What to give a child with vomiting without fever: causes and how to treat

What to give a child with vomiting without fever: causes and how to treat
What to give a child with vomiting without fever: causes and how to treat

What to give a child with vomiting without fever? This question is relevant for parents of children of all ages. The first thing to find out is the cause of this condition. Depending on the type of disease, the appropriate treatment for a small patient should be selected.

Any cause for concern?

If vomiting is not accompanied by an increase in temperature, this is not considered a pathology in every case and may be due to some physiological age-related characteristics. But it often happens that vomiting is a symptom of a certain disease, and this condition requires medical attention.

vomiting in a child without fever what to do
vomiting in a child without fever what to do

If vomiting occurs without a temperature, the baby must be shown to a specialist. Even in the absence of other warning signs, one must understand the possible seriousness of such a situation. This is due to the fact that vomiting often acts as a symptom of serious childhood illnesses. AtIn this case, the doctor takes into account other manifestations that occur in the child.

Causes of the pathological phenomenon

To find out what to give a child with vomiting without fever, consider what can cause an illness in general. In fact, this is a protective function of the body. The reasons for its occurrence are quite diverse. There are a number of diseases that provoke vomiting without increasing the temperature and disturbing the baby's stool.

Gallbladder disease

Vomiting is often caused by biliary dyskinesia. At the same time, the child has a violation of the motility of this organ, which entails the development of stagnant processes in it. The causes of pathology include malnutrition, viral infections, damage to the body by helminths, and so on. In childhood, bile duct dyskinesia is most common. Such a disease is characterized by: vomiting (multiple or single), a taste of bitterness in the mouth, pain in the right side, nausea, headache, loss of appetite.

Diseases of the pancreas

The cause of vomiting in a child without fever may be pancreatitis. This is an inflammatory process in the tissues of the pancreas of a chronic or acute type. Symptoms of this condition are: frequent urge to vomit, pain in the abdomen, loss of appetite, whitish coating on the tongue, pallor of the skin, nausea. Diarrhea with such a disease does not always occur, but the temperature, as a rule, remains within the normal range. With this disease, vomit contains undigested food, bile is yellow. The development of yellow vomiting in a childwithout temperature due to toxic-allergic reactions, medication, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

vomiting in a child without a temperature
vomiting in a child without a temperature


This pathology in its acute form belongs to the category of the most common surgical diseases in children. The etiology includes infectious or mechanical obstruction of the appendix due to bacterial, viral diseases or as a result of fecal stones, parasites and other foreign bodies entering the appendix. Initial vomiting is not accompanied by high fever and diarrhea, however, in the later stages of the progression of the pathology, such phenomena, as a rule, occur. It is important to find out the causes of vomiting without diarrhea and temperature in a child as soon as possible.

Acetone crisis

This is a series of symptoms in various diseases caused by the accumulation of ketone bodies in the blood. Vomiting is usually repeated, strong. Other symptoms include: weakness, pallor, dehydration.

CNS diseases

When a child is a year old, vomiting without fever is quite common. In diseases of the central nervous system, the disease develops simultaneously with a headache. Most often, these symptoms occur with cerebral ischemia and hydrocephalus.

Gastroesophageal reflux

With this pathology, the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus. Vomiting is mild, the child may have a sour taste in the mouth. The symptom recurs after eating. Such a pathology can occur both in infants and in older children. Diarrhea and othersdigestive disorders are usually not observed.

vomiting temperature without diarrhea in a child causes
vomiting temperature without diarrhea in a child causes

Pylloric spasm

The condition most often occurs in newborns. This condition is caused by a spasm in which food cannot pass from the stomach cavity into the duodenum. Signs of a violation are vomiting in the baby or frequent spitting up.


In a child, nausea and vomiting without fever often occurs with gastritis. This is an inflammatory process of the inner gastric layer. With an exacerbation, the child feels dry mouth, pain in the abdomen.

Food poisoning

Vomiting in case of food poisoning is usually combined with diarrhea, but fever is not always detected. Initially, there may be no symptoms at all.

vomiting weakness in a child without fever
vomiting weakness in a child without fever

What to give a child with vomiting without fever?

As already mentioned, the first step is to find out the cause of this symptom. This requires a doctor's consultation.

