If the doctor diagnosed thrombophlebitis, you should not hesitate with treatment. The sooner the fight against the disease can be started, the better the patient's prospects will be. Modern medicine knows what approaches and medicines, activities and procedures can restore he alth in this unpleasant disease. In severe cases, surgery may be prescribed. In a word, there are many options, so the most important thing is not to give up, as soon as the diagnosis is formulated, but to take control of the situation and start a recovery program.
Basic aspects
The phlebologist can indicate the need for treatment of thrombophlebitis by conducting a set of diagnostic measures. It is the doctor who chooses which treatment program in a particular case will show the best results. The disease is quite serious, so you should not indulge in self-medication. The wrong approach can lead to complications. The most severe variant of the development of the event is pulmonary thromboembolism. This condition develops in just a few minutes, with a high degree of probability provokes a fatal outcome.
Responsibility for the treatment of thrombophlebitisfalls on the phlebologist. This is a highly specialized vein surgeon. It is he who chooses what to do if the disease of the veins of the lower extremities is established. There are three widely used approaches:
- conservative (drug);
- endoscopic;
- radical surgical.
Determine which option is appropriate in a particular case, based on the results of studies and analyzes, the patient's condition, individual characteristics, indications and contraindications, the presence of concomitant he alth disorders.
![thrombophlebitis treatment at home thrombophlebitis treatment at home](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/054/image-161316-1-j.webp)
Gentle option
The optimal scenario for the treatment of thrombophlebitis is conservative methods. If the disease proceeds in an acute form, outpatient monitoring of the patient is possible. The doctor's task is to prevent thromboembolism, stop the activity of foci of inflammation and restore he alth to the walls of the veins, strengthening the tissues that form them. Often, outpatient conservative treatment is supplemented with folk recipes. A reasonable approach would be to coordinate such treatments with a doctor so that alternative medicine does not interfere with the main course.
Conservative treatment of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities involves:
- use of special clothing or bandages to tighten limbs;
- bed rest at the time of exacerbation;
- physiotherapy;
- medicines.
Lie down in such a way that the limbs are slightly higher than the main body. Among the methods of physiotherapy have proven themselves:
- UHF;
- shock treatment;
- magnetic therapy;
- electrophoresis using blood-thinning compounds.
Drugs to help the sick
Treatment of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities involves the use of a fairly wide list of medicines. In most cases, the patient is prescribed non-hormonal agents to stop inflammatory processes. Most Popular:
- Diclofenac.
- Ketoprofen.
You can use them topically or systemically. Quite often, doctors recommend stopping at injections, as this allows you to deliver the drug directly to the affected area with minimal negative impact on other organs and tissues. To improve the result of treatment, rectal suppositories may be prescribed in combination with injections and ointments.
For symptoms of thrombophlebitis, treatment usually includes the use of rutin derivatives. Among the popular drugs worth noting:
- "Rutozid".
- Troxevasin.
- Troxerutin.
Such medicines can increase the resistance of the vascular wall, strengthen it. Inflammatory processes are inhibited.
Improvement of the patient's condition can be achieved by taking enzymes. Among the most widely used in modern medical practice, it is worth mentioning:
- "Flogenzim".
- Wobenzym.
Under the influence of the active components of the drug, blood clots gradually dissolve, swelling disappears.
For symptoms of thrombophlebitis, treatment may include the use ofto lower blood viscosity. Reopoliglyukin, Trental have proven themselves well. These medicines have a pronounced effect only if they are taken regularly, strictly in accordance with the course recommended by the doctor. At the appointment, the doctor will explain how to use the drugs, what rules to follow, what side effects to prepare for.
![lower thrombophlebitis treatment lower thrombophlebitis treatment](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/054/image-161316-2-j.webp)
What else will help?
Treatment of acute or chronic thrombophlebitis usually involves the use of heparin drugs. Recommended ointments, gels for topical use. Such funds simultaneously eliminate blood clots and stop the activity of inflamed areas, soothe tissues. Heparin ointments have a pronounced analgesic effect. Cold compresses can be used to increase effectiveness.
