One of the first troubles faced by almost 70% of new parents is colic in newborns. They are associated with a functional violation of the baby's digestion. It occurs due to the immaturity of the enzymes involved in the digestion and assimilation of food. Moreover, colic in a newborn does not mean at all that the child is unhe althy. Just during this period, young parents should have more patience and strength.

In most cases, intestinal colic in newborns appears at the age of 3-4 weeks and lasts up to 3-4 months. Many parents may notice that in the late afternoon (at 17-19 o'clock) the baby begins to show anxiety, scream piercingly and loudly, and press his legs to his stomach. As a rule, all these signs are the result of pain caused by gases in the intestines of the child.
At first, colic in newborns occurs once or twice a week withduration of 15-20 minutes. Over time, they are repeated more and more often, in addition, their duration gradually increases. Ultimately, colic begins to bother the baby almost every day.

Colic in newborns what to do?
In order to alleviate the condition of the child, parents need to follow some recommendations:
- Before you start feeding, the baby must be placed on the tummy - this position contributes to a faster discharge of gases that provoke severe pain in the intestines during meals.
- When pain occurs, you can warm the tummy with an ironed warm diaper.
- At the time of an attack of intestinal colic, it is necessary to massage the child's abdomen, stroking him clockwise.
- Do not forget that if the baby takes the nipple incorrectly, he swallows air along with food or water.
- For artificial feeding, you can buy special anti-colic bottles and nipples that regulate the rate of formula delivery depending on how fast the sucking occurs.
- The whole feeding process should take place in a calm environment - without fuss and haste.
- When breastfeeding, a mother should exclude from her diet those foods that cause gas formation and fermentation. These include: tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, legumes, chocolate, milk, kvass, fresh bread, etc.
- After eating, be sure to hold the baby in a column toair trapped inside is released.
- If measures such as warming up and stroking the tummy do not help, you can use a gas tube.
- Fennel tea, which is sold in a pharmacy, or simple dill water, which you can make at home yourself, has proven itself very well. To do this, pour 5 grams of dill seeds into 100 ml of water and cook a decoction in a water bath for about 20 minutes. The resulting water must be added to 100 ml and left to brew. Give your child a few spoonfuls throughout the day.
- From synthetic products that you can be advised in a pharmacy, you can use drops of BabyCalm, Subsimplex or Espumizan suspension. But these drugs can cause allergies, so their use is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor!

When using all the above recommendations, colic in newborns can bypass your baby, or at least not cause him severe pain.