Sorbents are considered the most popular and safe means used in children with vomiting. They absorb toxins and remove them, so they are most often prescribed for intestinal infections and poisoning. These products are approved for use in children of all ages:

  1. Activated charcoal is the most affordable type of enterosorbent, which is in any home first aid kit. Due to the porous structure, this agent quickly absorbs toxic compounds. dosethe drug is selected taking into account the weight of the child.
  2. what to give a child with vomiting without fever
    what to give a child with vomiting without fever
  3. White coal. The efficiency of this type of coal is somewhat higher than that of the previous one, so it can be used at a lower dosage. In addition, this medicine does not provoke constipation, but, on the contrary, its intake has a positive effect on intestinal motility. White coal is represented by tablets. How else to treat vomiting in a child without fever?
  4. "Smecta" is a medicine that is harmless to children, which not only binds toxic substances that provoke vomiting, but also envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach, protecting it from irritation. The drug is available in the form of a powder, packaged in sachets, which should be diluted with water or baby food. The only negative of the remedy is such a side effect as constipation. With such a remedy at hand, every parent knows what to do when a child vomits without fever.
  5. Enterosgel. This sorbent is produced in the form of a gel and is approved for use from birth. It can be given to babies before feeding, mixed with water or mother's milk.
  6. "Polifepan" - a drug in the form of a powder or granules containing lignin obtained from coniferous wood. This substance absorbs harmful elements and normalizes the functions of the digestive tract. The medicine can be given to children from the year.
  7. Very often, with vomiting and weakness in a child without fever, Polysorb MP is prescribed - a medical preparation based on silicon dioxide, which is able to adsorb toxins. Contents of the sachetdiluted with water and given to the child. Dosing is based on body weight.
  8. "Enterodez" - a sorbent based on povidone. A suspension is prepared from it, which can be given to children with vomiting.
  9. Filtrum STI. This lignin-based drug is produced in tablets that can be crushed and mixed with water before taking. Babies under 3 years old are given half a tablet, and a child aged 4 years or more is given a whole tablet 3 times a day.
  10. vomiting in a child without fever than to treat
    vomiting in a child without fever than to treat


What else to give a child with vomiting without fever? Before considering drugs, it is important to note certain features of their use. First of all, only a doctor should prescribe such medicines. It is unacceptable to give children medicines of such an action on their own. This is due primarily to the frequent occurrence of side effects. Since drugs in this category mainly act on the central receptors responsible for the gag reflex, they can cause dizziness, problems with vision, breathing, heart rate, drowsiness, etc.

It is equally important to know that anti-vomiting drugs will not cure the cause of this pathological phenomenon, but will only act on the symptom itself. Giving your child an antiemetic before seeing a doctor can make it much harder to diagnose and assess the nature and amount of vomit.

Review of drugs for vomiting

Antiemetics for children are:

  1. "Cerucal" is a drug whose active substance is metoclopramide, which acts on the vomiting center, blocking it. The drug is available in tablets and as a solution for intramuscular injection. It can be used from the age of 2 years. The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor.
  2. "Motilium" is a medical remedy that helps to normalize the activity of the digestive tract, therefore it is often prescribed for nausea, bloating, heartburn, colic and vomiting. It is produced in the form of tablets and suspension, which is very convenient to give to children. The active substance of the drug is domperidone, which suppresses the functions of the vomiting center. It also speeds up the transition of food from the stomach to the next sections of the digestive tract. The remedy is prescribed after 2 years. Its side effect may be increased excitability.
  3. "Riabal" - a drug whose action is aimed at blocking cholinergic receptors in the digestive tract, due to which the muscle tone decreases, and the secretion of digestive juice decreases. The medicine is prescribed for children after 6 years of age with vomiting and pain that occurs with spasms of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is produced in tablets, as well as in the form of a syrup, which is allowed to be given to children from birth.
  4. "Bromopride" is an antiemetic that acts on the brain stem and improves peristalsis. It is available in capsules and suppositories.

There are a lot of drugs to combat vomiting and other digestive disorders in children. But in order not to harm the children's body, they should be given only according to indications and recommendations.pediatrician.

the child has nausea and vomiting without fever
the child has nausea and vomiting without fever

How to feed a child after vomiting in the first days?

Except for cereals, you can use:

  • baked apples in the form of puree;
  • boiled carrots and broccoli;
  • homemade croutons or biscuits;
  • bananas;
  • boiled eggs;
  • vegetarian vegetable soups;
  • fruit jelly with starch.

Fish and meat dishes should be canceled in the first 3-4 days of illness. With good he alth, they can be included in the menu in the form of steam cutlets or meatballs. Meals should be fractional, every three to four hours. All dishes are low-fat and dietary.