In some cases, a course of antimicrobials is indicated. Antibiotics are used if foci of suppuration are detected. The choice of means remains with the doctor. Self-medication with such drugs always leads to serious consequences - the vital activity of beneficial microflora is inhibited, the work of the intestinal tract is disrupted, and other negative results of unjustified intake may occur.
Treatment of vein thrombophlebitis always involves medical control of the effectiveness of the program. Pharmaceutical products prescribed by the doctor and chosen for themselves, folk remedies can cause a side effect. All formulations have contraindications that are important to consider. Wrong choice of therapeutic course with a high degree of probability provokescomplications, toxicosis, allergies. The phlebologist at the reception will help you choose the best means to eliminate the disease.
Minimally invasive methods
Treatment of deep vein thrombophlebitis is possible using a modern approach - minimally invasive therapy. This allows you to stop the symptoms of the disease, alleviate the patient's condition. If deep vein damage has not yet occurred, a minimally invasive method helps to prevent such progress of the disease. Before starting the course, you need to understand why the he alth of the veins has been lost. This will determine the most effective recovery program.
One of the most popular methods used in modern medicine is the cava filter. This is the name of the implant, installed from below into the vena cava. Treatment of thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities involves "catching" all blood clots that have formed in the blood vessels and preventing their spread throughout the body. The use of a cava filter can significantly reduce the risk of thromboembolism. The implant is installed if conservative methods have not shown results, blood thinners are ineffective or are contraindicated for the patient.
Treatment of thrombophlebitis of the extremities is possible by radiofrequency obliteration. In this case, the blood vessel is sealed a little higher in the direction of blood flow than the thrombus has formed. This allows you to prevent the detachment of the neoplasm, and therefore protects the pulmonary artery. Obliteration is performed under local anesthesia. The operation is done on an outpatient basis. A recovery period is not required. Shortly after the procedurethe patient is allowed to go home.
![thrombophlebitis home treatment thrombophlebitis home treatment](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/054/image-161316-3-j.webp)
There are many options
Treatment of deep vein thrombophlebitis of the chronic form of the disease involves a combined approach. Complex therapy includes minimally invasive techniques, conservative methods. In the absence of a pronounced effect and danger to the life of the patient, a radical intervention may be prescribed.
Endovenous coagulation is often sufficient. Through the local influence of high temperatures, vein sclerosis is performed. The vessel sticks together, the blood is independently redirected to other veins. This event does not provoke pain, immediately after its completion, the patient can leave the hospital. To minimize the negative consequences, it is recommended to use second-class compression stockings for at least a week after the intervention. After this period, compression underwear is used only during the day.
With symptoms of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, the use of sclerosants may be prescribed. Substances are injected into the affected vein under the control of special equipment to glue the vessel. The walls of the veins stick together, the blood is redirected to other ducts.
Thrombectomy is a healing method in which the surgeon makes a small incision, inserts a catheter through it into the blood vessel affected by pathological processes and removes the clot. To ensure accuracy and safety of manipulations, the entire procedure is controlled through an endoscope.
The article describes options for the treatment of thrombophlebitis. A photo of the manifestation of the disease is presented below.
![photo of the disease photo of the disease](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/054/image-161316-4-j.webp)
Treatment of thrombophlebitis through minimally invasive techniques gives a good cosmetic result. The best prognosis is in patients who have undergone events when the pathology has just begun to develop. Minimally invasive therapy involves taking medications and wearing special knitwear at the same time. Without these measures, even the most effective approaches will not have a lasting effect.
Radical intervention
In this operation, the diseased venous area is removed from the body, and the vessel is tied up. The most modern methods involve the creation of small punctures through which special instruments are inserted into the vein. This allows you to achieve minimal negative consequences for the appearance of the patient's legs, which is clearly seen from the photos presented in the portfolio of surgical clinics. Treatment of thrombophlebitis in this way is associated with minimal disruption of the integrity of he althy sections of the venous wall. At the end of the event, the therapeutic course is continued, using medicines, special knitwear. Hirudotherapy showed a good result.
