Parasites in a child: symptoms and treatment

Parasites in a child: symptoms and treatment
Parasites in a child: symptoms and treatment

With such a problem as helminthiasis, probably every second parent had to face. Parasites in a child are sometimes found even with the incredible degree of responsibility of mothers and fathers, their conscientious care of the baby. Protecting children from worms is not easy, given the carelessness of little fidgets. In addition, worms are insidious and can enter a child's body in a variety of ways.

Why do children often get worms?

Young children are much more likely to be infected with parasites than schoolchildren and adolescents. There are many ways to become infected with helminths. Worms have adapted to survive in almost any environment. Larvae of some species do not die even under the influence of high and low temperatures. Parasites feel great both in water and in soil, waiting for the right moment to find a new host. Weak children's immunity is especially vulnerable to various infections. The main thing - do not despair if parasites are found inbaby.

Symptoms of helminthiasis may be completely absent. Separate species of worms at the initial stages of their development do not declare themselves in any way until they reach the place of their intended habitat. Infection with worms in the body most often becomes known from the results of a preventive examination in a children's educational institution.

Most characteristic features

Each type of helminthiasis is characterized by a specific clinical picture. Symptoms of parasites in a child may appear atypically or not at all, but we must not forget that the worms poison the body with the products of their vital activity, which causes the development of serious complications and chronic diseases. If suddenly it became known about helminthic invasion, it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible.

signs of parasites in children
signs of parasites in children

You should definitely see a doctor if your child shows signs of parasites. In children, helminthiasis can be suspected by the following signs:

  1. Constant itching in the rectum, anus. Most representatives of the worms settle in the intestines and produce specific secretions that irritate the mucous membrane of the anus and cause severe itching.
  2. Increased salivation. This is direct evidence of the presence of parasites in a child. Most commonly seen in patients under 3 years of age.
  3. Urinary disorders (enuresis, cystitis). Such disorders occur mainly in girls. If the child has long been potty trained, but has recently begunperiodically urinate at night, it is worth considering and taking tests for worms.
  4. Bruxism. Teeth grinding is a common symptom of parasites in children.
  5. Bad dream. If the baby cannot lie down, constantly turns and does not find a comfortable position for himself, it is likely that he has worms that cause severe discomfort in the abdomen.

Children suffering from helminthiasis are sleepy, lethargic, inactive. With this disease, the child may experience a violation of the stool in the form of constipation or diarrhea. Toddlers who are able to talk about their well-being and approximately describe the symptoms indicate pain and pulling sensations in the umbilical region.

What other symptoms could there be?

Parasites in children affect appetite: some children completely refuse food, others, on the contrary, experience constant hunger, they want to eat all the time. Almost always, helminthiases of any type are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, rashes on the body. Children who have worms become irritable, capricious, whiny. Changes in their behavior are always visible to parents.

Despite the fact that the external symptoms of this infectious disease do not have characteristic differences from a number of other diseases, its appearance should alert parents. Helminthiases are often confused with poisoning, allergies, diseases of the digestive system.

parasites in the stool of a child
parasites in the stool of a child

Variety of worms

Posting photos of parasites in children would not be entirely correct from the ethical side, so let's try brieflydescribe the most common types of worms that are diagnosed in babies. All of them harm the weak and immature organism, and each to a different degree. So, what kind of parasites can children have?

  1. Ascarids. This is a subspecies of roundworms. Females can reach 40 cm in length. In addition to their large size, their rapid reproduction makes them dangerous. Such worms usually settle in the small intestine, but this does not mean that they cannot migrate through the body. Sometimes roundworms penetrate into the cavity of the respiratory, urinary organs, nasopharynx. Infection with larvae of this type of parasite occurs after eating dirty vegetables, fruits.
  2. Pinworms. Provoke enterobiasis - a disease that can be latent for a long time. Pinworms enter the body along with soil particles on food or unwashed hands, when drinking untreated water. They usually live in the large intestine. Adults, in comparison with roundworms, reach small sizes (up to 12 cm).
  3. Vlasoglavy. These roundworms are the causative agents of trichuriasis. The parasite can live in the body of a child for about 6 years. Adults can reach 5 cm. Whipworms are found only in humans. They cling tightly to the intestinal wall and absorb tissue fluid, blood.
  4. Giardia. They parasitize in the small intestine of humans, mammals and birds. They reproduce by dividing in two. In the external environment, only those parasites survive that enter the body of a child with contaminated water or food.
  5. Tape Echinococcus. Parasites are often found in childrenafter contact with animals, as they parasitize on dogs and cats. Echinococcus enters the bloodstream, and from there it spreads throughout the body, affecting the liver, lungs, and muscles.
  6. Wide ribbon. The reason for these helminths to enter the body is the consumption of raw or thermally untreated fish, caviar.
parasite prevention in children
parasite prevention in children

