There are a number of diseases that are difficult to diagnose, and even more so to detect on your own. One such example is obesity of the pancreas. The official name is lipomatosis. In the article we will analyze the causes of this disease, its characteristic symptoms, directions for diagnosis, therapy, simple but effective preventive measures.
About hardware
Before we talk about what lipomatosis is, let's write about the gland itself. The pancreas, because it is located under the stomach. This small organ is very important for the functioning of the entire system of our body. In particular, it performs the following functions:
- Producing more digestive enzymes. It is they who help the digestion of food in the stomach, the absorption of nutrients from it.
- Secretion of hormones. This makes the pancreas an invariable participant in the body's metabolism - carbohydrate, protein and fat.
- Separately, it is worth highlighting the production of insulin. The lack of this hormone in the body provokes the developmentdiabetes.
About illness
What is lipomatosis? This refers to the obesity of the gland located under the stomach. In other words, fatty degeneration of the organ.
What exactly is meant by obesity of the pancreas? This is the replacement of damaged, dead cells that make up an organ with adipose tissue. The cells here are mainly destroyed by the inflammatory process. Damaged and weak, they can no longer perform their important functions. They die, and adipose tissue appears in their place.
Obesity of the pancreas is dangerous because the changes that occur in the body do not make themselves felt for a long time. Until the fat deposits in the pancreas grow so much that they begin to put pressure on neighboring organs. In some cases, the disease is detected by chance - during an ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

What provokes her?
But what exactly is the impetus for pancreatic obesity? Here even the opinions of experts differ. Some believe that this is a consequence of pancreatitis. Others call the genetic factor decisive.
But doctors agree that lipomatosis is inherently a secondary disease. This is the reaction of the pancreas to a negative impact. Following the instinct of self-preservation, the body tries to replace the dead cells with new ones. In this case, adipose tissue. But such surrogate cells cannot perform the functions necessary for the organ. Why is the natural reaction in this case also useless,and harmful at the same time.
Causes of disease
Now consider the main causes (more precisely, provoking factors) of lipomatosis:
- Traumatic injury to the pancreas.
- Weakening of the body's immune forces.
- A number of primary diseases: pancreatitis, hepatitis, chronic gastritis, diabetes mellitus.
- Hereditary factor.
- Age-related changes in the body.
- Uncontrolled use of drugs.
- Craving for unhe althy food - fatty, overs alted, smoked, spicy.
- Bad habits - smoking, frequent drinking.
- Tendency to be overweight.
Thus, lipomatosis is a consequence of a general metabolic disorder in the body. Not always primary diseases (pancreatitis, diabetes, and others) necessarily lead to its development - it all depends on the individual predisposition. However, statistics show that this condition is most often diagnosed in overweight people, patients who abuse alcohol.

Clinical picture
We have already noted that the symptoms of pancreatic obesity in the early stages of the disease may not appear at all. It is possible to recognize the disease here only during an ultrasound examination. Two factors leave a noticeable imprint on the clinical picture of the disease:
- Violation of the natural functioning of the pancreas.
- Compression by adipose tissue of not only he althy parts of the gland, but also neighboringorgans.
The degree of proliferation of fatty inclusions can be very different, depending on which area of the pancreas was damaged. You can talk about obesity when more than 30% of the tissues of the organ have undergone mutations.
But it is not the volume of mutant cells that is decisive in determining the severity of the disease, but their location in the organ, crowding. If fat cells accumulate in one place, it makes sense to talk about a benign formation - a lipoma. She may go unnoticed for years. But as soon as the formation begins to increase in size, compress neighboring ducts and vessels, nerve processes, signs of the disease begin to appear clearly.

Main symptoms
Can pain in the right hypochondrium after fatty foods indicate the development of lipomatosis? We list the main signs of this disease:
- Girdle pain felt in the right hypochondrium after eating (any, not necessarily even fatty).
- Periodic bloating accompanied by flatulence.
- Constant thirst.
- Appearance of small sores in the mouth.
- Periodic urge to vomit, nausea.
- Violation of the stool. Often, inclusions of blood or fat are found in the feces of the patient.
- General weakness, lethargy.
- If the disease is running, the patient begins to lose weight significantly.