To understand how radical intervention is applicable in a particular case, a special scan should be done:
- phlebographic;
- duplex.
If you can see that the thrombus is increasing, the venous duct in certain leg veins becomes smaller, you should not postpone the operation.
A rather well-proven such option is an operation according to the Troyanov-Trendelenburg method. It is indicated in the ascending form of the disease. Make smalloblique incision in the perineal region, break and connect the trunk of the saphenous vein. The surgeon processes the mouth of the vessel.
Crossectomy is a method in which work is carried out simultaneously with five orifices of the saphenous vein tributaries. Among other surgical interventions, this one is the most radical.
Stripping is a procedure carried out in one of two types: long or short. The doctor removes part of the vein. The method is relatively low-traumatic, and the cosmetic effect provided by it is rated as very good.
Microphlebectomy is another gentle method of radical surgery. A small puncture is made through which a hook is inserted into the vein, allowing the vessel to be pulled out and bandaged.
After the procedure, the doctor will explain to the patient how to continue the therapeutic course, reduce the risk of exacerbation, and prevent relapses. Re-formation of blood clots in the veins with careful observance of the received recommendations in most cases is not observed.
Antimicrobials: what will help?
Opinion is divided on such treatment measures. Some believe that antimicrobial agents do not make sense, they do more harm than good, while others actively use antibiotics in their practice. Usually they resort to this group if thrombophlebitis is accompanied by an infectious lesion. It is possible to use drugs if venous pathology is accompanied by other he alth disorders.
In the predominant percentage of cases, blood clots appear in veins affected by varicose veins. Increased blood clotting is characteristic of the recovery period after childbirth, injury, maybe explained by hypothermia. Possible thrombophlebitis on the background of a heart attack, stroke, infection, blood loss.
The initial stage of the inflammatory process is aseptic, there is no pathological microflora in the blood vessel, which means that the use of antibiotics does not make sense. Such drugs can only worsen the patient's condition, since many of them provoke increased blood clotting and can cause a blood clot, if it was not there before.
If the process is complicated by inflammation of veins not affected by varicose veins, ointments containing erythromycin are prescribed. The method is optimal if the patient has an allergic reaction to the penicillin series. In inflammatory processes, in some cases, novocaine-penicillin blockades are indicated.
![thrombophlebitis symptoms and treatment thrombophlebitis symptoms and treatment](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/054/image-161316-5-j.webp)
Septic thrombophlebitis
If the disease is advanced or the patient tried to practice the treatment of thrombophlebitis at home with folk methods, there is a risk of the stage going into a septic one. Sepsis is characteristic of a complicated form of varicose veins. Pathological microflora gains access to deep tissues, which is facilitated by non-healing areas of ulceration, violation of the integrity of the skin. The pus released at the same time melts the thrombus, through this area the infection enters the bloodstream. In such a situation, the classical treatment of thrombophlebitis does not bring results. It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner, otherwise the condition will deteriorate rapidly.
As practice shows, home treatment of thrombophlebitis is impossible,accompanied by blood poisoning. The disease is extremely difficult, without adequate and timely therapy leads to numerous complications. Perhaps the formation of phlegmon of the limbs or abscesses in the kidneys, brain, respiratory system. Signs of septic thrombophlebitis:
- chill;
- increase the activity of sweat glands;
- fever up to 39 degrees, sometimes higher;
- severe pain.
The limb in which the processes are localized looks unhe althy. Already in appearance, one can suspect severe inflammation.
Is it dangerous?
In the septic form of thrombophlebitis, treatment with folk remedies, an unsuccessfully chosen classical or complete absence of any help to the body, with a high degree of probability, leads to venous recanalization. It takes no more than a couple of months. Vessels are “walled up”, the fiber is covered with scars, the veins become insolvent. The wall thickens, the valves are subject to destructive processes. It is possible to help the patient only by carrying out a large-scale radical operation.
