Blood poisoning until recently was a 100% fatal disease. Before the invention of antibiotics, it was only possible to save the life of a person who had sepsis by amputating the affected limb (if he was “lucky” with such a location). Now the chances of survival when a patient develops sepsis are much greater, but they increase even more with the earliest possible diagnosis.

What causes sepsis
Purulent microorganisms that enter the bloodstream cause the formation of toxins that cause severe poisoning of the body, known as blood poisoning. A symptom (one of the first) in this case is an increase in temperature, but it is also characteristic of a mass of other diseases, which is why the correct diagnosis is often made with a delay. It has long been clear how to treat blood poisoning with antibiotics, but they are not very useful for the body, so it is better to try to avoid sepsis.
Prevention is better than cure
Teaching parents of children to cleanliness, diligent treatment of even the smallest abrasions are aimed, among other things, at preventing such a danger as blood poisoning. A symptom in the form of a frequent pulse in parallel with a high temperature should alert anyone who has recently had a broken and not carefully treated skin cover. Disinfection of even a minor scratch is mandatory! And if the wound is deep enough, and even particles of dirt, dust, small stones, animal hair got into it, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor. It is possible to “catch” sepsis with careless sterilization of medical instruments in the event of an operation, but here one already has to believe in the conscientiousness of physicians. But the he alth of your own organs (both respiratory, genitourinary, and digestive) depends only on you and will give an additional guarantee against infection.

Signs of sepsis
Even after receiving a very small wound, it is better to carefully monitor it for some time to make sure that blood poisoning has not begun. Symptom - swelling around the injured area, which is accompanied by fever and a strong heartbeat, should make you immediately run to the hospital. If all this is accompanied by hardening of the site of injury, discoloration of the skin, rashes (perhaps even all over the body), your suspicions may begin to grow into certainties. Most likely, negligence led to trouble, and you have blood poisoning. A symptom (another one) that confirms this is swollen lymph nodes. However, the most frightening sign, if fromthe wounds begin to spread crimson "snakes". This suggests that sepsis is no longer limited to trauma, it has begun to steadily spread throughout the body, and your life is already directly dependent on the experience and speed of the doctors.
Sepsis treatment
Now that you've read how to recognize blood poisoning, we can talk about its treatment. First of all, we must remember that such a misfortune is not treated at home, by artisanal or folk methods: only in a hospital, only by doctors. And only after the necessary tests, which will clarify which bacteria caused sepsis. According to the results of studies, antibiotics are prescribed in large quantities, which are most effective against a particular pathogen. Often, a drip is required. At the same time, a thorough cleaning of the wound is carried out and necrotic tissues are removed (of course, if there is free access to the wound). To increase the body's resistance, special nutrition, vitamins, and special serums are prescribed. And only then - drugs that will weaken the harmful effects of antibiotics.

But it's better not to bring a possible disaster to such proportions. It is quite possible to carry antiseptic wet wipes in your bag to treat minor scratches and abrasions. In case of more serious injuries, you should immediately contact the clinic.