tumor, resort to the next treatment option. A special composition is introduced into the structure of the outgrowth, which has absorbable fat deposits properties. The drug begins to actively dissolve the neoplasm, which gradually decreases in size. The procedure does not always make it possible to completely eliminate the problem in one approach. In cases where the wen on the head does not completely resolve, they again resort to performing an injection after a few weeks.


Surgical removal of a wen on the head is the most requested procedure. To get rid of trouble in this way, you should not contact the services of beauty parlors. After all, only experienced, professional surgeons can perform the excision of a neoplasm with high quality and safe for he alth.

The operation itself is simple. Resorting to the use of a scalpel, the doctor makes a small incision on the scalp, through which the internal contents of the wen are scraped out. If the outgrowth has managed to transform into a dense capsule, it is removed entirely. The obvious disadvantage of the technique is the high probability of the formation of scars and scar tissue, which in itself creates a pronounced cosmetic defect.

Laser therapy

remove vein on head
remove vein on head

If a wen has formed on the head, what should I do? One of the most effective methods for eliminating the problem is laser exposure to the internal structure of the neoplasm. The procedure makes it possible to painlessly get rid of an unpleasant outgrowth during one session. In addition, as a result of the application of such a solution, the appearance of pronounced cosmetic defects on the skin is not observed.

How to remove a wen on the head, a photo of which can be seen in our publication? Outgrowth structures are exposed to directed high-frequency light beams. The process actually causes the fatty contents of the neoplasm to evaporate. The procedure is performed without a surgical incision of the skin, which contributes to the rapid healing of areas of the epidermis that are slightly damaged during the operation.

Vishnevsky's ointment

How to get rid of a wen on the head without resorting to procedural techniques? The simplest and most affordable option in this case is the use of Vishnevsky's ointment. The drug is widely known for its ability to draw all kinds of substances from subcutaneous structures. Applying the solution potentially makes it possible to solve the problem within a few days.

Therapy is as follows. The problem area on the scalp is treated with ointment. A piece of gauze folded in several layers is laid on top. The compress is fixed with a bandage. Every 8-10 hours a fresh ointment is applied to the skin. The result of such actions is ulceration of the tissues at the site of the formation of the wen. On thea small wound is formed on the surface of the outgrowth. The internal contents gradually liquefy and flow out. Over time, the bulge disappears completely, the damage heals, and the skin is completely smoothed with adjacent he althy tissues.

Ichthyol ointment

wen on head photo
wen on head photo

The tool has properties similar to Vishnevsky's ointment. The only difference is not so rapid ulceration of the wen and the pulling out of the internal contents. However, the advantage of using the drug is the development of a less pronounced pain syndrome that accompanies therapy.

In order to eliminate the problem, the drug is applied to the problem area with a cotton swab. The treated area is covered with a sterile plaster. The procedure is performed 2 times a day, which leads to the gradual resorption of the neoplasm.

Vegetable oil and alcohol

How to get rid of a wen on the head at home? For these purposes, it is worth using a compress based on alcohol and sunflower oil. These components are combined in equal proportions. The composition is thoroughly mixed. The agent covers the skin at the site of the formation of the wen. A compression bandage is applied over the top. The therapy is repeated daily until the neoplasm is completely resolved.


wen on the head what to do
wen on the head what to do

To remove the wen from the subcutaneous structures potentially makes it possible to apply wheat gruel to the problem area. To prepare the product, the grains are chewed. Received masscover the growth. The composition is covered with a gauze bandage or sealed with a plaster. Regular repetition of such actions causes softening of the neoplasm. Over time, the skin at the epicenter of the problem becomes thinner, bursts and the contents of the wen come out. After that, you should continue to apply a healing compress until the damage on the skin is completely overgrown.


wen on the head causes
wen on the head causes

Another extremely effective solution to combat wen on the head is the use of aloe juice. The leaf of a houseplant is cut lengthwise. The agent is applied with pulp to the surface of the neoplasm. Aloe is fixed with a gauze bandage. The compress is left alone overnight. In the morning, the medicine is removed and the skin is washed under running water.

If you do the procedure daily, fat accumulations inside the outgrowth will soften. After a few weeks, the neoplasm will open. The capsule will partially dissolve, and the contents will flow out from the inside. Gradually, the formed wound will heal on its own.

Celandine juice

wen on the head is dangerous
wen on the head is dangerous

A good remedy for removing a wen is celandine juice. You can use a ready-made pharmacy composition or a fresh plant. Treatment is performed according to the following scheme. Every day, a few drops of burning juice are applied to the surface of the wen. After a few days, a small blackened wound forms here, through which the contents of the outgrowth will gradually come out. As soon as this result is achieved, the damage begins to be processedantiseptic compositions, covering the skin with a sterile bandage.

In conclusion

As you can see, you can remove a wen on your head in a variety of ways. It is important to timely resort to therapy using the solutions indicated in our material. After all, a subcutaneous neoplasm can become malignant over time. Treatment should also be performed in order to eliminate cosmetic and physical discomfort. If there is no way to solve the problem through the use of procedural techniques, then it is worth betting on pharmacological preparations, as well as a combination of folk recipes.