If purulent thrombophlebitis is detected, antimicrobials with a wide spectrum of effectiveness are used. They affect a wide variety of strains, which is especially important when blood is infected, since the process is accompanied by the penetration into the bloodstream of not one pathological life form, but a large number. Widespread use:
- "Augmentin".
- "Tetracycline".
- "Amoxicillin".
- "Doxycycline".
Although all thesemeans increase the viscosity of the blood, the benefits of them in the septic form are greater than the harm. The patient is prescribed a course of funds to adjust the quality of the blood in order to avoid additional complications. It is taken into account that ethyl alcohol neutralizes the effectiveness of antibiotics, which means that when using it, the patient will have to start the therapeutic program from the very beginning.
To stop infectious processes, it is reasonable to use antimicrobials in an injective or infiltration way. So the medicine is delivered directly to the fiber near the veins. High dosages can be used, as the drugs have a local effect. Sometimes intramuscular injection is indicated.
Only drug therapy for septic thrombophlebitis is sufficient only in a small percentage of cases. As a rule, the patient is hospitalized, the focus of suppuration is opened, and the diseased vein is excised. At the end of the initial intervention, a course of antimicrobial agents and drugs to reduce blood clotting is prescribed.
![thrombophlebitis treatment thrombophlebitis treatment](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/054/image-161316-6-j.webp)
General recommendations
In order for the veins to be in good condition, physical exercises should be practiced in the rehabilitation period after therapy, but within reasonable limits. They need to be coordinated with the treating doctor. Can recommend:
- hiking;
- swimming;
- morning exercises.
We will have to exclude heavy loads and prolonged sitting from everyday life. Compression stockings should be worn, and for sleeping, provide yourself with a place where your legs canbe always above the level of the body. After stopping infectious processes, you can supplement the therapeutic course with leeches.
Treatment of thrombophlebitis with folk remedies in addition to the main program involves, first of all, the normalization of the diet. Doctors and healers agree that for patients, foods containing fiber are most beneficial. It makes sense to include in the diet:
- cereals;
- vegetables and fruits;
- whole grain bread.
Heads of garlic, nuts, linseed oil, ginger rhizomes, peppers and hawthorn fruit will benefit. Some multivitamin and mineral complexes have a positive effect on the venous walls. It is wise to include calcium-rich foods in your diet. Proper nutrition, a complete diet rich in essential components is an important aspect of complete recovery. An equally important point is the observance of medical recommendations and the rejection of bad habits.
What is it about?
Thrombophlebitis is a disease in which inflammatory processes are localized in the walls of the veins. A thrombus forms in the lumen of the vessel. The predominant percentage of lesions occurs on the legs, but there are cases when thrombophlebitis appeared in the veins of the neck, sternum, and arms. Thrombophlebitis often refers to pathological processes localized in the superficial veins under the skin. If deep veins are affected, phlebothrombosis can be diagnosed. In inflammatory processes that are not accompanied by the formation of a blood clot, phlebitis is diagnosed.
Causes of disease:
- inflammation;
- injuries;
- slowing the speed of blood flow.
Disease symptoms:
- pain;
- heat;
- local redness;
- tightness near the vein;
- swelling of the limb.
Symptomatology becomes more intense as the pathology progresses. To confirm the diagnosis, you need to consult a doctor. The doctor will examine the patient externally and refer him for additional tests to identify all the features of the condition.
With phlebothrombosis, swelling of the limb, in which pathological processes are localized, worries. A particular danger of this type of pathology is the duration of the latent period. Sometimes people are unaware of the disease for years.
![thrombophlebitis folk treatment thrombophlebitis folk treatment](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/054/image-161316-7-j.webp)
If thrombophlebitis is accompanied by fever, cough, respiratory failure, chest pain, fever, you need to call an ambulance.