This is not all the helminths that can infect a child's body. Parasites can cause tremendous damage to the he alth of the baby, therefore, when diagnosing an invasion, it is necessary to start treatment immediately in order to prevent the development of serious complications.

How does infection happen?

Children, because of their curiosity, often become victims of parasites. They can enter the child's body in several ways. Most often, children become infected with worms on playgrounds with sand - it is in loose soil that helminths live. It's no secret that babies tend to put dirty hands in their mouths, chew on various toys, etc.

parasites in a child symptoms
parasites in a child symptoms

No less dangerous are contacts with four-legged animals, especially those that constantly live on the street. It is not worth letting a child uncontrollably near pets even if the animal was given antihelminthics. Also, the baby must be protected from insects: mosquitoes and flies can carry eggs of parasites on their paws.

A huge number of larvae are in water bodies, therefore, for your own safety, you can only visit proven beaches where swimming is allowedsanitary epidemiological station. Another way for infection to enter the child's body is the child's consumption of unwashed fruits and vegetables, undercooked meat, fish.

Diagnosis of helminthiases

The principle of detecting worms in children is no different from that used in the examination of adults. To make sure that worms are present in the body, it is first necessary to take feces for laboratory analysis. Parasites in children can also be present on underwear, and if parents managed to detect worms on their own, you should urgently go to the doctor. Comprehensive diagnostic measures will accurately determine the type of helminths, after which the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment.

parasites in children photo
parasites in children photo

It is unacceptable to give a child anti-worm drugs at one's own discretion, since most medicines for helminthiasis are toxic and unsafe for the child's he alth. Only a specialist will be able to choose the most suitable drugs and determine the dosage that is optimal for the age and weight of the child.

To determine the class and variety of parasites, modern medicine offers a set of studies:

  1. Fecal analysis. This is the traditional and simplest type of diagnosis, which is relatively informative. The sampling of faeces for research is carried out at home. Using a special container, the material is transferred to the laboratory for study.
  2. Scraping for enterobiasis. Manipulation allows you to detect pinworm larvae in the anus. Scraping is done witha special stick with a cotton tip, or adhesive tape.
  3. Blood test for parasites and IgG antibodies.
  4. Ultrasound. It is prescribed, as a rule, after the detection of larvae of tapeworms, roundworms in the feces. Used to visualize helminths and determine their localization.
  5. X-ray. This method is used when the presence of worms in the lungs and chest is suspected.

What tests should a child take for parasites in order to immediately determine the type of invasion? The most accurate diagnostic methods are chemical enzyme immunoassay of feces, which is carried out using a special staining substance, and polymerase chain reaction, which can clarify the type of microorganisms based on DNA.

Effective medicines for worms

To rid children of parasites, treatment must begin as early as possible. Depending on the type of invasion, the age of the small patient and his weight, the doctor will select the optimal antihelminthic drugs. The specialist will also take into account possible contraindications and the individual characteristics of the child's body. Among the anthelmintic drugs that are allowed to be used at an early age, it is worth noting the best:

