Pseudobulbar syndrome, its symptoms and treatment

Pseudobulbar syndrome, its symptoms and treatment
Pseudobulbar syndrome, its symptoms and treatment

Pseudobulbar syndrome is a dysfunction of the facial muscles as a result of damage to the central nerve pathways running from the centers of the cerebral cortex to the motor nuclei of the nerves of the medulla oblongata. There are bulbar and pseudobulbar syndromes. With bulbar syndrome, complete atrophy of the facial muscles is observed, and with pseudobulbar syndrome, reflexes of oral automatism are increased.

pseudobulbar syndrome
pseudobulbar syndrome

Bulbar and pseudobulbar syndromes. Symptoms

One of the main symptoms of diseases is a violation of the swallowing reflex. A person cannot chew food on their own. Articulation is broken. There is difficulty in speech, hoarseness of voice. Pseudobulbar syndrome is characterized by less atrophy of the muscles of the tongue and pharynx than bulbar. With this syndrome, the patient has violent laughter or crying, not associated with external stimuli. The face is like a mask, devoid of any emotion. There is also an uncontrollablesalivation. The concentration of attention decreases, which subsequently leads to a decrease in intelligence.

Pseudobulbar syndrome. Reflexes of oral automatism

bulbar and pseudobulbar syndromes
bulbar and pseudobulbar syndromes

With this disease, the following reflexes are pronounced:

  • grasping: with this reflex, a strong grasp of the object placed in the hands occurs;
  • proboscis: protrusion of the upper lip, folded into a tube, when touched;
  • sucking: this reflex is triggered by touching the corners of the mouth;
  • corneomandibular: when light hits the pupils, contralateral deviation of the lower jaw occurs;
  • palmomental: when pressing on the palm, there is a contraction of the chin muscle.

Pseudobulbar syndrome. Causes of disease

There are a lot of causes of this disease. This syndrome can be either congenital or acquired due to severe brain damage. A child can be born with it for a number of reasons. It can be a birth trauma of the brain, intrauterine transfer of encephalitis. But most often this syndrome occurs after strokes, hemorrhages in the cerebellum, brain injuries. Pseudobulbar syndrome can occur as a result of multiple sclerosis, with damage to the cerebral vessels after suffering syphilis, tuberculosis, rheumatism and lupus erythematosus. Another pseudobulbar syndrome can occur with diffuse brain damage.

pseudobulbarsyndrome treatment
pseudobulbarsyndrome treatment

Pseudobulbar syndrome. Treatment

Treatment directly depends on the stage of the disease. The sooner it is started, the greater the chance of recovery. If months or years have passed since the disease, there is practically no chance of success. Means that normalize lipid metabolism can improve the patient's condition. Also prescribe drugs that improve the chewing act. In the acute course of the disease, inpatient treatment is required, in which the patient is fed through a tube. Stem cells injected into the body give a good result.
