Headache with low pressure: what to do?

Headache with low pressure: what to do?
Headache with low pressure: what to do?

Lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, severe headaches - with low pressure, this condition is observed. In medical terms, this disease is called hypotension. The main symptom is a headache with low blood pressure. Moreover, the reduced pressure is in no way inferior in danger to the increased rate. What can this disease lead to and is it dangerous for a person?

Hypotension - what is it?

This condition is common in active young people and those who are underweight. With pathology, there is a headache with low pressure, weakness and drowsiness. Accordingly, these negative factors affect the quality of life.

Hypotension is a disease in which blood pressure is below normal. The pressure in the vessels decreases. Typically, in patients with hypotension, pressure indicators do not exceed 100 per 60 mm Hg. st.

severe headaches with lowpressure
severe headaches with lowpressure

Doctors classify hypotension into two types: acute and chronic.

In acute hypotension, there is a sharp drop in vascular tone. As a result, blood flow slows down, little oxygen is supplied to the brain, and a dull headache occurs.

Chronic form of hypotension is observed constantly. It does not threaten the normal functioning of the body, but it affects the quality of life.

If low blood pressure occurs in an elderly person, then perhaps we should talk about the development of ischemic stroke, which causes hypoxia of brain tissue.

Headaches, low blood pressure: causes

Chronic hypotension can be quite a normal condition for a he althy person. Moreover, most often this disease develops imperceptibly, since a person “writes off” all the symptoms for typical fatigue.

Hypotension can occur even in trained athletes, active people living in a metropolis.

This disease can be inherited. However, most often this condition is caused by such external factors:

  • constant stay in a stuffy, smoky room - lack of oxygen;
  • Sedentary lifestyle: sedentary work, ignoring sports and morning exercises;
  • headaches low blood pressure causes
    headaches low blood pressure causes
  • stress, neuroses, depression;
  • taking certain medications;
  • food or alcohol poisoning.

Usually low blood pressure occurs in young people,teenagers and people with a weak physique. Hypotension can also occur in a pregnant woman. However, after the birth of a child, blood pressure returns to normal.

Diseases you don't even know you have

Secondary hypotension can develop under the influence of infectious or other chronic diseases, namely:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • hepatitis of all types;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • GI ulcer;
  • anemia;
  • VSD;
  • heart disease;
  • allergy;
  • heart disease.

Acute hypotension can be caused by trauma, which led to a large loss of blood, as well as after suffering anaphylactic shock and severe dehydration.

Why does my head hurt?

Cephalgia (headache) appears against the background of hypotension due to vasoconstriction and a decrease in their tone. Accordingly, it affects the brain tissue. They receive less oxygen and nutrients. As a result, the cells “starve”, therefore, the functionality of some parts of the brain decreases. For this reason, the head hurts.

low blood pressure headache what to do
low blood pressure headache what to do

Headache with low pressure is also caused by the deterioration of the veins. Accordingly, the rate of outflow of venous blood, which contains carbon dioxide and toxins, decreases. Consequently, the organ of the central nervous system is poisoned by its metabolic products.

What are the symptoms?

The main sign of hypotension is cold or wet hands in a person. The patient is constantly cold, may feel chills even on a warm day in summer. Consider what symptoms occur with low blood pressure:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • apathy;
  • general weak condition;
  • constant fatigue;
  • fatigue;
  • poor performance;
  • excessive sweating;
  • excessive irritability;
  • drowsy.

Patients with hypotension are meteorologically dependent. Headache at low atmospheric pressure may also occur. Your head may hurt before the change of weather.

The acute form of hypotension is more pronounced. It usually occurs from time to time. Most often, with a sharp change in body position, low blood pressure, headaches, dizziness, darkening of the eyes and tinnitus are observed. In rare cases, loss of consciousness is possible.

low blood pressure headache nausea
low blood pressure headache nausea

Pain in the head can have a different character: arching, aching, sharp. It may appear in a certain area of the head, or it may spread diffusely. Often the pain radiates to the ear, jaw area, eyes.

What is dangerous: consequences

A sharp drop in blood pressure is a dangerous phenomenon for everyone, without exception, and not just those suffering from hypotension. A decrease in pressure can lead to loss of consciousness, coma, and even death.