  1. "Piperazine". The effect of the drug is to paralyze the neuromuscular system of helminths. Compared with a number of antihelminthic drugs, "Piperazine" is characterized by low toxicity and safety. At the same time, the medicine copes not only with worm larvae, but also with adult pinworms. Can be taken by children older than oneyear.
  2. "Pirantel". Approved for use from the age of six months. No less popular are the analogues of Nemocide, Helmintox. The drug is recommended for necatorosis, enterobiasis and ascariasis. "Pirantel" often causes side effects (nausea, skin rash, insomnia and headache). Children suffering from kidney disease, the medicine is contraindicated.
  3. Mebendazole. Can be used from the age of two. The drug perfectly removes pinworms, ascaris and trichinella from the body. Taking "Mebendazole" entails a complex of adverse reactions, and it is not allowed for use in pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, this substance can be found in a pharmacy under the trade name "Dekaris".
  4. "Albendazole". This is a broad-spectrum antihelminthic drug that is highly effective against toxocara, roundworm, giardia and other worms. Albendazole rarely causes side effects. If parasites are found in the feces of a child, the doctor may prescribe Vermox - this is an analogue of Albendazole, which can also be used from the age of two.
what parasites in children
what parasites in children

With an excessively high concentration of toxic substances that are released after the death of parasites, the body has to deal with severe intoxication, therefore, a day after taking antihelminthic drugs (most of them are used once), it is necessary to drink sorbents ("Polysorb", "Enterosgel", "Atoxil"). If the helminthic invasion has caused skin rashes, the child should be given an antihistamine ("Zodak","Cetrin", "Loratadin", "Erius"), but before that, be sure to consult a doctor.

Deworming products

Pinworms and roundworms are afraid of garlic, but since small children are not able to consume it in its pure form, it is recommended to add it to warm milk. To do this, you need to make gruel from one clove and add it to a glass of milk, which you need to drink the baby on an empty stomach. Garlic has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anthelmintic effects.

To make the helminths leave the body of a small child, it is necessary to give him fresh vegetable and fruit juices more often. Especially effective against worms are concentrates from:

  • pineapple;
  • grenade;
  • carrots;
  • spinach;
  • pumpkins;
  • beets;
  • celery.

Melon will help to cope with Giardia faster, and pumpkin seeds will help with pinworms. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with he althy products, so as not to cause food allergies.

Folk remedies

In most cases, you can get rid of worms only with the help of potent medicines. But if treatment cannot be carried out due to existing contraindications, folk remedies can be a good alternative. In addition, natural formulations are often advised to be used simultaneously with already prescribed medications.

Folk recipes have the main advantage over pharmacy drugs - the absence of side effects and contraindications, with the exception of allergies to any of the components. However, despite the relative safety of treatment,You can give folk remedies to a child only after consulting a doctor. Here are some well-known recipes for worms as an example:

  1. Enema with soda. Helminths are not able to survive in an alkaline environment. If you put an enema with soda for a week (add half a spoonful of food alkali to one glass of warm boiled water and stir until completely dissolved), he will quickly recover.
  2. Sorrel. To prepare the medicine, you will need 1 kg of fresh herbs, 1 liter of water and 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Mix all the ingredients in one container and put it on a slow fire. After the water has evaporated, remove the bowl from the stove and allow the medicine to cool. Give the child 2 tsp every day. before eating.
  3. Tincture of tansy. This remedy has been used for centuries to treat helminthiasis. To prepare the medicine, take 2 tbsp. l. dry mixture, it is poured with 1 liter of boiling water. You need to give medicine for 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. Suitable for treating a child over 3 years old.
  4. Lemon-garlic drink. The composition includes 1 liter of chilled boiled water, juice of 1 lemon, 3 tsp. minced garlic. Drinking is infused for a couple of hours, it is allowed to add honey for taste. Drink 2 tsp. before every meal.

Treatment must be taken seriously. Before using pharmacy or home remedies, be sure to consult a pediatrician so as not to harm the baby.

About the prevention of helminthiasis

In order to prevent infection with worms, it is necessary to monitor the hygiene of the child, teach him to be clean from the first months of life. From an earlyage, the baby should be aware of the importance of washing hands with soap upon returning from the street, after visiting the toilet and contact with animals, before eating.

parasites in children
parasites in children

Vegetables and fruits must be doused with boiling water before use. In addition, the prevention of parasites in children involves following simple recommendations:

  1. Cut your baby's nails regularly - they should be short so that dirt does not accumulate under them.
  2. Underwear should be changed every day and bed linen once a week.
  3. Water and wash daily.
  4. At least once a year it is necessary to take a stool test for the presence of parasites.

The child's he alth should be closely monitored in order to detect characteristic symptoms in time. Treatment of parasites in children requires qualified assistance.
