Obstruction is the obstruction of the respiratory tract. It can occur in any of its areas, from the pharynx to the bronchioles. Accordingly, in this state of affairs, there is an obstructive cough caused by this obstruction. In turn, it is a symptom of the bronchitis of the same name (caused by obstruction, abstraction). In the article we will analyze the causes of this condition, the accompanying symptoms of the disease, methods of diagnosis, alleviation of the patient's condition, directions of treatment.
What is this?
Obstructive cough accompanies the eponymous form of bronchitis. This is the name of inflammation of the bronchi, which is complicated by obstruction. With the disease, there is also swelling of the respiratory tract, deterioration of the ventilation function of the lungs. The mucous membranes and trachea, and the bronchial tree are affected.
Obstructive bronchitis mainly occurs in two forms:
- Spicy. Most often, young children suffer from it. This form of the disease is usually provoked by viral infections - influenza, adenoviruses, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus.
- Chronic. This form of bronchitis istypical for adults. It is dangerous because it can turn into bronchial asthma. A consequence of both viral and bacterial infections.
Causes of acute form
The cause of obstructive cough is obstruction. That is, an obstacle that blocks the respiratory tract (airways). Obstructive cough is not an independent disease. This is one of the characteristic symptoms of bronchitis of the same name. What are the causes of this disease?
In most cases, the development of this form of bronchitis provokes the following:
- Respiratory syncytial viruses.
- Influenza pathogens.
- Adenoviruses.
- Parainfluenza type 3 viruses.
- Rhinoviruses.
- Viral-bacterial associations.
All of the above causes an acute form of the disease, accompanied by bouts of coughing. Also among the indirect reasons, in some cases, the following can be mentioned:
- DNA persistent pathogens. This is a herpes, mycoplasma and chlamydia virus.
- Weakened immunity. Acute obstructive bronchitis usually affects children, who are often sick.
- Children with a genetic predisposition to bronchitis.
- Patients with a predisposition to allergic reactions.

Causes of the chronic form
Obstructive cough torments the patient due to the fact that his airways are not free, irritated, inflamed. The body instinctively tries to release them in this way. Result- excruciating coughing attacks. It is caused here by three factors at once:
- Swelling of the mucous membranes of the bronchi.
- Increased production of thicker bronchial mucus, which is then filled with actively multiplying pathogens - bacteria, fungi, viruses (their waste products additionally irritate the respiratory tract, which causes a severe cough).
- Smooth muscle spasms.
But coughing with obstructive bronchitis is just a symptom. The chronic form of this disease is usually caused by the following:
- Both active and passive smoking.
- Polluted atmosphere. Especially if the air contains sulfur dioxide.
- Unfavorable working conditions. Especially working with silicon or cadmium.
How does the acute form appear
The symptoms of an obstructive cough are signs of the disease it accompanies. Since it is not an independent disease, and itself acts as a sign. In this case, obstructive bronchitis. In addition to paroxysmal severe obsessive cough (both dry and wet, with sputum) cough, the patient has the following:
- Increased body temperature.
- Weakness.
- Headache.
- Dyspeptic disorder.
- Shortness of breath.
This form of the disease is most often diagnosed in children under three years of age. The disease has an acute onset. During the act of breathing, auxiliary muscles will also take part (muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle, abdominals). Duringinhalation, the wings of the child's nose swell widely. There will be characteristic whistling elongated exhalations, "musical" wheezing. It is caused by an obstruction in the airways that makes breathing difficult.
Duration of illness - 1-3 weeks. If it reappears within a year, it makes sense to talk about a relapse of the disease. If the symptoms torment the patient for more than two years, the doctor converts the diagnosis to chronic.

Chronic symptoms
What does "obstructive cough" mean? This is a form caused by obstruction of the respiratory tract. That is, the appearance of an obstacle in them for breathing. In the case of bronchitis, it is thick mucus, swelling, muscle spasms. Both appearances are unpleasant for a person.
The main symptoms of obstructive bronchitis are cough and shortness of breath. The first is a small amount of sputum. During an exacerbation of the disease, it is purulent or mucopurulent. Cough torments the patient not only during the day, but also at night. May be accompanied by wheezing (due to the same obstruction). In some cases, blood pressure rises and hemoptysis is observed.
Then there are difficult breaths - this is expiratory dyspnea. The patient may feel as if there is a lack of oxygen during physical exertion, respiratory failure. The severity of the disease depends on the presence of concomitant pathologies, the state of immunity.
As the chronic form of bronchitis progresses, the patient may also begin to notice the following:
- Headaches.
- Increasedfatigue.
- Increased sweating.
The nature of the cough in obstructive bronchitis is obsessive. These are seizures that significantly impair the patient's quality of life.