Let's analyze the possible consequences of such a state:

  • Hypotonic crisis can develop against a background of nervous or physical overexertion. This state usually lasts about 10minutes. There is pain in the heart, a feeling of its fading, dizziness and lack of air. After stopping the attack for a long time, the patient has general weakness, pallor and drowsiness.
  • Shock is a critical human condition that leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the tissues and cell structures of the body. The patient's skin is cold and moist, pale mucous membranes. During the shock experienced, it darkens in the eyes, fear overcomes. If you do not call an ambulance in time, then perhaps this condition will lead to a coma.
  • Collapse is a state of the body in which blood pressure drops sharply to a critical level. Chills, weakness, shortness of breath, cyanosis are symptoms characteristic of collapse. The patient reacts poorly to light, facial features are sharpened, the pulse is difficult to feel. In this case, you will need urgent medical attention. Otherwise, coma or death.
  • Chronic cephalalgia is a condition in which a person constantly feels severe pain in the head. Accordingly, it affects the quality of life. The constant "aching" emotional and physical state of a person is exhausting. Sometimes it can cause a failure of the biochemical process in the brain.
  • low blood pressure pills for headaches
    low blood pressure pills for headaches

Hypotension greatly increases the risk of a person developing vascular thrombosis, cerebral stroke and thrombophlebitis. If a person's hypotonic condition has developed into a chronic form, then the person must constantly adhere to the doctor's recommendations.

How to get rid of?

Headacheat low pressure: what to do? This is the main question that patients often ask their doctor.

So, if the pain in the head occurs due to the influence of an external factor, then it makes sense to deal with the problem yourself. For example, the pressure dropped sharply due to a change in the weather. It is enough to drink a cup of strong coffee or sweet tea and take a walk in the park in the fresh air.

low blood pressure headaches dizziness
low blood pressure headaches dizziness

There are low blood pressure pills for headaches. Effectively helps to relieve pain "Citramon". All other drugs should be prescribed by your doctor, based on the characteristics of your condition. Treatment should be individualized and not guided by online reviews of a particular drug.

Basic pills to help overcome low blood pressure headaches:

  • "Askofen" - a drug with caffeine;
  • "Pentalgin" - increases blood pressure and reduces headaches;
  • "Gutronom" - eliminates the effects of hypotension (weakness, dizziness, drowsiness);
  • cholinolytics are substances that have a sedative property and blunt the symptomatic signs of hypotension;
  • "Regulton" - the drug leads to the activity of blood circulation and increases blood pressure;
  • Eleutherococcus extract tincture helps with chronic hypotension, restores blood flow and tones muscles.

Taking a specific drug can be a one-time and course. You should not refuse to take the medication for a long time if the attending physician prescribes.


Headache at low pressure is reduced with the help of folk remedies. It is recommended to drink green tea with honey. You can brew a decoction of lemongrass berries, mint and pink radiola.

Effectively helps heating pad filled with warm water. It must be applied to the forehead, arms, legs. You can lie down in a warm bath, after adding sea s alt or a decoction of pine needles.

If it is not possible to drink strong coffee or a pill, then you need to quickly rub your face, nose, ears and urgently go out into the fresh air.

low blood pressure headache
low blood pressure headache

Certain foods that contain vitamins C, B, B12 lead to muscle tone. So, to eliminate a headache, you need to eat a slice of lemon with sugar. Doctors even recommend drinking 20 g of red wine.

When should I call the doctor?

Pain is unbearable. Especially if a pregnant woman feels unpleasant symptoms of hypotension.

headache at low atmospheric pressure
headache at low atmospheric pressure

People who suffer from hypotension are already used to constant headaches. For this reason, they practically do not go to the doctor with this problem. However, if a person feels a severe headache for a long time, his condition is “broken”, exhausted, then an urgent need to consult a doctor. Otherwise - fainting, coma and even death.


It is generally accepted that hypotension is safer than hypertension. Patients with low blood pressure live longer. However, these are just theoretical considerations. Both hypotension and hypertension are dangerousalmost equally.

Hypotonic patients need:

  • get back to normal sleep: go to bed earlier, at least 8 hours a day;
  • alternate work and rest: when sedentary, take a break every 2 hours to exercise: squat, walk, swing your arms;
  • include in daily exercise;
  • reduce the occurrence of stressful situations: learn to solve problems calmly, and not with a storm of emotions;
  • quit smoking and other bad habits that negatively affect blood vessels.
  • prevention of hypotension
    prevention of hypotension

Remember that outdoor walks, positive emotions, proper diet are the components of your he althy state without low blood pressure and headaches. Take care!
