A noisy party, a lot of friends and a couple of glasses of alcohol - a situation that is probably familiar to everyone. In such an environment, a person relaxes, he communicates with people of his circle and just enjoys it. But are all the colors of such a holiday so bright? Indeed, in the morning after the party, a rainbow of emotions and fun is replaced by gray tones and a terrible headache, popularly called a hangover. But why the head hurts after alcohol, even if you drink quite a bit, let's try to figure it out.

Main causes of migraines
US scientists have been studying the hangover syndrome for a long time, or rather, the effect of alcohol on the human body. Over the years of research, they have identified two groups of causes due to which there is a temporal headache with a hangover. The first - the main group - include oxygen starvation of the cells of the cerebral cortex. It occurs because under the influence of alcohol, the formation of blood clots is observed, the function of which is to transport oxygen. And sincethis biological process is disturbed, the human brain, like other organs, does not receive the necessary nutrition. As a result - the death of cells of the cerebral cortex and headache.
It is also worth noting that the next morning in the human body there is a rejection of dead tissues. And it is this process that is to blame for the fact that the head hurts with a hangover. After all, a strong increase in intracranial pressure to remove dead cells from the body cannot go unnoticed. Therefore, when taking alcohol, it is worth remembering that the duration of a hangover and headaches depends entirely on the number of glasses drunk and the number of dead brain cells.

Indirect causes of headaches
Do not underestimate the harmful effects of alcohol on the human body. And in this case, we will not talk about addiction or consequences, we will consider only those processes that provoke the appearance of external symptoms of a hangover. And also partially answer the question of why the head hurts after alcohol.
So, let's start with the fact that, getting into the human body, alcohol-containing drinks are absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract into the blood and liver. At the same time, the latter reacts to ethanol by stopping the production of glucose, which the brain needs so much.
Secondly, drinking alcohol provokes an increase in diuretic action, which leads to dehydration in a couple of hours. In this case, a person experiences a feeling of thirst. The lack of fluid in the body disrupts the normal metabolism and supply of nutrients to the brain, due towhat a headache with a hangover.
In addition to the effects of alcohol on the human body mentioned above, we should not forget that ethanol promotes the production of acetaldehyde. And this leads to vomiting, nausea, heart palpitations, as well as migraines.
How to deal with a headache?
In order not to have to be interested in the question of which hangover pills are most effective, it is better not to drink. But, unfortunately, this solution to the problem is suitable only for a few. The rest are not stopped by severe hangover symptoms from a few glasses of champagne, beer or stronger alcoholic beverages. Therefore, it is still worthwhile to dwell on the study of medications that will help restore normal he alth in the morning after a party.

So, today, pharmacists have provided several drugs for the complex treatment of a hangover. The most famous of them are Limontar, Alkoseltzer, Zorex, Antipohmelin, R-X 1. Any of these drugs can not only relieve the external symptoms of a hangover syndrome, but also cope with intoxication of the body. In addition, it is worth noting that drugs such as Limontar can also be used for prophylactic purposes. In other words, a pill taken an hour before the feast will lead to the fact that the next day you will not have to complain that your head hurts after alcohol.
What should I do if the medicine was not purchased in advance? This is another question, but there is a very simple answer to it. Cantake advantage of the medicines that are in almost every home first aid kit. It can be either Aspirin or activated charcoal.
Treatment for dehydration
After we figured out why the head hurts after alcohol, it becomes clear that restoring the water-s alt balance helps get rid of the headache. After all, the faster the dead cells of the cerebral cortex are removed from the body, the faster the migraine will pass.

Regidron can rightly be called an ideal remedy for combating dehydration. The powder, diluted in a liter of water, has a s alty taste and quenches thirst well. If such a tool is not at hand, you can use the old reliable methods of previous generations.
Folk hangover cures
Undoubtedly, the best cure for a headache after a party is a full sleep, while the body will cope with the cleaning of toxic substances on its own. But if this is not possible and you need to urgently run, for example, to work, you should take a contrast shower.
To quench your thirst and restore the water-s alt balance will help mineral water with lemon, kefir, ginger tea, fresh citrus juice, which will also replenish the supply of potassium lost during the feast.

But our ancestors did not really think about the question of how to be treated if the head hurts after alcohol. What to do, they knew exactly - to drink sauerkraut brine orcucumbers.
If an alcoholic feast is just around the corner, you should properly prepare for it. First, purchase medicines such as Limontar, Alkoseltzer or activated charcoal at the pharmacy, as well as alkaline mineral water with lemon.
Secondly, when taking alcohol, do not neglect food, and it is better if it is fatty. This will slow down the absorption of toxins. In addition, food and alcohol-containing drinks should be washed down with plenty of fluids. For example, tomato juice.
If you follow these simple rules, you won't need to think about why your head hurts after drinking. And the symptoms of a hangover, even if they appear the next morning, will be so insignificant that they will not disturb the usual rhythm of life.