Diagnostic directions
The diagnosis of "obstructive bronchitis" should only be made by an experienced pulmonologist. After all, coughing and shortness of breath can also indicate two serious diseases - tuberculosis and lung cancer. To exclude them, the patient is assigned a whole range of diagnostic procedures:
- Endoscopic.
- Functional.
- X-ray.
- Laboratory.
- Physical.
Diagnostic measures
As for the physical diagnosis, the doctor notes the nature of the patient's cough, breathing, the presence of whistles and wheezing, voice trembling, decreased mobility of the lung edges. An x-ray makes it possible to exclude or identify the presence of lung diseases.
Cough medicine for obstructive bronchitis is prescribed only when the diagnosis is confirmed. For this, special procedures are carried out:
- Spirometry. This is the name of the measurement of external respiration.
- Pneumotachometry. The study of high-speed and volumetric air flows during forced and quiet breathing.
- Peakflowmetry. This is the patient's maximum forced inspiratory rate.
An important event is bronchoscopy. This is not only a diagnostic, but also a therapeutic method. The mucous membranes of the bronchi are examined, taken forsputum analysis, sanitation of the bronchial tree is carried out with the introduction of an antiseptic and the removal of a viscous secret that causes obstruction.
Laboratory diagnostics is the collection of urine and blood for tests, biochemical and immunological. The acid-base state, the gas composition of the blood is being studied. Microscopic and bacteriological examination of the collected sputum is being carried out.
According to the results of the examination, treatment is prescribed. For the most part, it is conservative, medical.

Essential Therapies
How to treat a strong cough in a child? The drugs must be prescribed by a pulmonologist. Antiviral drugs are prescribed against pathogens - Interferon, Ribavirin. If the obstruction is severe, the following will be shown:
- Mucolytic drugs. "Lazolvan", "Acetylcysteine".
- Expectorants. "ACC", "Ambroxol".
- Painkillers, antispasmodics. "No-shpa", "Papaverine".
- Broncholytics. Berodual, Salbutamol, Asthmopent.
Additional funds
How to treat a strong cough in a child? If it is obstructive in nature, then additional procedures are needed to improve sputum discharge (it causes obstruction):
- Percussion chest massage. The skin is rubbed, paying attention to the muscles of the chest, intercostal space. Then sicklies on his back and lowers his head down. The masseur at this time is percussion of the chest already from the back.
- Massage of the spinal muscles.
- Vibration chest massage. It is carried out with the help of special vibration massagers. Such an event helps to reduce inflammation.
- Breathing exercises.

Need for special medications
How to treat an obstructive cough? If the cause is a viral, bacterial disease, then the patient will be prescribed antibiotics. Usually in the following cases:
- Accession of a secondary microbial infectious disease.
- When the primary disease was caused by bacterial pathogens.
- In the absence of the effect of already used drugs.
The following antibiotics help to achieve the best effect in obstructive bronchitis:
- Macrolides. Azithromycin or erythromycin.
- Protected penicillins. Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.
In some cases, bronchodilators are also prescribed, which can improve the quality of life of patients by normalizing breathing. These drugs are:
- Xanthines. For example, "Theophylline".
- Cholinolytics. "Atrovent".
- B2-agonists. "Berotek".
If a patient has been found to have elevated levels of carbon dioxide in the blood, he is also prescribed oxygen therapy. Air treatment allowsincrease oxygen pressure. And already due to this, the activation of regenerative, oxidative, detoxification processes occurs, both the heartbeat and respiratory rate are normalized, and the patient's well-being improves in general.

Danger of disease
Since cough itself is not a disease, it cannot cause danger to the patient's life or he alth. This form of the disease, like obstructive acute bronchitis, responds well to treatment. But if the child is prone to allergic reactions, the disease can eventually turn into bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis. In some cases, the acute form smoothly flows into the chronic one.
According to statistics, in 5% of cases, bronchitis is accompanied by a secondary infection that affects the lungs. Pneumonia is diagnosed. The most common complications of chronic obstructive bronchitis occur in the following individuals:
- Smokers.
- People with diseases of the heart, kidneys, heart.
- Patients with chronically weakened immunity.
As for complications, the following is diagnosed:
- Emphysema.
- Respiratory failure.
- Cor pulmonale.
- Violation of protein metabolism in body tissues.

Risk groups
According to the same medical statistics, the following people are prone to obstructive bronchitis:
- Most prone to colds or infectious diseases.
- Suffering fromallergies.
- Passive or active smokers.
- Living in adverse environmental conditions.
- Hard workers: railway workers, miners, workers in the construction, metallurgy, agricultural industries, office workers involved in printing.
They need to most carefully take care of their immunity, lead a he althy lifestyle, try to improve working conditions. As for the secondary prevention of the disease, it is necessary to try to prevent the exacerbation of the disease. And in case of illness, timely and fully treat the studied bronchitis, follow all the doctor's recommendations.
Obstructive cough is not a disease, but a symptom. Accordingly, diagnosis, treatment consists in identifying and eliminating the cause. Aimed at combating obstructive chronic or acute bronchitis.