Stages of the disease
Different threemain stages of lipomatosis:
- At the first stage, changes affect no more than 30% of the tissues of the organ.
- At the second stage, 30-60% of pancreatic tissues are mutant fat cells.
- At the very last stage of the disease, the body is more than 60% fat.
This state of affairs is dangerous due to the consequences, complications of the disease. It contributes to the development of endocrine pathologies, an increase in blood sugar levels. As a result, diabetes can develop. Also, the process of obesity can spread to a neighboring vital organ - the liver. And provoke the development of hepatosis.
Diagnostic measures
If you suspect even the most implicit signs of this disease, you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist. First of all, the doctor visually examines the patient, listens to his he alth complaints. Be prepared to answer the following questions:
- When did symptoms start?
- What diet do you follow?
- What chronic diseases did you have?
- Do you have bad habits?
- Have your relatives suffered from pancreatic diseases?
Then the organ is palpated. With the help of this, the doctor determines his approximate condition. But you can not do without laboratory, instrumental procedures. Preparation for ultrasound of the pancreas is mandatory. It is standard - the doctor will introduce you to all the rules and features before the procedure.

The treatment of pancreatic obesity is complex. It combines several approaches at once:
- Taking medication. In particular, these are enzyme substances, insulin.
- In some cases, with the permission of the attending physician, folk remedies are also allowed as adjuvant therapy.
- Correction of lifestyle. In particular, the establishment of a special sparing diet, fractional nutrition, a complete rejection of the use of alcoholic beverages.
- In especially severe cases (when the disease is detected in the most neglected, third degree), surgical intervention is prescribed.
The average duration of treatment is about 2 months. After this period, the doctor gives the patient a second referral for an ultrasound scan of the abdominal organs, a biochemical blood test. Six months later, the course of treatment is repeated again.
Medicated treatment
Pills for pancreatic obesity are prescribed only by your doctor. This is a serious enough disease to self-medicate it. The following medications are usually prescribed:
- "Ibuprofen". Analgesic, pain reliever. Helps to get rid of the pain syndrome that torments the patient. Replacement drugs - "No-Shpa", "Platifillin".
- "Metoclopramide". What are these pills for? The drug is able to deal with such consequences of lipomatosis as nausea and vomiting.
- "Mebeverine". This medication is designed to stop intestinal spasms.
- "Pancreatin". It is an enzymatic preparation. It contains biologically active compounds that contribute to the breakdown of nutrients - proteins, carbohydrates, fats. Thus, it contributes to normal digestion. Alternative means - "Festal" or "Mezim".
- "Loperamide". With fatty liver, patients often suffer from diarrhea, stool disorders. This medicine helps to cope with such a problem.
- Vitamin complexes. Aimed at strengthening the body's immune forces.
In some cases, the doctor prescribes insulin therapy.

Auxiliary Treatment
As an additional therapy, folk remedies are used. These are herbal infusions and decoctions. Use them only with the permission of the attending physician.
The most common decoction is based on valerian, nettle, calendula, St. John's wort. All herbs are mixed with each other in equal proportions - 10 g per cup of boiling water. Use the infusion in equal parts seven times a day.
Decoctions of mint, rosehip, chamomile, immortelle, wormwood are also used.
Also refer to physiotherapy, hirudotherapy (using leeches), spa therapy, drinking mineral waters.
In pancreatic obesity, a specific diet is indicated - No. 5. This is a special therapeutic diet. The main principle is the exclusion from the diet of extractive substances that irritateimpact on the digestive tract. These are urea, creatine, tyrosine, inosinic and glutamic acid.
The patient should eliminate the following from their diet:
- Products containing essential oils (citruses, herbs).
- Food rich in refractory fats (lamb, beef).
- Products containing a large amount of cholesterol. Eggs, cheeses, liver, sardines, shrimp, mackerel, sweet pastries, biscuits.
- Salinity, marinades, fast food, ice cream, muffins.
- Sweet carbonated drinks.
- Meat, dairy, canned fish.
Instead, stick to the following:
- Balanced fractional meals: frequent, but in small portions.
- Stop snacking before bed.
- Reduce total daily calories.
- Eating predominantly protein and carbohydrate food.
- Introduction to diet rich in fiber foods: fresh fruits, vegetables, berries. These are pears, blueberries, raspberries, apples, strawberries, beets, carrots, peas, cabbage, broccoli.
- For cooking, use methods such as stewing and boiling.

Prevention measures are simple and accessible to everyone:
- Quitting alcohol and smoking.
- Controlling your own weight.
- Rated consumption of fatty foods.
- Towards an active, he althy lifestyle.
Lipomatosis is a serious disease affecting an important organ, the pancreasgland. It is fraught with its own consequences, complications. Therefore, it is so important to carry out prevention in time, do not forget about the planned ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.